Explanation of status bar Many have noticed the bottom of the application window line with a bunch of obscure characters. Now I will explain why this is necessary, that the symbols mean and how to use it. Let's say you see a line like this: The string consists of four parts, separated by a blank space. In version 7.3.6 and lower parts will be three, not four. So, in order, from left to right: 1. version GG. In this example, "8.0.1b". It allows you to always know the version of the application in the video, or hacking on screen. What gives? If you have another version of the GG, there may not be any functions or they may work differently. Knowing version, this is easily remedied by setting desired. 2. Status of the demon. "D: +", instead of "+" might still be "?". The issue means that running was not a demon. Whether root cause wait, or root not at all. This option is great for debugging and support. 3. Type the search. It appeared since version 8.0.0, before it was not. "S: I" - the possible options: "S: I" - the first search was for a specific number; "S: F" - the first search was fuzzy. This option allows you to answer one very simple question - Was there a boy whether to use the fuzzy search. Mainly useful for helping others, but sometimes it helps to guess on screen / video How to search start. 4. The list of regions of memory used. "R: Ch, Lh, Ca, Cd, Cb, A". It allows you to always know that in the regions selected on the video or screenshot. Accordingly, you can put in their regions in the same way. List of regions:
Ch - C ++ heap
Jh - Java heap
Ca - C ++ alloc
Cd - C ++ .data
Cb - C ++ .bss
A - Anonymous
S - Stack
O - Other
Abbreviations are simple enough to understand what is what, but you can not understand, and put at random until the status line does not coincide with the desired value. Actually all. I hope after this material you will appreciate the convenience of this innovation by following the instructions, the authors did not bother to specify which version of the GG or used regions.