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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/18/2024 in all areas

  1. If you mean how to do it without concatenating tables with results from separate searches for each value (and potentially significantly faster), it may be done by searching multiple values at once with range searches. The idea is to make initial search from lowest target value to highest, then N - 1 refine searches to exclude ranges of values that are between target values, so that only target values remain at the end. Below is an example implementation of this idea for your case (untested, may require minor changes if doesn't work as is). local function interpretAsInteger(double) return string.unpack("I8", string.pack("d", double)) end local function interpretAsDouble(integer) return string.unpack("d", string.pack("I8", integer)) end local function convertToString(double) return string.format("%.17g", double) end local function getNextDoubleStr(doubleValue) local intValue = interpretAsInteger(doubleValue) local nextDouble = interpretAsDouble(intValue + 1) return convertToString(nextDouble) end local function getPreviousDoubleStr(doubleValue) local intValue = interpretAsInteger(doubleValue) local previousDouble = interpretAsDouble(intValue - 1) return convertToString(previousDouble) end local function searchMultipleDoubleValues(values) if #values < 2 then return end table.sort(values) local initialSearchStr = convertToString(values[1]) .. "~" .. convertToString(values[#values]) gg.clearResults() gg.searchNumber(initialSearchStr, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE) for i = 1, #values - 1 do local excludedRangeLowerBound = getNextDoubleStr(values[i]) local excludedRangeUpperBound = getPreviousDoubleStr(values[i + 1]) local excludedRangeSearchStr = excludedRangeLowerBound .. "~" .. excludedRangeUpperBound gg.refineNumber(excludedRangeSearchStr, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE, false, gg.SIGN_NOT_EQUAL) end end local valuesToSearch = {} for value = 7, 700, 7 do valuesToSearch[#valuesToSearch + 1] = value end searchMultipleDoubleValues(valuesToSearch) local resultsCount = gg.getResultsCount() print("Found " .. resultsCount .. " results")
    1 point
  2. Yes, Bro, it happened to me before. You can rely on the Trade Harbor method It will benefit you more. It is just a problem with the game sources. Try linking your account on google play and let me know later
    1 point
  3. @NoFearIt doesn't work again. Please help. Would it be possible to do this in Cheat Engine btw?
    1 point
  4. How much time of playing to unlock that area?
    1 point
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