Wizzy2008 Posted August 1, 2023 Posted August 1, 2023 Game: Simple Sandbox 2 Can I make anti-kick in Unity games with Game Guardian? I've seen a number of hackers who can do this How they do it? Additional question: Is it possible to kick everyone without a host? I've seen the one do that too
1 Wizzy2008 Posted August 10, 2023 Author Posted August 10, 2023 3 hours ago, MAARS said: Bu kod, emülatörümde (Nox) ve fiziksel cihazımda 5 saniyeden daha kısa bir sürede alan ofsetini buluyor, sizinkinde çok fazla zaman alıyorsa bu tuhaf The code in the game is taking too long. How do I use these field offsets in the lgl menu?
0 DARK_DEMON_SCRIPTER Posted August 8, 2023 Posted August 8, 2023 On 8/1/2023 at 12:03 PM, Wizzy2008 said: Game: Simple Sandbox 2 Can I make anti-kick in Unity games with Game Guardian? I've seen a number of hackers who can do this How they do it? Additional question: Is it possible to kick everyone without a host? I've seen the one do that too U can do this with the help of game Il2cpp library
0 Wizzy2008 Posted August 8, 2023 Author Posted August 8, 2023 28 minutes ago, DARK_DEMON_SCRIPTER said: Bunu oyun Il2cpp kütüphanesinin yardımıyla yapabilirsiniz. I have dump.cs // Namespace: Photon.Pun public static class PhotonNetwork // TypeDefIndex: 9417 { // Fields private static string gameVersion; // 0x0 public static LoadBalancingClient NetworkingClient; // 0x8 public static readonly int MAX_VIEW_IDS; // 0x10 private static ServerSettings photonServerSettings; // 0x18 public static ConnectMethod ConnectMethod; // 0x20 public static PunLogLevel LogLevel; // 0x24 public static bool EnableCloseConnection; // 0x28 public static float PrecisionForVectorSynchronization; // 0x2C public static float PrecisionForQuaternionSynchronization; // 0x30 public static float PrecisionForFloatSynchronization; // 0x34 private static bool offlineMode; // 0x38 private static Room offlineModeRoom; // 0x40 private static bool automaticallySyncScene; // 0x48 private static int sendFrequency; // 0x4C private static int serializationFrequency; // 0x50 private static bool isMessageQueueRunning; // 0x54 private static double frametime; // 0x58 private static int frame; // 0x60 private static Stopwatch StartupStopwatch; // 0x68 public static float MinimalTimeScaleToDispatchInFixedUpdate; // 0x70 private static int lastUsedViewSubId; // 0x74 private static int lastUsedViewSubIdStatic; // 0x78 private static readonly HashSet<string> PrefabsWithoutMagicCallback; // 0x80 private static readonly Hashtable SendInstantiateEvHashtable; // 0x88 private static readonly RaiseEventOptions SendInstantiateRaiseEventOptions; // 0x90 private static HashSet<byte> allowedReceivingGroups; // 0x98 private static HashSet<byte> blockedSendingGroups; // 0xA0 private static HashSet<PhotonView> reusablePVHashset; // 0xA8 private static NonAllocDictionary<int, PhotonView> photonViewList; // 0xB0 private static Action<PhotonView, Player> OnOwnershipRequestEv; // 0xB8 private static Action<PhotonView, Player> OnOwnershipTransferedEv; // 0xC0 private static Action<PhotonView, Player> OnOwnershipTransferFailedEv; // 0xC8 internal static byte currentLevelPrefix; // 0xD0 internal static bool loadingLevelAndPausedNetwork; // 0xD1 private static IPunPrefabPool prefabPool; // 0xD8 public static bool UseRpcMonoBehaviourCache; // 0xE0 private static readonly Dictionary<Type, List<MethodInfo>> monoRPCMethodsCache; // 0xE8 private static Dictionary<string, int> rpcShortcuts; // 0xF0 public static bool RunRpcCoroutines; // 0xF8 private static AsyncOperation _AsyncLevelLoadingOperation; // 0x100 private static float _levelLoadingProgress; // 0x108 private static readonly Type typePunRPC; // 0x110 private static readonly Type typePhotonMessageInfo; // 0x118 private static readonly object keyByteZero; // 0x120 private static readonly object keyByteOne; // 0x128 private static readonly object keyByteTwo; // 0x130 private static readonly object keyByteThree; // 0x138 private static readonly object keyByteFour; // 0x140 private static readonly object keyByteFive; // 0x148 private static readonly object keyByteSix; // 0x150 private static readonly object keyByteSeven; // 0x158 private static readonly object keyByteEight; // 0x160 private static readonly object[] emptyObjectArray; // 0x168 private static readonly Type[] emptyTypeArray; // 0x170 internal static List<PhotonView> foundPVs; // 0x178 private static readonly Hashtable removeFilter; // 0x180 private static readonly Hashtable ServerCleanDestroyEvent; // 0x188 private static readonly RaiseEventOptions ServerCleanOptions; // 0x190 internal static RaiseEventOptions SendToAllOptions; // 0x198 internal static RaiseEventOptions SendToOthersOptions; // 0x1A0 internal static RaiseEventOptions SendToSingleOptions; // 0x1A8 private static readonly Hashtable rpcFilterByViewId; // 0x1B0 private static readonly RaiseEventOptions OpCleanRpcBufferOptions; // 0x1B8 private static Hashtable rpcEvent; // 0x1C0 private static RaiseEventOptions RpcOptionsToAll; // 0x1C8 public static int ObjectsInOneUpdate; // 0x1D0 private static readonly PhotonStream serializeStreamOut; // 0x1D8 private static readonly PhotonStream serializeStreamIn; // 0x1E0 private static RaiseEventOptions serializeRaiseEvOptions; // 0x1E8 private static readonly Dictionary<PhotonNetwork.RaiseEventBatch, PhotonNetwork.SerializeViewBatch> serializeViewBatches; // 0x1F0 private static RegionHandler _cachedRegionHandler; // 0x1F8 // Methods // RVA: 0x17F6AE8 Offset: 0x17F6AE8 VA: 0x17F6AE8 public static string get_GameVersion() { } // RVA: 0x17F6B40 Offset: 0x17F6B40 VA: 0x17F6B40 public static void set_GameVersion(string value) { } // RVA: 0x17F6C10 Offset: 0x17F6C10 VA: 0x17F6C10 public static string get_AppVersion() { } // RVA: 0x17F3058 Offset: 0x17F3058 VA: 0x17F3058 public static ServerSettings get_PhotonServerSettings() { } // RVA: 0x17F7020 Offset: 0x17F7020 VA: 0x17F7020 public static string get_ServerAddress() { } // RVA: 0x17F70C8 Offset: 0x17F70C8 VA: 0x17F70C8 public static string get_CloudRegion() { } // RVA: 0x17F7364 Offset: 0x17F7364 VA: 0x17F7364 public static string get_BestRegionSummaryInPreferences() { } // RVA: 0x17F73AC Offset: 0x17F73AC VA: 0x17F73AC internal static void set_BestRegionSummaryInPreferences(string value) { } // RVA: 0x17F7184 Offset: 0x17F7184 VA: 0x17F7184 public static bool get_IsConnected() { } // RVA: 0x17F7438 Offset: 0x17F7438 VA: 0x17F7438 public static bool get_IsConnectedAndReady() { } // RVA: 0x17F7520 Offset: 0x17F7520 VA: 0x17F7520 public static ClientState get_NetworkClientState() { } // RVA: 0x17F726C Offset: 0x17F726C VA: 0x17F726C public static ServerConnection get_Server() { } // RVA: 0x17F7620 Offset: 0x17F7620 VA: 0x17F7620 public static AuthenticationValues