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Everything posted by NoFear

  1. NoFear

    Pokemon Quest

    If you leave the decoration shop and go back have to search again.
  2. NoFear

    Pokemon Quest

    You need to change to an id of something you don't own. So if you don't own any Pokeball, 400 to 404 would make the buy option appear again
  3. NoFear

    Pokemon Quest

    Nope. I've been doing this though for years. First with Game Genie and game shark for console (NES, N64,PS2). Very little with cheat engine then Android with sbgh then GG.
  4. Brilliant. Very useful.
  5. NoFear

    Pokemon Quest

    I am just a gg hacker, but if I see new protection methods by developers and trends, I try to think of new ways gg could make hacking easier and contact Enyby with my input. GG is the only app I never close on my phone.
  6. NoFear

    Pokemon Quest

    I would understand if this was my only time posting at that forum... It's where most of my work is posted and shared.
  7. NoFear

    Pokemon Quest

    Or, use my guide and make cooking instant complete cooking pay you instead.
  8. NoFear

    Pokemon Quest

    No worries.
  9. NoFear

    Pokemon Quest

    I'm here as gg support and basic hacking. I post full guides at sbenny because he is trying to help reduce leeching. As for me "profiting", I'm not. I only make money from hacks I sell. I use the sbcash setup as a small step to help prevent leeching. I post random help on multiple forums. Usually something that takes a considerable amount of time to hack, won't be as easily accessible to the public. I'm open to suggestions on this... I'm not trying to be difficult, but I don't think people understand how much work I put into something if these guides...
  10. NoFear

    Pokemon Quest

    You don't even have to "earn" them. Just visit the forum grants you currency. I could set to 10,000, which at that point you would need vip or spend $15 to have that many credits. My posting this way is better than not at all, right? Edit: Would it matter to you or anyone to know I spent maybe 10+ hrs trial and error on hacks, crashes, breaking my account, spending $15 and finally calling what I did "good enough". No one sees the time and work I put into these things.... You just see the end result, which is only 3 minutes of method. Which doesn't reflect what got me to that point...
  11. NoFear

    Pokemon Quest

    4 days would be the LONGEST possible time you have to wait.... Posting and doing a few things would easily get you it today. I figured that was fair enough to sbenny forum users. The sbcash thing is fairly new, I'm still learning as to what values are "fair".
  12. NoFear

    Pokemon Quest

    Whatever. @Schramx4 can down vote all he wants. At least I am sharing publicly and free...
  13. NoFear

    Pokemon Quest

    Changed to 100. Which if all you do is login and nothing else, only takes 4 days.
  14. NoFear

    Pokemon Quest

    Posted guide https://forum.sbenny.com/threads/pokémon-quest-level-100-pokemon-free-cooking-pokeball-decorations-and-hp-atk.15721/
  15. Wish I knew. He is very talented and smart.
  16. Hacked the database or something to that effect. Could modify any and all accounts. They switched servers and this service isn't offered by Mila anymore.
  17. So accounts put on hackers server transferred back to legit server?
  18. On legit server?
  19. I'm trying to, using creative methods....
  20. I am waiting for global release. No point in releasing during beta. They will fix it.
  21. Valid question. One thing to hack. It's another to do so and stay on the legit server. ?
  22. Open the script with text editor and perform everything manually.
  23. One of the daily quests, gives them as reward.
  24. Works on both
  25. The daily rewards. That each day you can claim.
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