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Everything posted by BadCase

  1. entering_value = false partial_value = "" function enterValue() local menu = gg.prompt({"Enter value (append ~ for partial value): "}, {partial_value}, {"number"}) if menu ~= nil then if menu[1]:find("~") then partial_value = menu[1]:sub(1, -2) entering_value = true else entering_value = false partial_value = "" gg.toast("Value of " .. menu[1] .. " is being processed...") end end end function home() if entering_value == true then enterValue() else local menu = gg.choice ({"Enter value"}) if menu ~= nil then if menu == 1 then enterValue() end end end end gg.showUiButton() while true do if gg.isClickedUiButton() then home() end gg.sleep(100) end For this solution you append a tilde ~ to your entry if it is a partial entry So 123~ submit the prompt as normal, press the [Sx] button and the prompt appears again with 123, enter the rest of your value and submit or append ~ to it again and add more to the value. If you intended to have a tilde in your entered data you can replace it with "r" or "h" or one of the hex letter values available in GG's numeric keyboard Or if you prefer I can just make a few small changes and add a checkbox to the prompt for the user to check when it is a partial entry
  2. Version 1.2.6


    New Hooking and calling methods with Il2Cpp Edits by Name Plugin This is a plugin based script aimed mainly at finding edits and creating scripts for Unity based games but can be extended via plugin to do whatever you are capable of scripting for any type of game. You can import dump.cs (Il2CppDumper) and types.cs (Il2CppInspector) files. My Il2Cpp Fields and Edit by Name scripts are included as plugins with improvements over the original scripts for making edits. You can export standalone scripts using the edits made with the plugins. Do not delete the BC_DATA directory that is created or the files inside of it and its subdirectories. Info for creating plugins: A template for creating plugins is in the downloads list with the toolbox. -- To load data from dump.cs or types.cs, user will be prompted to select a dump.cs or types.cs file if a saved json with processed dump data is not found in the scripts data directory. dumpHandler.loadDumpData() -- To make the script return to your plugins main menu instead of the scripts main menu when the floating [Sx] button is pressed. pluginManager.returnHome = true pluginManager.returnPluginTable = "yourScriptsFunctionTableHere" To make normal functionality return to the floating [Sx] button. pluginManager.returnHome = false -- Search results from the built in dump search plugins are stored in the following tables which reference dump_cs_table The tables are created upon loading the search plugin. Method results dumpSearcher.methodResults = { {1,10} } -- this would be one result referencing dump_cs_table[1].methods[10] Field results dumpSearcher.fieldResults = { {1,10} } -- this would be one result referencing dump_cs_table[1].fields[10] Enum dumpSearcher.enumResults = { {1,10} } -- this would be one result referencing dump_cs_table[1].fields[10] -- Your plugin should be based on the plugin template and have a unique function table name, there should at minimum be a function named "home" in the function table.
  3. Text can not be saved without submitting the dialog, and you would need to add a menu after submitting that asks if it is the complete text because GG will have no way of determining if it is the partial or complete text.....
  4. They updated F1VM recently, it might work for you. https://f1vm.com/
  5. View File Buriedbornes Script Ban risks are unknown, I recommend using on a fresh account. ️Free Item Shop (Open All items tab in Item Shop first) Free Bargins (Open Bargins screen first) Free Taking Items (Open Taking Item menu first) Free Jobs (Open Jobs menu first) Unlock Jobs Unlock Skins Unlock Amulets Free Corpse Market Corpse Trade-In (Trade any) Submitter BadCase Submitted 03/11/2022 Category LUA scripts  
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Ban risks are unknown, I recommend using on a fresh account. ️Free Item Shop (Open All items tab in Item Shop first) Free Bargins (Open Bargins screen first) Free Taking Items (Open Taking Item menu first) Free Jobs (Open Jobs menu first) Unlock Jobs Unlock Skins Unlock Amulets Free Corpse Market Corpse Trade-In (Trade any)
  7. View File Beat Racing Script Unlocks all songs and cars Submitter BadCase Submitted 03/09/2022 Category LUA scripts  
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Unlocks all songs and cars
  9. Import it into my Il2cpp fields script BadCase's Il2Cpp Fields (#67en4ypg)
  10. Well finally got banned after changing the Rewarded Id a few hundred times lol Here are exported edits for my il2cpp fields script Instant travel Xp boost Fix shop prices I am pretty sure these ones are safe com.action.survival.craft.rpg_Sat Mar 05 01:41:22 2022_export.json
  11. Lol, ya that would probably help, I was finding some useful ids to add, I will also make it so you can enter an id instead. I will have something posted later today or when I wake up.
  12. Yes as long as the id is valid it works, I also managed to swap the contents of resource boxes to a few different things including crystals, no ban yet
  13. Also did instant Travel and xp boost, will upload script later
  14. View File Botworld Adventure Script Free Building and Upgrades Submitter BadCase Submitted 03/03/2022 Category LUA scripts  
  15. Version 1.0.0