get_AuthValues() { } // RVA: 0x17F76A8 Offset: 0x17F76A8 VA: 0x17F76A8 public static void set_AuthValues(AuthenticationValues value) { } // RVA: 0x17F28C8 Offset: 0x17F28C8 VA: 0x17F28C8 public static Room get_CurrentRoom() { } // RVA: 0x17F7740 Offset: 0x17F7740 VA: 0x17F7740 public static Player get_LocalPlayer() { } // RVA: 0x17F77C8 Offset: 0x17F77C8 VA: 0x17F77C8 public static string get_NickName() { } // RVA: 0x17F782C Offset: 0x17F782C VA: 0x17F782C public static void set_NickName(string value) { } // RVA: 0x17F7898 Offset: 0x17F7898 VA: 0x17F7898 public static Player[] get_PlayerList() { } // RVA: 0x17F7A38 Offset: 0x17F7A38 VA: 0x17F7A38 public static Player[] get_PlayerListOthers() { } // RVA: 0x17F7C9C Offset: 0x17F7C9C VA: 0x17F7C9C public static bool get_OfflineMode() { } // RVA: 0x17F7CF4 Offset: 0x17F7CF4 VA: 0x17F7CF4 public static void set_OfflineMode(bool value) { } // RVA: 0x17F8160 Offset: 0x17F8160 VA: 0x17F8160 public static bool get_AutomaticallySyncScene() { } // RVA: 0x17F81B8 Offset: 0x17F81B8 VA: 0x17F81B8 public static void set_AutomaticallySyncScene(bool value) { } // RVA: 0x17F8258 Offset: 0x17F8258 VA: 0x17F8258 public static bool get_InLobby() { } // RVA: 0x17F3120 Offset: 0x17F3120 VA: 0x17F3120 public static int get_SendRate() { } // RVA: 0x17F82BC Offset: 0x17F82BC VA: 0x17F82BC public static void set_SendRate(int value) { } // RVA: 0x17F3180 Offset: 0x17F3180 VA: 0x17F3180 public static int get_SerializationRate() { } // RVA: 0x17F83CC Offset: 0x17F83CC VA: 0x17F83CC public static void set_SerializationRate(int value) { } // RVA: 0x17F84DC Offset: 0x17F84DC VA: 0x17F84DC public static bool get_IsMessageQueueRunning() { } // RVA: 0x17F8534 Offset: 0x17F8534 VA: 0x17F8534 public static void set_IsMessageQueueRunning(bool value) { } // RVA: 0x17F8590 Offset: 0x17F8590 VA: 0x17F8590 public static double get_Time() { } // RVA: 0x17F8660 Offset: 0x17F8660 VA: 0x17F8660 public static int get_ServerTimestamp() { } // RVA: 0x17F879C Offset: 0x17F879C VA: 0x17F879C public static void set_KeepAliveInBackground(float value) { } // RVA: 0x17F8900 Offset: 0x17F8900 VA: 0x17F8900 public static float get_KeepAliveInBackground() { } // RVA: 0x17F5568 Offset: 0x17F5568 VA: 0x17F5568 public static bool get_IsMasterClient() { } // RVA: 0x17F61F0 Offset: 0x17F61F0 VA: 0x17F61F0 public static Player get_MasterClient() { } // RVA: 0x17F8A50 Offset: 0x17F8A50 VA: 0x17F8A50 public static bool get_InRoom() { } // RVA: 0x17F8AA8 Offset: 0x17F8AA8 VA: 0x17F8AA8 public static int get_CountOfPlayersOnMaster() { } // RVA: 0x17F8B0C Offset: 0x17F8B0C VA: 0x17F8B0C public static int get_CountOfPlayersInRooms() { } // RVA: 0x17F8B70 Offset: 0x17F8B70 VA: 0x17F8B70 public static int get_CountOfPlayers() { } // RVA: 0x17F8BDC Offset: 0x17F8BDC VA: 0x17F8BDC public static int get_CountOfRooms() { } // RVA: 0x17F8C40 Offset: 0x17F8C40 VA: 0x17F8C40 public static bool get_CrcCheckEnabled() { } // RVA: 0x17F8CAC Offset: 0x17F8CAC VA: 0x17F8CAC public static void set_CrcCheckEnabled(bool value) { } // RVA: 0x17F8DD0 Offset: 0x17F8DD0 VA: 0x17F8DD0 private static void .cctor() { } // RVA: 0x17F97AC Offset: 0x17F97AC VA: 0x17F97AC private static void StaticReset() { } // RVA: 0x17F9E48 Offset: 0x17F9E48 VA: 0x17F9E48 public static bool ConnectUsingSettings() { } // RVA: 0x17F9F5C Offset: 0x17F9F5C VA: 0x17F9F5C public static bool ConnectUsingSettings(AppSettings appSettings, bool startInOfflineMode = False) { } // RVA: 0x17FA5E4 Offset: 0x17FA5E4 VA: 0x17FA5E4 public static bool ConnectToMaster(string masterServerAddress, int port, string appID) { } // RVA: 0x17FA9C4 Offset: 0x17FA9C4 VA: 0x17FA9C4 public static bool ConnectToBestCloudServer() { } // RVA: 0x17FAB98 Offset: 0x17FAB98 VA: 0x17FAB98 public static bool ConnectToRegion(string region) { } // RVA: 0x17FADC4 Offset: 0x17FADC4 VA: 0x17FADC4 public static void Disconnect() { } // RVA: 0x17FAF1C Offset: 0x17FAF1C VA: 0x17FAF1C public static bool Reconnect() { } // RVA: 0x17FB254 Offset: 0x17FB254 VA: 0x17FB254 private static bool VerifyCanUseNetwork() { } // RVA: 0x17FB2F8 Offset: 0x17FB2F8 VA: 0x17FB2F8 public static int GetPing() { } // RVA: 0x17FB364 Offset: 0x17FB364 VA: 0x17FB364 public static void SendAllOutgoingCommands() { } // RVA: 0x17FB3F4 Offset: 0x17FB3F4 VA: 0x17FB3F4 public static bool CloseConnection(Player kickPlayer) { } // RVA: 0x17FB61C Offset: 0x17FB61C VA: 0x17FB61C public static bool SetMasterClient(Player masterClientPlayer) { } // RVA: 0x17FB774 Offset: 0x17FB774 VA: 0x17FB774 public static bool JoinRandomRoom() { } // RVA: 0x17FB7D8 Offset: 0x17FB7D8 VA: 0x17FB7D8 public static bool JoinRandomRoom(Hashtable expectedCustomRoomProperties, byte expectedMaxPlayers, MatchmakingMode matchingType, TypedLobby typedLobby, string sqlLobbyFilter, string[] expectedUsers) { } // RVA: 0x17FBF14 Offset: 0x17FBF14 VA: 0x17FBF14 public static bool CreateRoom(string roomName, RoomOptions roomOptions, TypedLobby typedLobby, string[] expectedUsers) { } // RVA: 0x17FC488 Offset: 0x17FC488 VA: 0x17FC488 public static bool JoinOrCreateRoom(string roomName, RoomOptions roomOptions, TypedLobby typedLobby, string[] expectedUsers) { } // RVA: 0x17FCA48 Offset: 0x17FCA48 VA: 0x17FCA48 public static bool JoinRoom(string roomName, string[] expectedUsers) { } // RVA: 0x17FCF64 Offset: 0x17FCF64 VA: 0x17FCF64 public static bool RejoinRoom(string roomName) { } // RVA: 0x17FD3EC Offset: 0x17FD3EC VA: 0x17FD3EC public static bool ReconnectAndRejoin() { } // RVA: 0x17FD6BC Offset: 0x17FD6BC VA: 0x17FD6BC public static bool LeaveRoom(bool becomeInactive = True) { } // RVA: 0x17FBD7C Offset: 0x17FBD7C VA: 0x17FBD7C private static void EnterOfflineRoom(string roomName, RoomOptions roomOptions, bool createdRoom) { } // RVA: 0x17FD8F0 Offset: 0x17FD8F0 VA: 0x17FD8F0 public static bool JoinLobby() { } // RVA: 0x17FD940 Offset: 0x17FD940 VA: 0x17FD940 public static bool JoinLobby(TypedLobby typedLobby) { } // RVA: 0x17FD9EC Offset: 0x17FD9EC VA: 0x17FD9EC public static bool LeaveLobby() { } // RVA: 0x17FDA90 Offset: 0x17FDA90 VA: 0x17FDA90 public static bool FindFriends(string[] friendsToFind) { } // RVA: 0x17FDB48 Offset: 0x17FDB48 VA: 0x17FDB48 public static bool GetCustomRoomList(TypedLobby typedLobby, string sqlLobbyFilter) { } // RVA: 0x17FDBC4 Offset: 0x17FDBC4 VA: 0x17FDBC4 public static bool RaiseEvent(byte eventCode, object eventContent, RaiseEventOptions raiseEventOptions, SendOptions sendOptions) { } // RVA: 0x17FDE10 Offset: 0x17FDE10 VA: 0x17FDE10 private static bool RaiseEventInternal(byte eventCode, object eventContent, RaiseEventOptions raiseEventOptions, SendOptions sendOptions) { } // RVA: 0x17FDF7C Offset: 0x17FDF7C VA: 0x17FDF7C public static int AllocateViewID(int ownerId) { } // RVA: 