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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/10/2024 in all areas

  1. Mov w0, #0x1 Ret Or use hex 20008052C0035FD6 For unlock(bool)
    1 point
  2. Which game (playstore link)? Can give better directions.
    1 point
  3. [ @Nogggy ] --- Generate the game SDK by dumping it using: Magisk and use: Zygisk-Il2CppDumper module -> then find something "unlock" or "skin" from dump.cs -> take the offset, and use BadCase Toolbox or other similar tools -> paste the offset and change the value accordingly. --- Yes it's simplified.
    1 point
  4. Without checking dump or going into ida, just simple debug to find what's reading gems. Armv8 Offset: 11A6C34 Edit to B [PC,#0x80] This will skip the area that would trigger ban. Then this Offset: 113DD74 Mov w22 (large value). This is what writes value after it does a check. So you can force it to write something excessive after it checks value (I don't think you have limit since the check will never branch to ban, see attached image). You could apply this same concept to any value, just set read watch to see what is checking it, then bypass the ban. Could check dump or something to see what the offset is part of or maybe what it branches to.
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. I'm not sure if the procedure is correct or not, but I did some simple tests to show you how you can get a lower value than usual 9999999... As you can see the coins decrease or increase depending on what I change. InShot_20191017_180807319.mp4 (1).mp4
    1 point
  7. Patience..... Takes time to find how everything is stored and debugging it....
    1 point
  8. Hi@rybackhacker sorry I'm new here. You say games can hack by GG ! What is GG ? Note 4 N910C using tapatalk
    -1 points
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