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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/13/2022 in all areas

  1. View File Free games script Game in this script : -8ballpool -bulletangel -freefire -hyper front -iruna -last island -rov -Tower of fantasy -Apex -Dragon City -Hot pot - Line Ranger - CrashDrive2 - Genshin - Forward Assault -- contact -- Telegram : https://t.me/learn_lua Facebook : Avartar Icecream Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/learnlua Submitter Learn_lua Submitted 08/28/2022 Category LUA scripts  
    1 point
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Game in this script : -8 Ball Pool -Apex -Brother in arm -Bullet Angel -Codm -Dragon City -Free Fire -Foward Assault -Genshin Impact -Hot Pot -Hyper Front -Iruna -Last island -Line Ranger -ROV -Tower of fantasy -- contact -- Telegram : https://t.me/learn_lua Facebook : Avartar Icecream Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/learnlua
    1 point
  3. Sorry for late reply I didn't have wifi
    1 point
  4. local function getLibStart(lib) local ranges = gg.getRangesList(lib) if (#ranges == 0) then return nil end for i, v in ipairs(ranges) do if (v.state == "Xa") then return v.start end end end local libStart = getLibStart("libunity.so") This way your start address will always be the right one
    1 point
  5. yep. print(gg.getRangesList("libil2cpp.so")) just this.
    1 point
  6. Only words. Words are not worth anything. Let him record the video where he runs this application. Show how it works. I can also say that I have a Martian spaceship in the basement, but I can’t show it to you - the Martians will punish me.
    1 point
  7. XRecorder_13102022_222549_001.mp4
    0 points
  8. Здравствуйте у меня Rebmi 5g Андроид 12 у меня все получается скачать смог одна ошибка с этим гг так вот он жоско лагает не понятно как и пишут то что виртуалка не отвечает потом я все попробывать все потом я очистил памяти и тоже самое разрешения дать на гг и тоже самое может это из за игру я сам смог скачать виртуалка но там есть две стайт там один стайт не роботает так что этот стайт роботает а другой нет
    0 points
  9. Hahaha , Godzilla in the basement or not but after getting exposed everyone is so angry , including you and those people who had it.This is fun now , instead of lying and fooling people , you could have simply said that it's my app , it's my right to decide what to do with it.And as far as your victim app is concerned , I got it today from someone.I had to create such a mess and due to this one of my close friend became my enemy now. But , as usual you can keep denying that you shared it to some people.Just like everyone else it will also be private from me and for the world it will be like nobody has it.(Great work with pointers though )
    -1 points
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