0x17FE220 Offset: 0x17FE220 VA: 0x17FE220 public static GameObject Instantiate(string prefabName, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, byte group = 0, object[] data) { } // RVA: 0x17FEAE0 Offset: 0x17FEAE0 VA: 0x17FEAE0 public static GameObject InstantiateRoomObject(string prefabName, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, byte group = 0, object[] data) { } // RVA: 0x17FECA8 Offset: 0x17FECA8 VA: 0x17FECA8 private static GameObject NetworkInstantiate(Hashtable networkEvent, Player creator) { } // RVA: 0x17FE414 Offset: 0x17FE414 VA: 0x17FE414 private static GameObject NetworkInstantiate(InstantiateParameters parameters, bool roomObject = False, bool instantiateEvent = False) { } // RVA: 0x17FF478 Offset: 0x17FF478 VA: 0x17FF478 internal static bool SendInstantiate(InstantiateParameters parameters, bool roomObject = False) { } // RVA: 0x17FF9A4 Offset: 0x17FF9A4 VA: 0x17FF9A4 public static void Destroy(PhotonView targetView) { } // RVA: 0x180002C Offset: 0x180002C VA: 0x180002C public static void Destroy(GameObject targetGo) { } // RVA: 0x180008C Offset: 0x180008C VA: 0x180008C internal static void RPC(PhotonView view, string methodName, RpcTarget target, bool encrypt, object[] parameters) { } // RVA: 0x1800ED8 Offset: 0x1800ED8 VA: 0x1800ED8 internal static void RPC(PhotonView view, string methodName, Player targetPlayer, bool encrypt, object[] parameters) { } // RVA: 0x18010F8 Offset: 0x18010F8 VA: 0x18010F8 public static void SetInterestGroups(byte group, bool enabled) { } // RVA: 0x180154C Offset: 0x180154C VA: 0x180154C public static void LoadLevel(int levelNumber) { } // RVA: 0x18016EC Offset: 0x18016EC VA: 0x18016EC public static void LoadLevel(string levelName) { } // RVA: 0x180185C Offset: 0x180185C VA: 0x180185C public static bool WebRpc(string name, object parameters, bool sendAuthCookie = False) { } // RVA: 0x17FA4F0 Offset: 0x17FA4F0 VA: 0x17FA4F0 private static void SetupLogging() { } // RVA: 0x17F6C74 Offset: 0x17F6C74 VA: 0x17F6C74 public static void LoadOrCreateSettings(bool reload = False) { } // RVA: 0x17F4C88 Offset: 0x17F4C88 VA: 0x17F4C88 public static NonAllocDictionary.ValueIterator<int, PhotonView> get_PhotonViewCollection() { } // RVA: 0x17F54F0 Offset: 0x17F54F0 VA: 0x17F54F0 public static int get_ViewCount() { } // RVA: 0x18018E0 Offset: 0x18018E0 VA: 0x18018E0 private static void add_OnOwnershipRequestEv(Action<PhotonView, Player> value) { } // RVA: 0x18019D4 Offset: 0x18019D4 VA: 0x18019D4 private static void remove_OnOwnershipRequestEv(Action<PhotonView, Player> value) { } // RVA: 0x1801AC8 Offset: 0x1801AC8 VA: 0x1801AC8 private static void add_OnOwnershipTransferedEv(Action<PhotonView, Player> value) { } // RVA: 0x1801BBC Offset: 0x1801BBC VA: 0x1801BBC private static void remove_OnOwnershipTransferedEv(Action<PhotonView, Player> value) { } // RVA: 0x1801CB0 Offset: 0x1801CB0 VA: 0x1801CB0 private static void add_OnOwnershipTransferFailedEv(Action<PhotonView, Player> value) { } // RVA: 0x1801DA4 Offset: 0x1801DA4 VA: 0x1801DA4 private static void remove_OnOwnershipTransferFailedEv(Action<PhotonView, Player> value) { } // RVA: 0x17F31E0 Offset: 0x17F31E0 VA: 0x17F31E0 public static void AddCallbackTarget(object target) { } // RVA: 0x17F35D0 Offset: 0x17F35D0 VA: 0x17F35D0 public static void RemoveCallbackTarget(object target) { } // RVA: 0x17F9D74 Offset: 0x17F9D74 VA: 0x17F9D74 public static void set_PrefabPool(IPunPrefabPool value) { } // RVA: 0x1801E98 Offset: 0x1801E98 VA: 0x1801E98 public static float get_LevelLoadingProgress() { } // RVA: 0x17F7F64 Offset: 0x17F7F64 VA: 0x17F7F64 private static void LeftRoomCleanup() { } // RVA: 0x17F5834 Offset: 0x17F5834 VA: 0x17F5834 internal static void LocalCleanupAnythingInstantiated(bool destroyInstantiatedGameObjects) { } // RVA: 0x1801F88 Offset: 0x1801F88 VA: 0x1801F88 private static void ResetPhotonViewsOnSerialize() { } // RVA: 0x1802138 Offset: 0x1802138 VA: 0x1802138 internal static void ExecuteRpc(Hashtable rpcData, Player sender) { } // RVA: 0x1804000 Offset: 0x1804000 VA: 0x1804000 private static bool CheckTypeMatch(ParameterInfo[] methodParameters, Type[] callParameterTypes) { } // RVA: 0x18041A8 Offset: 0x18041A8 VA: 0x18041A8 public static void DestroyPlayerObjects(int playerId, bool localOnly) { } // RVA: 0x1804A08 Offset: 0x1804A08 VA: 0x1804A08 public static void DestroyAll(bool localOnly) { } // RVA: 0x17FFAA4 Offset: 0x17FFAA4 VA: 0x17FFAA4 internal static void RemoveInstantiatedGO(GameObject go, bool localOnly) { } // RVA: 0x1804C54 Offset: 0x1804C54 VA: 0x1804C54 private static void ServerCleanInstantiateAndDestroy(PhotonView photonView) { } // RVA: 0x18048F4 Offset: 0x18048F4 VA: 0x18048F4 private static void SendDestroyOfPlayer(int actorNr) { } // RVA: 0x1804B48 Offset: 0x1804B48 VA: 0x1804B48 private static void SendDestroyOfAll() { } // RVA: 0x18046C4 Offset: 0x18046C4 VA: 0x18046C4 private static void OpRemoveFromServerInstantiationsOfPlayer(int actorNr) { } // RVA: 0x18050D8 Offset: 0x18050D8 VA: 0x18050D8 internal static void RequestOwnership(int viewID, int fromOwner) { } // RVA: 0x18051C8 Offset: 0x18051C8 VA: 0x18051C8 internal static void TransferOwnership(int viewID, int playerID) { } // RVA: 0x17F56F0 Offset: 0x17F56F0 VA: 0x17F56F0 internal static void OwnershipUpdate(int[] viewOwnerPairs, int targetActor = -1) { } // RVA: 0x1804F50 Offset: 0x1804F50 VA: 0x1804F50 public static bool LocalCleanPhotonView(PhotonView view) { } // RVA: 0x1803D80 Offset: 0x1803D80 VA: 0x1803D80 public static PhotonView GetPhotonView(int viewID) { } // RVA: 0x18052B8 Offset: 0x18052B8 VA: 0x18052B8 public static void RegisterPhotonView(PhotonView netView) { } // RVA: 0x18047DC Offset: 0x18047DC VA: 0x18047DC public static void OpCleanActorRpcBuffer(int actorNumber) { } // RVA: 0x1804A78 Offset: 0x1804A78 VA: 0x1804A78 public static void OpRemoveCompleteCache() { } // RVA: 0x1804FDC Offset: 0x1804FDC VA: 0x1804FDC public static void OpCleanRpcBuffer(PhotonView view) { } // RVA: 0x1800274 Offset: 0x1800274 VA: 0x1800274 internal static void RPC(PhotonView view, string methodName, RpcTarget target, Player player, bool encrypt, object[] parameters) { } // RVA: 0x18011D4 Offset: 0x18011D4 VA: 0x18011D4 public static void SetInterestGroups(byte[] disableGroups, byte[] enableGroups) { } // RVA: 0x17F6520 Offset: 0x17F6520 VA: 0x17F6520 internal static void NewSceneLoaded() { } // RVA: 0x17F3E60 Offset: 0x17F3E60 VA: 0x17F3E60 internal static void RunViewUpdate() { } // RVA: 0x1805C2C Offset: 0x1805C2C VA: 0x1805C2C private static void SendSerializeViewBatch(PhotonNetwork.SerializeViewBatch batch) { } // RVA: 0x18055D4 Offset: 0x18055D4 VA: 0x18055D4 private static List<object> OnSerializeWrite(PhotonView view) { } // RVA: 0x1806870 Offset: 