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  1. I have started playing Vainglory on Android. If you like League of Legends or Dota, this game is for you. Without cheats this game is super fun and you play against other people. It's 3v3 matches which I find perfect for mobile devices/tablets. I played Heroes of Order and Chaos before this and although I enjoyed that game too, I feel like Vainglory is even more polished and very smooth. The mechanics are really fun. Definitely give this one a try!
  2. I use GGuardian on all my games. Except it can't work with rolling sky! How can I hack rolling sky??
  3. View File Counter Attack Download That the magic bullet u can shot everywhere around enemy just shot him if next round I should u off and trun on to back animation sorry im late to update Submitter NdxIp Submitted 11/03/2019 Category LUA scripts  
  4. Anyone knows how use Game Guardian in the game Flick Kick Football Legends? I cannot change the money
  5. I have a big problem, I want to hack PUBG mobile on a virtual machine because I don't have root permission and I want am using a shell file .sh on Mt manager and I have used vmos pro, virtual master, f1vm, vphonegaga and PUBG mobile crashs in those virtual machine and in vphonegaga Mt manager fails to grant 777 permission to the shell file it says unable to chmod operation not permitted and when I open PUBG mobile it says com.tencent.ig was killed by tencent game protect, in the other virtual machines I am able to grant 777 permission and when I open PUBG it crashs, I think the game detects root Can someone help me how to fix this problem and what virtual machine should I use?
  6. Version 1.0.0


    I'm waiting for your feedback. I need to know if my script is working. This is a test. Video demonstration
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Password is: kriptihaxxx Best mods for zombie haters update coming soon!! Join my diacord for updates and help and more!! Discord: https://discord.gg/U4A9TfX
  8. 6,911 downloads

    Download That the magic bullet u can shot everywhere around enemy just shot him if next round I should u off and trun on to back animation sorry im late to update
  9. View File OffroadoutlawsscriptbyBeAsTMoDzv1.lua Offroad outlaws script v1 This script contains: Cash hack Gold hack Subscribe to my youtube channel *BeAsT*Modz* for more scripts like this!! Submitter Tommy626262 Submitted 05/21/2019 Category LUA scripts  
  10. View File Stickmanlegendsshadowwarscriptbybeastmodsv1.lua This script contains: Coin and level hack rewards from first mission Gems and stamina hack Submitter Tommy626262 Submitted 07/02/2019 Category LUA scripts  
  11. Name of Requested File: Pocket Planes, Tiny Tower Link To Download: Search the Google Play Store for Them (sorry i cant seem to find the website link for them, sort of new to android). Comments: I have seen Star Wars: Tiny Death Star and Pocket Trains on the site but haven't been able to find Pocket Planes or Tiny Tower files, so hopefully someone can mod them. see if you can mod the basics: Money, Paid Currency, etc. etc. etc.
  12. Can someone teach me how to hack this game? I'm still a beginner so i don't know much about this app. I tried searching the values with encrypted value option but still no luck (maybe it's because i'm doing it wrong?). I only managed to unlock the in app purchase with 3rd party app, but i still want to hack the attributes and gold. So I'd really appreciate it if any of you could help me.
  13. Name of Requested File: CSI: Hidden Crimes Link To Download: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=air.com.ubisoft.csi.HiddenCrimes Comments: Please a Hack/Mod for unlimited Energy.
  14. I started to play Grand Battle when my friend recommended me the game. When I first enter into the game, I can easily get to know how to build my army with the guide on the interface. I set my base in a square and start to set up an attack. However, I am failed at the first. But with the help of my friend, I have leveled to the 4 level. I don't think that I can write the strategy of the game since I am not very good at it. But the thing is I just want to recommend the game to you guys if you like the MMO battle games. It can be a good options. Maybe we can be alliances in the game.
  15. Hey Guys, Can anyone find a Mod for this game please. I need it so badly
  16. Version 10


    Script Free, Script Vip, Anti Banned 100% Test In Rank Ace, Kill 30+, Its Real Bro. Its Fiture Simple.. Get Full Fitures Script In My Channel Telegram 99% Anti Banned + Materials needed: - New Script Free And VIP [ Anti Banned ] - New Antiban Hosts Free And VIP [ Anti Banned ] - New Lib Free And VIP [ Anti Banned ] - Virtual For No Root [ Anti Banned ] + Everything You Need Here : Here + My Channel Telegram : Here + Recomended Gameguardian v80 Translate aja bro jika kagak paham Thank you bro.
  17. Version 0.3.1


    This is a simple script that add money in the game. It's my first script in GG. I hope you read the code and help me to make an awesome hack. About the script: This starts a fuzzy search, than you have to get a lending, pay the lending and select the add value. Video using the script:
  18. Version 2.0.0


    This script contains: Coin and level hack rewards from first mission Gems and stamina hack
  19. Name of Game: Vampire's Fall: Origins Play Store Link (If it's a paid app, the apk): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.earlymorningstudio.vampiresfall2Version: 1.0.42What cheat? Health, xp, gold...: anything. Money, xp, healthHave you tried cheating this game? What happened?: Yes. Can't find any of the values. Comments: I'm new to this and kinda dumb, idk what I'm doing. Also using a virtual space, and not a rooted device.
  20. I bought GoF2 for my son, but didn't know there was a purchase option to the game. So when I went to find out why there was $70 dollars from the play store, the story was that he was trying to get further in the game. After I hit the roof, I figured that it would be a good time to figure out how to get past that issue, hence me and Game Guardian. I have been trying to make head or tails out of the instructions that popped up on the screen, but some where I am not getting it. So where can I find a tutorial or guide to learn how to break GOF2? Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!
  21. Game is server sided I've tried lucky patcher cheat engine injecting younanme it I tried freedom.with 0 luck any one have any ideas I'm all ears.
  22. Name of Requested File: 8 Ball Pool Please d2dyno can u please make a 8 ball pool game please. I reall want it despretly
  23. Hey guys, Just thought I'd share this tidbit that I just found out: Android 4.4 will be named "KitKat". More info here: http://www.android.com/kitkat/ It's also interesting they've waited this long to make a new codename, as Jelly Bean has been from version 4.1 to 4.3.
  24. Version 1.0.0


    Offroad outlaws script v1 This script contains: Cash hack Gold hack Subscribe to my youtube channel *BeAsT*Modz* for more scripts like this!!
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