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Everything posted by NoFear

  1. If I have time tonight, I'll make a video.
  2. You can pretty much assume any guide using my method, wasn't discovered by them... This is not your entry level hack and I don't see many people utilizing pointers in games.
  3. If I have time, I will.
  4. For those having issues finding the wood/stone Dword 300;100;300;100:: Top 4 results should be it
  5. Thank you. I don't typically have time to type the method. Video is all I have time for. Thank you.
  6. Then scroll up and read other posts... Like the one with this video https://youtu.be/3hZJAg2Z4Ko
  7. I posted it like 3 posts ago ... https://youtu.be/YlTcZf_Xb6M
  8. Watch my video..?
  9. Please, this is not a noob friendly hack. This involves multiple pointers and navigation through memory. When you get to the endpoint, it should look the same. WATCH CLOSELY. Edit: This same concept should work with items too. Follow pointers to the item id. Then find item you want instead and replace. If video is wanted, I can try to do one. What item would be good to get instead of wood or stone?
  10. I lied... I won't be doing a video with pointers... I'm making video how to remap pointers to get gold. Video to come in the next hour.
  11. Similar. Little more complex.
  12. I'll share some useful info as to how you can take advantage of pointers in this game. Since I don't have much free time, I can at least share how to remap items to somethinv else. Using this, you could potentially remap an item to be a gold instead of xp booster or wood. Ideally, you would remap buying wood with inapp purchase of gold. Keeping it "legit" and harder to detect. Be patient as I make a video.
  13. Can buy gold with crystals... I think the only other way would be to do the same way as my crystals hack, except for gold.
  14. Is still hackable
  15. No... More like this I don't recommend editing all results. This was to show you how to find the values. 444444 is xor key for some things 1568 is key for other values. Their might be more keys for other values. On your achievements, what level achievement you are on, is xor key 1568,level 1 is 0. Level 2 is 1 etc etc etc
  16. I might look into another gold hack.... If I have time.
  17. @pajser Nice write up! I might've missed this or it wasnt mentioned, games with rotating xor key... Essentially was "near impossible", excessive amount of unknown searches and checking pairs in results for proper xor value. The addition of the xor search in GG is so amazing. Thank you for the detailed information on XOR.
  18. I can't make it any more simple... It's essentially dword search and edit with an X4 after the value. Your results will only show the xor and not the visual value.
  19. The search is simple... You need to understand xor. It's not gg you need to understand. Honestly, from the videos and explanations that myself and others have done, it is like searching a regular dword value except you put X4 after it (in most cases). I'm not going to make a video for EVERY xor'd protected game. You honestly need to think for yourself.
  20. Other aspects of the game might use it. I don't remember which. Was months ago that this list was being made of titles. Edit : did you do encrypted dword search...?
  21. Dword would be a good place to start. The games I listed in the OP, install a couple of those. Since you know they use it. That was the purpose of the list of games. You can install them and try it.
  22. The game uses deord xor (feature that was recently added to gg search). 444444 is xor key for some values. There is another xor key for like the level of your items and stuff. I can get in more details if needed. Modded apk available here : https://boards.libre.io/threads/a-girl-adrift-ver-1-345.293979/
  23. Currently working on it... Hopefully will have more complete after work.
  24. Ok ok... Sim city isn't too difficult to hack though I think to understand this search, you need to understand xor. Is a basic encryption. And knowing the key encrypts the values, essentially cripples xor. With this search you tell it how many bytes away the xor key is. This is represented by the value AFTER the X. So, if I search 500X4 I'm saying the xor key is 4bytes away (the dword value above it). So you don't even have to know the key. MOST games the XOR key will be 4 away. A few are 8bytes and then the most complex is Fire Emblem Heroes. If you use device it is X24 and emulator is X48. Then for editing, to maintain xor, type the value for edit with the correct X4 or X8 etc etc after it. You cannot choose "freeze" when doing edit, doesn't function correctly with this style edit.
  25. I'll take back my my original statement regarding your post. We got off to a bad start.
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