0x1806870 VA: 0x1806870 private static void OnSerializeRead(object[] data, Player sender, int networkTime, short correctPrefix) { } // RVA: 0x18065A8 Offset: 0x18065A8 VA: 0x18065A8 private static List<object> DeltaCompressionWrite(List<object> previousContent, List<object> currentContent) { } // RVA: 0x1807014 Offset: 0x1807014 VA: 0x1807014 private static object[] DeltaCompressionRead(object[] lastOnSerializeDataReceived, object[] incomingData) { } // RVA: 0x18062FC Offset: 0x18062FC VA: 0x18062FC private static bool AlmostEquals(IList<object> lastData, IList<object> currentContent) { } // RVA: 0x1807300 Offset: 0x1807300 VA: 0x1807300 private static bool AlmostEquals(object one, object two) { } // RVA: 0x17F486C Offset: 0x17F486C VA: 0x17F486C internal static void LoadLevelIfSynced() { } // RVA: 0x17F43A4 Offset: 0x17F43A4 VA: 0x17F43A4 internal static void SetLevelInPropsIfSynced(object levelId) { } // RVA: 0x18077E0 Offset: 0x18077E0 VA: 0x18077E0 private static void OnEvent(EventData photonEvent) { } // RVA: 0x18092E0 Offset: 0x18092E0 VA: 0x18092E0 private static void OnOperation(OperationResponse opResponse) { } // RVA: 0x1809534 Offset: 0x1809534 VA: 0x1809534 private static void OnClientStateChanged(ClientState previousState, ClientState state) { } // RVA: 0x1809654 Offset: 0x1809654 VA: 0x1809654 private static void OnRegionsPinged(RegionHandler regionHandler) { } } There are 2 classes related to kicking // Namespace: Photon.Pun.Demo.c****pit public class PlayerDetailsController : MonoBehaviourPunCallbacks // TypeDefIndex: 9068 { // Fields public GameObject ContentPanel; // 0x20 public PropertyCell PropertyCellPrototype; // 0x28 public Text UpdateStatusText; // 0x30 public Transform BuiltInPropertiesPanel; // 0x38 public Transform PlayerNumberingExtensionPanel; // 0x40 public Transform ScoreExtensionPanel; // 0x48 public Transform TeamExtensionPanel; // 0x50 public Transform TurnExtensionPanel; // 0x58 public Transform CustomPropertiesPanel; // 0x60 public GameObject MasterClientToolBar; // 0x68 public GameObject NotInRoomLabel; // 0x70 private Dictionary<string, PropertyCell> builtInPropsCellList; // 0x78 private Player _player; // 0x80 // Methods // RVA: 0x181A158 Offset: 0x181A158 VA: 0x181A158 private void Awake() { } // RVA: 0x181A184 Offset: 0x181A184 VA: 0x181A184 Slot: 28 public override void OnEnable() { } // RVA: 0x181A25C Offset: 0x181A25C VA: 0x181A25C Slot: 29 public override void OnDisable() { } // RVA: 0x181704C Offset: 0x181704C VA: 0x181704C public void SetPlayerTarget(Player player) { } // RVA: 0x181A8F8 Offset: 0x181A8F8 VA: 0x181A8F8 private void AddProperty(string property, string value, Transform parent) { } // RVA: 0x181A79C Offset: 0x181A79C VA: 0x181A79C private string ParseKey(object key) { } // RVA: 0x181AB04 Offset: 0x181AB04 VA: 0x181AB04 public void KickOutPlayer() { } // RVA: 0x181AB60 Offset: 0x181AB60 VA: 0x181AB60 public void SetAsMaster() { } // RVA: 0x181ABBC Offset: 0x181ABBC VA: 0x181ABBC Slot: 43 public override void OnPlayerLeftRoom(Player otherPlayer) { } // RVA: 0x181AC10 Offset: 0x181AC10 VA: 0x181AC10 Slot: 32 public override void OnMasterClientSwitched(Player newMasterClient) { } // RVA: 0x181AC3C Offset: 0x181AC3C VA: 0x181AC3C Slot: 47 public override void OnPlayerPropertiesUpdate(Player target, Hashtable changedProps) { } // RVA: 0x181AF84 Offset: 0x181AF84 VA: 0x181AF84 private void OnPlayerNumberingChanged() { } // RVA: 0x181B078 Offset: 0x181B078 VA: 0x181B078 private IEnumerator UpdateUIPing() { } // RVA: 0x181A2E8 Offset: 0x181A2E8 VA: 0x181A2E8 public void ResetList() { } // RVA: 0x181A514 Offset: 0x181A514 VA: 0x181A514 private Hashtable GetAllPlayerBuiltIntProperties() { } // RVA: 0x181B114 Offset: 0x181B114 VA: 0x181B114 public void .ctor() { } } How do I turn off the kick? By the way, the game does not contain any protection
0 MAARS Posted August 9, 2023 Posted August 9, 2023 12 hours ago, Wizzy2008 said: I have dump.cs // Namespace: Photon.Pun public static class PhotonNetwork // TypeDefIndex: 9417 { // Fields private static string gameVersion; // 0x0 public static LoadBalancingClient NetworkingClient; // 0x8 public static readonly int MAX_VIEW_IDS; // 0x10 private static ServerSettings photonServerSettings; // 0x18 public static ConnectMethod ConnectMethod; // 0x20 public static PunLogLevel LogLevel; // 0x24 public static bool EnableCloseConnection; // 0x28 public static float PrecisionForVectorSynchronization; // 0x2C public static float PrecisionForQuaternionSynchronization; // 0x30 public static float PrecisionForFloatSynchronization; // 0x34 private static bool offlineMode; // 0x38 private static Room offlineModeRoom; // 0x40 private static bool automaticallySyncScene; // 0x48 private static int sendFrequency; // 0x4C private static int serializationFrequency; // 0x50 private static bool isMessageQueueRunning; // 0x54 private static double frametime; // 0x58 private static int frame; // 0x60 private static Stopwatch StartupStopwatch; // 0x68 public static float MinimalTimeScaleToDispatchInFixedUpdate; // 0x70 private static int lastUsedViewSubId; // 0x74 private static int lastUsedViewSubIdStatic; // 0x78 private static readonly HashSet<string> PrefabsWithoutMagicCallback; // 0x80 private static readonly Hashtable SendInstantiateEvHashtable; // 0x88 private static readonly RaiseEventOptions SendInstantiateRaiseEventOptions; // 0x90 private static HashSet<byte> allowedReceivingGroups; // 0x98 private static HashSet<byte> blockedSendingGroups; // 0xA0 private static HashSet<PhotonView> reusablePVHashset; // 0xA8 private static NonAllocDictionary<int, PhotonView> photonViewList; // 0xB0 private static Action<PhotonView, Player> OnOwnershipRequestEv; // 0xB8 private static Action<PhotonView, Player> OnOwnershipTransferedEv; // 0xC0 private static Action<PhotonView, Player> OnOwnershipTransferFailedEv; // 0xC8 internal static byte currentLevelPrefix; // 0xD0 internal static bool loadingLevelAndPausedNetwork; // 0xD1 private static IPunPrefabPool prefabPool; // 0xD8 public static bool UseRpcMonoBehaviourCache; // 0xE0 private static readonly Dictionary<Type, List<MethodInfo>> monoRPCMethodsCache; // 0xE8 private static Dictionary<string, int> rpcShortcuts; // 0xF0 public static bool RunRpcCoroutines; // 0xF8 private static AsyncOperation _AsyncLevelLoadingOperation; // 0x100 private static float _levelLoadingProgress; // 0x108 private static readonly Type typePunRPC; // 0x110 private static readonly Type typePhotonMessageInfo; // 0x118 private static readonly object keyByteZero; // 0x120 private static readonly object keyByteOne; // 0x128 private static readonly object keyByteTwo; // 0x130 private static readonly object keyByteThree; // 0x138 private static readonly object keyByteFour; // 