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Everything posted by TopGEOYT

  1. i cant come in Telegram , sorry . i have 100+ new PM message . i cant ignore people , but also i cant waste time for all them , sorry . if you need something we can speak here (on this page's PM) .
  2. hmm , its not string encode or decode . it only convert to string byte . and decode will not work , im sure .
  3. nothing , its Version checker . ev is variable name which is in offline moded chunk and env for online , when he will update script , he will edit and it will give you notificarion about it . [added 2 minutes later] my reaction was WTF ? i seen that he used Revo's formula for "his" encryption , its why asked him expalining of this . but if he want he can be quiet , its his choice ♂
  4. i asked author of this script . but ok .
  5. you created this for Modify Revo's chunk but ... looks like that you use his encryption . look : function L2_26(A0_101, A1_102) local L2_103 L2_103 = 1 repeat table.insert({}, A0_101[A1_102[L2_103]][A1_102[L2_103 + 1]]) L2_103 = L2_103 + 2 until L2_103 > 20 return {} end its part of Revo's decoding formula which i found in your script . local getKey = function(j, k) local m, o = 1, {} repeat table.insert(o, j[k[m] ][k[m+1] ]) m = m + 2 until m > 20 return o end and its original . can you expalin me what is it ? do you still use Revo's encryption ? i also found Revo's Keys in your script . here is full formula , Revo_L , Revo_A , getkey and R_ .
    idk why but it have very bad raiting . in reality its best virtual space guys (forbmy device its best) . I tested all virtual . almost all not works and which works they are lagging . and its only one which is 100% working . guys try it .
  6. View File Set Mutli Password For Script Hello Guys , Today I Will Show You , How To Set Multipe Passwords For Your GG LUA Script . Its Easy , Follow My Simple Codes . Submitter TopGEOYT Submitted 09/04/2019 Category Templates  
  7. 4,848 downloads

    Hello Guys , Today I Will Show You , How To Set Multipe Passwords For Your GG LUA Script . Its Easy , Follow My Simple Codes .
  8. Its Dump Source . Its third option in official Compiler by Enyby . Also GG have this feature , see GG built in buttons .
  9. No , But if you know how to use gg.internal2 and assembler well then you will understand whats about im talking .
  10. Oh s*** , i already had fixed assembler for assemble this chunk but remove garbages like this ... . BTW this updated internal2 is defeating all encryption ,
  11. TopGEOYT

    Script compiler

    Ok , but (i think) he will ignore this question , as i told its completely absurd so . . .
  12. TopGEOYT

    Script compiler

    I think its completely absurd , because since GG is for hack games , we does not need any sounds/musics there .
  13. TopGEOYT

    Script compiler

    game gurdian doesnot have this command "gg.sound" May be you seen in modified GG(s) . In official GG here is not anything same .
  14. Its good , carry on . I dont think like this . Not you , you just clicked on checkbox in apk , my public enc , its easy to remove chunk . Just disable case where is code which crushs SSTool .
  15. Lol , SSTool . Ok , go and try to dec my enc by this . Publiced enc is easy to dec but try PAID enc . Nothinf can remove this chunk , if you dont know lua bytecode . U need to edit chunk but in my enc chunk bytes are random so it will tske days to dec small script (need much skils) . In the past when i got SSTool , i thought i was unstopable after this , but you will know soon that you (SSTool) are not nothing with modern encryption ✌
  16. Also i have question . Its just question , if u want ignore it In ur "decrypted" script , this Two dashes for start a one-line texts , its after you decrypted script ? I mean that when u remove string.dump from script , this 2 dashes was inside of script ? [added 1 minute later] Stop being like child . Its like my superman clothes are better than your spiderman clothes .
  17. Loader , sstool or any decryptor and finnally this encoded function cant be deocded by decompiler and u loged or remeber some codes and then add manually . Lol . Its like child .
  18. Haha . Noob . U think Log = Decrypt ? Log can be done by anyone . Go and tramslate what means "decryption" . U may dont know what is meaning of decryption .
  19. Lol , no . I told it about Ioexception .
    You Are First Who Did SAMP Script . May Be Its Small And Simple Script , But I Am Sure , You Will Improve It . Anyway Good Work . Keep It up !
  20. What ? I just told him that its confusing for begginer . But ok , its ur oponion . I dont care about this , u will say i am good , scamer or anything . I am just trying to help him .
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