    Free Building and Upgrades
  16. I can tell you that if what you require can be achieved through the lua implementation that GG uses it is doubtful something additional would be added to the GG API, instead you should write a lua function that achieves your goal.
  17. View File Armed Heist Script No Bullet Damage No Explosive Damage Instant Open Crates Unlock All Mask Skins Unlock All Armor Skins Submitter BadCase Submitted 02/22/2022 Category LUA scripts  
  18. Version 1.0.0


    No Bullet Damage No Explosive Damage Instant Open Crates Unlock All Mask Skins Unlock All Armor Skins
  19. There can be multiple active instances, for example in the game from the video class name Door has an active instance for each door in the level. That being said if you have a method to filter out inactive instances it would be appreciated. Create a folder to store saved data the script creates, it can be any name anywhere GG has access to The class name was not found, try dumping the game with Il2CppDumper first and using the search option in the script to ensure you have correct class names
  20. View File BadCase's Il2Cpp Fields This script allows users to edit field offset values in instances of Il2Cpp classes by entering a class name, this means no offsets are needed. As long as class and field names are not changed in the game the edits will continue working even after a game updates. Create Edit (Enter Class Name) Here you will enter a known class name to search for instances and create an edit. Edits you create for a game are added to the main menu above this menu item. Create Edit (Search Il2CppDumper Dump) Here you can load a Il2CppDumper dump.cs and search for keywords to find class names, search for instances and create an edit. Edits you create for a game are added to the main menu above this menu item. Import Edits Here you can import edits created and exported by other users of this script. Export Edits Here you can export edits you have created to share them with other users of the script. Delete Edit Here you can delete edits for a game and remove them from the main menu. Submitter BadCase Submitted 02/07/2022 Category Tools  
  21. Version 1.1.5


    This script allows users to edit field offset values in instances of Il2Cpp classes by entering a class name, this means no offsets are needed. As long as class and field names are not changed in the game the edits will continue working even after a game updates. Create Edit (Enter Class Name) Here you will enter a known class name to search for instances and create an edit. Edits you create for a game are added to the main menu above this menu item. Create Edit (Search Il2CppDumper Dump) Here you can load a Il2CppDumper dump.cs and search for keywords to find class names, search for instances and create an edit. Edits you create for a game are added to the main menu above this menu item. Import Edits Here you can import edits created and exported by other users of this script. Export Edits Here you can export edits you have created to share them with other users of the script. Delete Edit Here you can delete edits for a game and remove them from the main menu.
  22. View File BadCase's Il2Cpp Edits By Name This script allows users to create Il2Cpp edits by method name, this means no offsets are needed. As long as method names are not changed in the game the edits will continue working even after a game updates. Create Edit Here you will enter a known method name or search for a method name and create an edit for it. Edits you create for a game are added to the main menu above this menu item. Import Edits Here you can import edits created and exported by other users of this script. Export Edits Here you can export edits you have created to share them with other users of the script. Delete Edit Here you can delete edits for a game and remove them from the main menu. Submitter BadCase Submitted 02/01/2022 Category Tools  
  23. Version 2.0.5


    This script allows users to create Il2Cpp edits by method name, this means no offsets are needed. As long as method names are not changed in the game the edits will continue working even after a game updates. Create Edit Here you will enter a known method name or search for a method name and create an edit for it. Edits you create for a game are added to the main menu above this menu item. Import Edits Here you can import edits created and exported by other users of this script. Export Edits Here you can export edits you have created to share them with other users of the script. Delete Edit Here you can delete edits for a game and remove them from the main menu.
  24. BadCase

    floating icon

    while true do if gg.isClickedUiButton() then home() end gg.sleep(100) end Here I posted as code this time, I think it did something weird when you copied it from the regular post
  25. BadCase

    floating icon

    add a while loop to the end while true do if gg.isClickedUiButton() then home() end gg.sleep(100) end
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