0x140 private static readonly object keyByteFive; // 0x148 private static readonly object keyByteSix; // 0x150 private static readonly object keyByteSeven; // 0x158 private static readonly object keyByteEight; // 0x160 private static readonly object[] emptyObjectArray; // 0x168 private static readonly Type[] emptyTypeArray; // 0x170 internal static List<PhotonView> foundPVs; // 0x178 private static readonly Hashtable removeFilter; // 0x180 private static readonly Hashtable ServerCleanDestroyEvent; // 0x188 private static readonly RaiseEventOptions ServerCleanOptions; // 0x190 internal static RaiseEventOptions SendToAllOptions; // 0x198 internal static RaiseEventOptions SendToOthersOptions; // 0x1A0 internal static RaiseEventOptions SendToSingleOptions; // 0x1A8 private static readonly Hashtable rpcFilterByViewId; // 0x1B0 private static readonly RaiseEventOptions OpCleanRpcBufferOptions; // 0x1B8 private static Hashtable rpcEvent; // 0x1C0 private static RaiseEventOptions RpcOptionsToAll; // 0x1C8 public static int ObjectsInOneUpdate; // 0x1D0 private static readonly PhotonStream serializeStreamOut; // 0x1D8 private static readonly PhotonStream serializeStreamIn; // 0x1E0 private static RaiseEventOptions serializeRaiseEvOptions; // 0x1E8 private static readonly Dictionary<PhotonNetwork.RaiseEventBatch, PhotonNetwork.SerializeViewBatch> serializeViewBatches; // 0x1F0 private static RegionHandler _cachedRegionHandler; // 0x1F8 // Methods // RVA: 0x17F6AE8 Offset: 0x17F6AE8 VA: 0x17F6AE8 public static string get_GameVersion() { } // RVA: 0x17F6B40 Offset: 0x17F6B40 VA: 0x17F6B40 public static void set_GameVersion(string value) { } // RVA: 0x17F6C10 Offset: 0x17F6C10 VA: 0x17F6C10 public static string get_AppVersion() { } // RVA: 0x17F3058 Offset: 0x17F3058 VA: 0x17F3058 public static ServerSettings get_PhotonServerSettings() { } // RVA: 0x17F7020 Offset: 0x17F7020 VA: 0x17F7020 public static string get_ServerAddress() { } // RVA: 0x17F70C8 Offset: 0x17F70C8 VA: 0x17F70C8 public static string get_CloudRegion() { } // RVA: 0x17F7364 Offset: 0x17F7364 VA: 0x17F7364 public static string get_BestRegionSummaryInPreferences() { } // RVA: 0x17F73AC Offset: 0x17F73AC VA: 0x17F73AC internal static void set_BestRegionSummaryInPreferences(string value) { } // RVA: 0x17F7184 Offset: 0x17F7184 VA: 0x17F7184 public static bool get_IsConnected() { } // RVA: 0x17F7438 Offset: 0x17F7438 VA: 0x17F7438 public static bool get_IsConnectedAndReady() { } // RVA: 0x17F7520 Offset: 0x17F7520 VA: 0x17F7520 public static ClientState get_NetworkClientState() { } // RVA: 0x17F726C Offset: 0x17F726C VA: 0x17F726C public static ServerConnection get_Server() { } // RVA: 0x17F7620 Offset: 0x17F7620 VA: 0x17F7620 public static AuthenticationValues get_AuthValues() { } // RVA: 0x17F76A8 Offset: 0x17F76A8 VA: 0x17F76A8 public static void set_AuthValues(AuthenticationValues value) { } // RVA: 0x17F28C8 Offset: 0x17F28C8 VA: 0x17F28C8 public static Room get_CurrentRoom() { } // RVA: 0x17F7740 Offset: 0x17F7740 VA: 0x17F7740 public static Player get_LocalPlayer() { } // RVA: 0x17F77C8 Offset: 0x17F77C8 VA: 0x17F77C8 public static string get_NickName() { } // RVA: 0x17F782C Offset: 0x17F782C VA: 0x17F782C public static void set_NickName(string value) { } // RVA: 0x17F7898 Offset: 0x17F7898 VA: 0x17F7898 public static Player[] get_PlayerList() { } // RVA: 0x17F7A38 Offset: 0x17F7A38 VA: 0x17F7A38 public static Player[] get_PlayerListOthers() { } // RVA: 0x17F7C9C Offset: 0x17F7C9C VA: 0x17F7C9C public static bool get_OfflineMode() { } // RVA: 0x17F7CF4 Offset: 0x17F7CF4 VA: 0x17F7CF4 public static void set_OfflineMode(bool value) { } // RVA: 0x17F8160 Offset: 0x17F8160 VA: 0x17F8160 public static bool get_AutomaticallySyncScene() { } // RVA: 0x17F81B8 Offset: 0x17F81B8 VA: 0x17F81B8 public static void set_AutomaticallySyncScene(bool value) { } // RVA: 0x17F8258 Offset: 0x17F8258 VA: 0x17F8258 public static bool get_InLobby() { } // RVA: 0x17F3120 Offset: 0x17F3120 VA: 0x17F3120 public static int get_SendRate() { } // RVA: 0x17F82BC Offset: 0x17F82BC VA: 0x17F82BC public static void set_SendRate(int value) { } // RVA: 0x17F3180 Offset: 0x17F3180 VA: 0x17F3180 public static int get_SerializationRate() { } // RVA: 0x17F83CC Offset: 0x17F83CC VA: 0x17F83CC public static void set_SerializationRate(int value) { } // RVA: 0x17F84DC Offset: 0x17F84DC VA: 0x17F84DC public static bool get_IsMessageQueueRunning() { } // RVA: 0x17F8534 Offset: 0x17F8534 VA: 0x17F8534 public static void set_IsMessageQueueRunning(bool value) { } // RVA: 0x17F8590 Offset: 0x17F8590 VA: 0x17F8590 public static double get_Time() { } // RVA: 0x17F8660 Offset: 0x17F8660 VA: 0x17F8660 public static int get_ServerTimestamp() { } // RVA: 0x17F879C Offset: 0x17F879C VA: 0x17F879C public static void set_KeepAliveInBackground(float value) { } // RVA: 0x17F8900 Offset: 0x17F8900 VA: 0x17F8900 public static float get_KeepAliveInBackground() { } // RVA: 0x17F5568 Offset: 0x17F5568 VA: 0x17F5568 public static bool get_IsMasterClient() { } // RVA: 0x17F61F0 Offset: 0x17F61F0 VA: 0x17F61F0 public static Player get_MasterClient() { } // RVA: 0x17F8A50 Offset: 0x17F8A50 VA: 0x17F8A50 public static bool get_InRoom() { } // RVA: 0x17F8AA8 Offset: 0x17F8AA8 VA: 0x17F8AA8 public static int get_CountOfPlayersOnMaster() { } // RVA: 0x17F8B0C Offset: 0x17F8B0C VA: 0x17F8B0C public static int get_CountOfPlayersInRooms() { } // RVA: 0x17F8B70 Offset: 0x17F8B70 VA: 0x17F8B70 public static int get_CountOfPlayers() { } // RVA: 0x17F8BDC Offset: 0x17F8BDC VA: 0x17F8BDC public static int get_CountOfRooms() { } // RVA: 0x17F8C40 Offset: 0x17F8C40 VA: 0x17F8C40 public static bool get_CrcCheckEnabled() { } // RVA: 0x17F8CAC Offset: 0x17F8CAC VA: 0x17F8CAC public static void set_CrcCheckEnabled(bool value) { } // RVA: 0x17F8DD0 Offset: 0x17F8DD0 VA: 0x17F8DD0 private static void .cctor() { } // RVA: 0x17F97AC Offset: 0x17F97AC VA: 0x17F97AC private static void StaticReset() { } // RVA: 0x17F9E48 Offset: 0x17F9E48 VA: 0x17F9E48 public static bool ConnectUsingSettings() { } // RVA: 0x17F9F5C Offset: 0x17F9F5C VA: 0x17F9F5C public static bool ConnectUsingSettings(AppSettings appSettings, bool startInOfflineMode = False) { } // RVA: 0x17FA5E4 Offset: 0x17FA5E4 VA: 0x17FA5E4 public static bool ConnectToMaster(string masterServerAddress, int port, string appID) { } // RVA: 0x17FA9C4 Offset: 0x17FA9C4 VA: 0x17FA9C4 public static bool ConnectToBestCloudServer() { } // RVA: 0x17FAB98 Offset: 0x17FAB98 VA: 0x17FAB98 public static bool ConnectToRegion(string region) { } // RVA: 0x17FADC4 Offset: 0x17FADC4 VA: 0x17FADC4 public static void Disconnect() { } // RVA: 0x17FAF1C Offset: 0x17FAF1C VA: 0x17FAF1C public static bool Reconnect() { } // RVA: 0x17FB254 Offset: 0x17FB254 VA: 0x17FB254 private static bool VerifyCanUseNetwork() { } // RVA: 0x17FB2F8 Offset: 0x17FB2F8 VA: 0x17FB2F8 public static int GetPing() { } // RVA: 0x17FB364 Offset: 0x17FB364 VA: 0x17FB364 public static void SendAllOutgoingCommands() { } // RVA: 0x17FB3F4 Offset: 0x17FB3F4 VA: 0x17FB3F4 public static bool CloseConnection(Player kickPlayer) { } // RVA: 0x17FB61C Offset: 0x17FB61C VA: 0x17FB61C public static bool SetMasterClient(Player masterClientPlayer) { } // RVA: 0x17FB774 Offset: 0x17FB774 VA: 0x17FB774 public static bool JoinRandomRoom() { } // RVA: 0x17FB7D8 Offset: 0x17FB7D8 VA: 0x17FB7D8 public static bool JoinRandomRoom(Hashtable expectedCustomRoomProperties, byte expectedMaxPlayers, MatchmakingMode matchingType, TypedLobby typedLobby, string sqlLobbyFilter, string[] expectedUsers) { } // RVA: 0x17FBF14 Offset: 0x17FBF14 VA: 0x17FBF14 public static bool CreateRoom(string roomName, RoomOptions roomOptions, TypedLobby typedLobby, string[] expectedUsers) { } // RVA: 0x17FC488 Offset: 0x17FC488 VA: 0x17FC488 public static bool JoinOrCreateRoom(string roomName, RoomOptions roomOptions, TypedLobby typedLobby, string[] expectedUsers) { } // RVA: 0x17FCA48 Offset: 0x17FCA48 VA: 0x17FCA48 public static bool JoinRoom(string roomName, string[] expectedUsers) { } // RVA: 0x17FCF64 Offset: 0x17FCF64 VA: 0x17FCF64 public static bool RejoinRoom(string roomName) { } // RVA: 0x17FD3EC Offset: 0x17FD3EC VA: 0x17FD3EC public static bool ReconnectAndRejoin() { } // RVA: 0x17FD6BC Offset: 0x17FD6BC VA: 0x17FD6BC public static bool LeaveRoom(bool becomeInactive = True) { } // RVA: 0x17FBD7C Offset: 0x17FBD7C VA: 0x17FBD7C private static void EnterOfflineRoom(string roomName, RoomOptions roomOptions, bool createdRoom) { } // RVA: 0x17FD8F0 Offset: 0x17FD8F0 VA: 0x17FD8F0 public static bool JoinLobby() { } // RVA: 0x17FD940 Offset: 0x17FD940 VA: 0x17FD940 public static bool JoinLobby(TypedLobby typedLobby) { } // RVA: 0x17FD9EC Offset: 0x17FD9EC VA: 0x17FD9EC public static bool LeaveLobby() { } // RVA: 0x17FDA90 Offset: 0x17FDA90 VA: 0x17FDA90 public static bool FindFriends(string[] friendsToFind) { } // RVA: 0x17FDB48 Offset: 0x17FDB48 VA: 0x17FDB48 public static bool GetCustomRoomList(TypedLobby typedLobby, string sqlLobbyFilter) { } // RVA: 0x17FDBC4 Offset: 0x17FDBC4 VA: 0x17FDBC4 public static bool RaiseEvent(byte eventCode, object eventContent, RaiseEventOptions raiseEventOptions, SendOptions sendOptions) { } // RVA: 0x17FDE10 Offset: 0x17FDE10 VA: 0x17FDE10 private static bool RaiseEventInternal(byte eventCode, object eventContent, RaiseEventOptions raiseEventOptions, SendOptions sendOptions) { } // RVA: 0x17FDF7C Offset: 0x17FDF7C VA: 0x17FDF7C public static int AllocateViewID(int ownerId) { } // RVA: 0x17FE220 Offset: 0x17FE220 VA: 0x17FE220 public static GameObject Instantiate(string prefabName, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, byte group = 0, object[] data) { } // RVA: 0x17FEAE0 Offset: 0x17FEAE0 VA: 0x17FEAE0 public static GameObject InstantiateRoomObject(string prefabName, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, byte group = 0, object[] data) { } // RVA: 0x17FECA8 Offset: 0x17FECA8 VA: 0x17FECA8 private static GameObject NetworkInstantiate(Hashtable networkEvent, Player creator) { } // RVA: 0x17FE414 Offset: 0x17FE414 VA: 0x17FE414 private static GameObject NetworkInstantiate(InstantiateParameters parameters, bool roomObject = False, bool instantiateEvent = False) { } // RVA: 0x17FF478 Offset: 0x17FF478 VA: 0x17FF478 internal static bool SendInstantiate(InstantiateParameters parameters, bool roomObject = False) { } // RVA: 0x17FF9A4 Offset: 0x17FF9A4 VA: 0x17FF9A4 public static void Destroy(PhotonView targetView) { } // RVA: 0x180002C Offset: 0x180002C VA: 0x180002C public static void Destroy(GameObject targetGo) { } // RVA: 0x180008C Offset: 0x180008C VA: 0x180008C internal static void RPC(PhotonView view, string methodName, RpcTarget target, bool encrypt, object[] parameters) { } // RVA: 0x1800ED8 Offset: 0x1800ED8 VA: 0x1800ED8 internal static void RPC(PhotonView view, string methodName, Player targetPlayer, bool encrypt, object[] parameters) { } // RVA: 0x18010F8 Offset: 0x18010F8 VA: 0x18010F8 public static void SetInterestGroups(byte group, bool enabled) { } // RVA: 0x180154C Offset: 0x180154C VA: 0x180154C public static void LoadLevel(int levelNumber) { } // RVA: 0x18016EC Offset: 0x18016EC VA: 0x18016EC public static void LoadLevel(string levelName) { } // RVA: 0x180185C Offset: 0x180185C VA: 0x180185C public static bool WebRpc(string name, object parameters, bool sendAuthCookie = False) { } // RVA: 0x17FA4F0 Offset: 0x17FA4F0 VA: 0x17FA4F0 private static void SetupLogging() { } // RVA: 0x17F6C74 Offset: 0x17F6C74 VA: 0x17F6C74 public static void LoadOrCreateSettings(bool reload = False) { } // RVA: 0x17F4C88 Offset: 0x17F4C88 VA: 0x17F4C88 public static NonAllocDictionary.ValueIterator<int, PhotonView> get_PhotonViewCollection() { } // RVA: 0x17F54F0 Offset: 0x17F54F0 VA: 0x17F54F0 public static int get_ViewCount() { } // RVA: 0x18018E0 Offset: 0x18018E0 VA: 0x18018E0 private static void add_OnOwnershipRequestEv(Action<PhotonView, Player> value) { } // RVA: 0x18019D4 Offset: 0x18019D4 VA: 0x18019D4 private static void remove_OnOwnershipRequestEv(Action<PhotonView, Player> value) { } // RVA: 0x1801AC8 Offset: 0x1801AC8 VA: 0x1801AC8 private static void add_OnOwnershipTransferedEv(Action<PhotonView, Player> value) { } // RVA: 0x1801BBC Offset: 0x1801BBC VA: 0x1801BBC private static void remove_OnOwnershipTransferedEv(Action<PhotonView, Player> value) { } // RVA: 0x1801CB0 Offset: 0x1801CB0 VA: 0x1801CB0 private static void add_OnOwnershipTransferFailedEv(Action<PhotonView, Player> value) { } // RVA: 0x1801DA4 Offset: 0x1801DA4 VA: 0x1801DA4 private static void remove_OnOwnershipTransferFailedEv(Action<PhotonView, Player> value) { } // RVA: 0x17F31E0 Offset: 0x17F31E0 VA: 0x17F31E0 public static void AddCallbackTarget(object target) { } // RVA: 0x17F35D0 Offset: 0x17F35D0 VA: 0x17F35D0 public static void RemoveCallbackTarget(object target) { } // RVA: 0x17F9D74 Offset: 0x17F9D74 VA: 0x17F9D74 public static void set_PrefabPool(IPunPrefabPool value) { } // RVA: 0x1801E98 Offset: 0x1801E98 VA: 0x1801E98 public static float get_LevelLoadingProgress() { } // RVA: 0x17F7F64 Offset: 0x17F7F64 VA: 0x17F7F64 private static void LeftRoomCleanup() { } // RVA: 0x17F5834 Offset: 0x17F5834 VA: 0x17F5834 internal static void LocalCleanupAnythingInstantiated(bool destroyInstantiatedGameObjects) { } // RVA: 0x1801F88 Offset: 0x1801F88 VA: 0x1801F88 private static void ResetPhotonViewsOnSerialize() { } // RVA: 0x1802138 Offset: 0x1802138 VA: 0x1802138 internal static void ExecuteRpc(Hashtable rpcData, Player sender) { } // RVA: 0x1804000 Offset: 0x1804000 VA: 0x1804000 private static bool CheckTypeMatch(ParameterInfo[] methodParameters, Type[] callParameterTypes) { } // RVA: 0x18041A8 Offset: 0x18041A8 VA: 0x18041A8 public static void DestroyPlayerObjects(int playerId, bool localOnly) { } // RVA: 0x1804A08 Offset: 0x1804A08 VA: 0x1804A08 public static void DestroyAll(bool localOnly) { } // RVA: 0x17FFAA4 Offset: 0x17FFAA4 VA: 0x17FFAA4 internal static void RemoveInstantiatedGO(GameObject go, bool localOnly) { } // RVA: 0x1804C54 Offset: 0x1804C54 VA: 0x1804C54 private static void ServerCleanInstantiateAndDestroy(PhotonView photonView) { } // RVA: 0x18048F4 Offset: 0x18048F4 VA: 0x18048F4 private static void SendDestroyOfPlayer(int actorNr) { } // RVA: 0x1804B48 Offset: 0x1804B48 VA: 0x1804B48 private static void SendDestroyOfAll() { } // RVA: 0x18046C4 Offset: 0x18046C4 VA: 0x18046C4 private static void OpRemoveFromServerInstantiationsOfPlayer(int actorNr) { } // RVA: 0x18050D8 Offset: 0x18050D8 VA: 0x18050D8 internal static void RequestOwnership(int viewID, int fromOwner) { } // RVA: 0x18051C8 Offset: 0x18051C8 VA: 0x18051C8 internal static void TransferOwnership(int viewID, int playerID) { } // RVA: 0x17F56F0 Offset: 0x17F56F0 VA: 0x17F56F0 internal static void OwnershipUpdate(int[] viewOwnerPairs, int targetActor = -1) { } // RVA: 0x1804F50 Offset: 0x1804F50 VA: 0x1804F50 public static bool LocalCleanPhotonView(PhotonView view) { } // RVA: 0x1803D80 Offset: 0x1803D80 VA: 0x1803D80 public static PhotonView GetPhotonView(int viewID) { } // RVA: 0x18052B8 Offset: 0x18052B8 VA: 0x18052B8 public static void RegisterPhotonView(PhotonView netView) { } // RVA: 0x18047DC Offset: 0x18047DC VA: 0x18047DC public static void OpCleanActorRpcBuffer(int actorNumber) { } // RVA: 0x1804A78 Offset: 0x1804A78 VA: 0x1804A78 public static void OpRemoveCompleteCache() { } // RVA: 0x1804FDC Offset: 0x1804FDC VA: 0x1804FDC public static void OpCleanRpcBuffer(PhotonView view) { } // RVA: 0x1800274 Offset: 0x1800274 VA: 0x1800274 internal static void RPC(PhotonView view, string methodName, RpcTarget target, Player player, bool encrypt, object[] parameters) { } // RVA: 0x18011D4 Offset: 0x18011D4 VA: 0x18011D4 public static void SetInterestGroups(byte[] disableGroups, byte[] enableGroups) { } // RVA: 0x17F6520 Offset: 0x17F6520 VA: 0x17F6520 internal static void NewSceneLoaded() { } // RVA: 0x17F3E60 Offset: 0x17F3E60 VA: 0x17F3E60 internal static void RunViewUpdate() { } // RVA: 0x1805C2C Offset: 0x1805C2C VA: 0x1805C2C private static void SendSerializeViewBatch(PhotonNetwork.SerializeViewBatch batch) { } // RVA: 0x18055D4 Offset: 0x18055D4 VA: 0x18055D4 private static List<object> OnSerializeWrite(PhotonView view) { } // RVA: 0x1806870 Offset: 0x1806870 VA: 0x1806870 private static void OnSerializeRead(object[] data, Player sender, int networkTime, short correctPrefix) { } // RVA: 0x18065A8 Offset: 0x18065A8 VA: 0x18065A8 private static List<object> DeltaCompressionWrite(List<object> previousContent, List<object> currentContent) { } // RVA: 0x1807014 Offset: 0x1807014 VA: 0x1807014 private static object[] DeltaCompressionRead(object[] lastOnSerializeDataReceived, object[] incomingData) { } // RVA: 0x18062FC Offset: 0x18062FC VA: 0x18062FC private static bool AlmostEquals(IList<object> lastData, IList<object> currentContent) { } // RVA: 0x1807300 Offset: 0x1807300 VA: 0x1807300 private static bool AlmostEquals(object one, object two) { } // RVA: 0x17F486C Offset: 0x17F486C VA: 0x17F486C internal static void LoadLevelIfSynced() { } // RVA: 0x17F43A4 Offset: 0x17F43A4 VA: 0x17F43A4 internal static void SetLevelInPropsIfSynced(object levelId) { } // RVA: 0x18077E0 Offset: 0x18077E0 VA: 0x18077E0 private static void OnEvent(EventData photonEvent) { } // RVA: 0x18092E0 Offset: 0x18092E0 VA: 0x18092E0 private static void OnOperation(OperationResponse opResponse) { } // RVA: 0x1809534 Offset: 0x1809534 VA: 0x1809534 private static void OnClientStateChanged(ClientState previousState, ClientState state) { } // RVA: 0x1809654 Offset: 0x1809654 VA: 0x1809654 private static void OnRegionsPinged(RegionHandler regionHandler) { } } There are 2 classes related to kicking // Namespace: Photon.Pun.Demo.c****pit public class PlayerDetailsController : MonoBehaviourPunCallbacks // TypeDefIndex: 9068 { // Fields public GameObject ContentPanel; // 0x20 public PropertyCell PropertyCellPrototype; // 0x28 public Text UpdateStatusText; // 0x30 public Transform BuiltInPropertiesPanel; // 0x38 public Transform PlayerNumberingExtensionPanel; // 0x40 public Transform ScoreExtensionPanel; // 0x48 public Transform TeamExtensionPanel; // 0x50 public Transform TurnExtensionPanel; // 0x58 public Transform CustomPropertiesPanel; // 0x60 public GameObject MasterClientToolBar; // 0x68 public GameObject NotInRoomLabel; // 0x70 private Dictionary<string, PropertyCell> builtInPropsCellList; // 0x78 private Player _player; // 0x80 // Methods // RVA: 0x181A158 Offset: 0x181A158 VA: 0x181A158 private void Awake() { } // RVA: 0x181A184 Offset: 0x181A184 VA: 0x181A184 Slot: 28 public override void OnEnable() { } // RVA: 0x181A25C Offset: 0x181A25C VA: 0x181A25C Slot: 29 public override void OnDisable() { } // RVA: 0x181704C Offset: 0x181704C VA: 0x181704C public void SetPlayerTarget(Player player) { } // RVA: 0x181A8F8 Offset: 0x181A8F8 VA: 0x181A8F8 private void AddProperty(string property, string value, Transform parent) { } // RVA: 0x181A79C Offset: 0x181A79C VA: 0x181A79C private string ParseKey(object key) { } // RVA: 0x181AB04 Offset: 0x181AB04 VA: 0x181AB04 public void KickOutPlayer() { } // RVA: 0x181AB60 Offset: 0x181AB60 VA: 0x181AB60 public void SetAsMaster() { } // RVA: 0x181ABBC Offset: 0x181ABBC VA: 0x181ABBC Slot: 43 public override void OnPlayerLeftRoom(Player otherPlayer) { } // RVA: 0x181AC10 Offset: 0x181AC10 VA: 0x181AC10 Slot: 32 public override void OnMasterClientSwitched(Player newMasterClient) { } // RVA: 0x181AC3C Offset: 0x181AC3C VA: 0x181AC3C Slot: 47 public override void OnPlayerPropertiesUpdate(Player target, Hashtable changedProps) { } // RVA: 0x181AF84 Offset: 0x181AF84 VA: 0x181AF84 private void OnPlayerNumberingChanged() { } // RVA: 0x181B078 Offset: 0x181B078 VA: 0x181B078 private IEnumerator UpdateUIPing() { } // RVA: 0x181A2E8 Offset: 0x181A2E8 VA: 0x181A2E8 public void ResetList() { } // RVA: 0x181A514 Offset: 0x181A514 VA: 0x181A514 private Hashtable GetAllPlayerBuiltIntProperties() { } // RVA: 0x181B114 Offset: 0x181B114 VA: 0x181B114 public void .ctor() { } } How do I turn off the kick? By the way, the game does not contain any protection Patch the offset using "NOP"
0 Wizzy2008 Posted August 9, 2023 Author Posted August 9, 2023 1 hour ago, MAARS said: Patch the offset using "NOP" What is a NOP?
0 MAARS Posted August 9, 2023 Posted August 9, 2023 NOP is an arm instruction ARM Patching (ADVANCED) (#c3izs8gh) https://chat.openai.com/share/8927367c-0eb2-462c-a73c-f55d7973795d
0 Wizzy2008 Posted August 9, 2023 Author Posted August 9, 2023 5 hours ago, MAARS said: Patch the offset using "NOP" Can I patch the offset with game guardian without using arm nop patch? By changing the value
0 MAARS Posted August 9, 2023 Posted August 9, 2023 (edited) NOP ahahha get the joke ?, you should just use hex patch Here you go. Do some testing and also make sure to adjust your offsets and bytes code if you are on 32 or 64. 64bit opcode: https://armconverter.com/?code=NOP RET 32bit opcode: https://armconverter.com/?code=NOP BX LR And this is not to discourage you but as my knowledge and experience when a player kick happen the server will kick you as well even you blocked the local kick if the server desync you there is nothing you can do about it. But who knows ? you better try local gg = gg local function getBaseAddr(lib) for _, v in ipairs(gg.getRangesList(lib)) do if v.state == "Xa" then return v.start end end return nil end local function patch(address, hex) gg.setValues({ { address = address, flags = gg.TYPE_QWORD, value = hex .. "r" } }) end local offset = { KickOutPlayer = 0x181AB04, CloseConnection = 0x181AB04, Disconnect = 0x17FADC4 } local il2cpp = getBaseAddr("libil2cpp.so") for k, v in pairs(offset) do offset[k] = v + il2cpp end patch(offset.Disconnect, "1F 20 03 D5 C0 03 5F D6") patch(offset.KickOutPlayer, "1F 20 03 D5 C0 03 5F D6") patch(offset.CloseConnection, "1F 20 03 D5 C0 03 5F D6") Edited August 9, 2023 by MAARS
0 Wizzy2008 Posted August 9, 2023 Author Posted August 9, 2023 12 minutes ago, MAARS said: NOP ahahha get the joke ?, you should just use hex patch Here you go. Do some testing and also make sure to adjust your offsets and bytes code if you are on 32 or 64. 64bit opcode: https://armconverter.com/?code=NOP RET 32bit opcode: https://armconverter.com/?code=NOP BX LR And this is not to discourage you but as my knowledge and experience when a player kick happen the server will kick you as well even you blocked the local kick if the server desync you there is nothing you can do about it. But who knows ? you better try local gg = gg local function getBaseAddr(lib) for _, v in ipairs(gg.getRangesList(lib)) do if v.state == "Xa" then return v.start end end return nil end local function patch(address, hex) gg.setValues({ { address = address, flags = gg.TYPE_QWORD, value = hex .. "r" } }) end local offset = { KickOutPlayer = 0x181AB04, CloseConnection = 0x181AB04, Disconnect = 0x17FADC4 } local il2cpp = getBaseAddr("libil2cpp.so") for k, v in pairs(offset) do offset[k] = v + il2cpp end patch(offset.Disconnect, "1F 20 03 D5 C0 03 5F D6") patch(offset.KickOutPlayer, "1F 20 03 D5 C0 03 5F D6") patch(offset.CloseConnection, "1F 20 03 D5 C0 03 5F D6") I will try
0 Wizzy2008 Posted August 9, 2023 Author Posted August 9, 2023 23 minutes ago, MAARS said: NOP ahahha get the joke ?, you should just use hex patch Here you go. Do some testing and also make sure to adjust your offsets and bytes code if you are on 32 or 64. 64bit opcode: https://armconverter.com/?code=NOP RET 32bit opcode: https://armconverter.com/?code=NOP BX LR And this is not to discourage you but as my knowledge and experience when a player kick happen the server will kick you as well even you blocked the local kick if the server desync you there is nothing you can do about it. But who knows ? you better try local gg = gg local function getBaseAddr(lib) for _, v in ipairs(gg.getRangesList(lib)) do if v.state == "Xa" then return v.start end end return nil end local function patch(address, hex) gg.setValues({ { address = address, flags = gg.TYPE_QWORD, value = hex .. "r" } }) end local offset = { KickOutPlayer = 0x181AB04, CloseConnection = 0x181AB04, Disconnect = 0x17FADC4 } local il2cpp = getBaseAddr("libil2cpp.so") for k, v in pairs(offset) do offset[k] = v + il2cpp end patch(offset.Disconnect, "1F 20 03 D5 C0 03 5F D6") patch(offset.KickOutPlayer, "1F 20 03 D5 C0 03 5F D6") patch(offset.CloseConnection, "1F 20 03 D5 C0 03 5F D6") I tried, it happened as you said. Game didn't write any kick text, game said server error when I kicked. Apparently the game is kicking directly from the server
0 MAARS Posted August 9, 2023 Posted August 9, 2023 (edited) What type of hack are you using that cause this desync ? Edited August 9, 2023 by MAARS
0 Wizzy2008 Posted August 9, 2023 Author Posted August 9, 2023 19 minutes ago, MAARS said: What type of hack are you using that cause this desync ? I put the code you gave me into a lua, I entered the game with Game Guardian and started the script The script worked properly No errors But it still didn't work because it kicked from the server Sorry for my bad english
0 MAARS Posted August 9, 2023 Posted August 9, 2023 (edited) You should have put the correct offsets and also patch only the method you think should be patched or at least for testing, the code i gave is just a sample. And also i checked your game it use CodeStage AntiCheat you should kill the anti cheat first Edited August 9, 2023 by MAARS
0 Wizzy2008 Posted August 9, 2023 Author Posted August 9, 2023 6 minutes ago, MAARS said: You should have put the correct offsets and also patch only the method you think should be patched or at least for testing, the code i gave is just a sample. And also i checked your game it use CodeStage AntiCheat you should kill the anti cheat first Oh, I forgot to mention, the offsets I sent belong to the game called gorebox, simple sandbox 2 is a difficult game to hack as you said I switched to gorebox as a starter because it contains no anti-cheat
Game: Simple Sandbox 2
Can I make anti-kick in Unity games with Game Guardian?
I've seen a number of hackers who can do this
How they do it?
Additional question: Is it possible to kick everyone without a host?
I've seen the one do that too
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