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40 minutes ago, Backlift said:

can give an example? 


while true do
	if gg.isVisible() then
		local d = gg.prompt({A='Number of Orbs Or Dooblins'}, {A='0'})
		if d == nil then
			gg.alert('Script canceled')
		gg.searchNumber (d.A, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE, true, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
		cnt = gg.getResultCount()
		if cnt == 0 then 
			gg.alert('Search failed')
		if cnt <= 4 then 
			gg.editAll('100000000', gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
			gg.alert('Hacking Done, Enjoy')
		gg.alert ('Go to game and change the value, then click on gg icon to continue')		


while true do
if gg.isVisible() then
local d = gg.prompt({A='Number of Orbs Or Dooblins'}, {A='0'})
if d == nil then
gg.alert('Script canceled')
gg.searchNumber (d.A, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE, true, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
cnt = gg.getResultCount()
if cnt == 0 then 
gg.alert('Search failed')

if cnt <= 4 then 
gg.editAll('100000000', gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
gg.alert('Hacking Done, Enjoy')

gg.alert ('Go to game and change the value, then click on gg icon to continue')


41 minutes ago, Backlift said:

I did it to tell what ever piece of code does so others would understand better

As for me this make code very difficult to read.

42 minutes ago, Backlift said:

First put all codes, no comments, then after code ends, describe what happened with comments. 

This nice? 


-- local defines local variable, prompt show prompt with fields, A - name of index in table, '0' - default value
local d = gg.prompt({A='Number of Orbs Or Dooblins'}, {A='0'})


-- local defines local variable
local d = 
-- prompt show prompt with fields
-- A - name of index in table
A='Number of Orbs Or Dooblins'}, {A=
--'0' - default value


added 1 minute later

In last case very hard assembly full command in the mind.

added 3 minutes later

About good formatting code written lot of articles. Google "lua code style". For example on wiki: http://lua-users.org/wiki/LuaStyleGuide



Indentation - Indenting often uses two spaces. This is followed in Programming in Lua, the Lua Reference Manual, Beginning Lua Programming, and the Lua users wiki. (Why this is the case, I don't know, but perhaps it is because Lua statements can tend to be deeply nested, even in a LISP or functional manner, or perhaps it is affected by the fact that the code in these examples is small and pedagogical.) You'll see other common conventions (e.g. 3-4 spaces or tabs).



for i,v in ipairs(t) do
  if type(v) == "string" then


1 hour ago, Enyby said:


while true do
	if gg.isVisible() then
		local d = gg.prompt({A='Number of Orbs Or Dooblins'}, {A='0'})
		if d == nil then
			gg.alert('Script canceled')
		gg.searchNumber (d.A, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE, true, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
		cnt = gg.getResultCount()
		if cnt == 0 then 
			gg.alert('Search failed')
		if cnt <= 4 then 
			gg.editAll('100000000', gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
			gg.alert('Hacking Done, Enjoy')
		gg.alert ('Go to game and change the value, then click on gg icon to continue')		


while true do
if gg.isVisible() then
local d = gg.prompt({A='Number of Orbs Or Dooblins'}, {A='0'})
if d == nil then
gg.alert('Script canceled')
gg.searchNumber (d.A, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE, true, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
cnt = gg.getResultCount()
if cnt == 0 then 
gg.alert('Search failed')

if cnt <= 4 then 
gg.editAll('100000000', gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
gg.alert('Hacking Done, Enjoy')

gg.alert ('Go to game and change the value, then click on gg icon to continue')

Well I'm writing these codes on my android phone using a simple text editor, that needs an advanced code editor, I will search for it. 

1 hour ago, Enyby said:

As for me this make code very difficult to read.


-- local defines local variable, prompt show prompt with fields, A - name of index in table, '0' - default value
local d = gg.prompt({A='Number of Orbs Or Dooblins'}, {A='0'})


-- local defines local variable
local d = 
-- prompt show prompt with fields
-- A - name of index in table
A='Number of Orbs Or Dooblins'}, {A=
--'0' - default value

Your right, that's better, I will do that. 


1 hour ago, Enyby said:
added 1 minute later

In last case very hard assembly full command in the mind.

It's hard, but I like it. It's like emulating the codes before writing and write-on-the-go at the same time. 

1 hour ago, Enyby said:
added 3 minutes later

About good formatting code written lot of articles. Google "lua code style". For example on wiki: http://lua-users.org/wiki/LuaStyleGuide


I will also check that thanks for the reply. 

  • Administrators

Not bad script from one chinese user:


Can be used as example for make automated group search with edit values.


@Enyby im doing what i can with my phone, it's a phone anyway, if i just had my pc, i would deffinietly write it better with notepad++.

anyway, i tried to fix as much as i can, whats your opinion?


-- Quadropus hack script by backlift v1.4 

-- lines that start with "--" are comments, they won't ne executed by script executer, A comment starts with a double hyphen (--) anywhere outside a string

-- you can execute "print(gg)" command to see a short help and available options for commands, it's also available at first post of Lua scripts by Enyby at gameguardian forum: https://gameguardian.net/forum/topic/17447-lua-scripting/

-- this is a simple example for lua scripts, provided by backlift with extreme help from enyby for fixing many issues, backlift at gameguardian forum: https://gameguardian.net/forum/profile/563312-backlift/

-- some functions of this script may conflict with gameguardian search helper function, recommend to disable it before running this script

-- you may use this example for creating your own script, just hit the thanks then :)

-- "if" is a command to make whether a script to be executed or not based on condition defined 

-- "gg.BUILD" will check gameguardian build number and argument "< 5511" makes it respond true to "if" command if game guardian build number is lower than 5511 

-- "then" is a mandatory argument for "if" command to set the action for "if" command if it's condition is true 

-- "gg.alert" will show a message window with an OK button, the text of it must be inside of ('') 

-- "os.exit" will terminate the host program, it can also send a respond to parent process a code written in () 

-- "end" is a mandatory argument to finish an "if" statement

if gg.BUILD < 5511 then 
			gg.alert('You need a newer version of GameGuardian to run this script. At least build 5511.') 



i made a lot of modifications to it, here it is:( it will get better, still a good source for simple things)

i need feedbacks :)

-- simple hack script by backlift v1.4 

-- lines that start with "--" are comments, they won't be executed by script executer, A comment starts with a double hyphen (--) anywhere outside a string

-- you can execute "print(gg)" command to see a short help and available options for commands, it's also available at first post of Lua scripts by Enyby at gameguardian forum: https://gameguardian.net/forum/topic/17447-lua-scripting/

-- this is a simple example for lua scripts, provided by backlift with extreme help from enyby for fixing many issues, backlift at gameguardian forum: https://gameguardian.net/forum/profile/563312-backlift/

-- some functions of this script may conflict with gameguardian search helper function, i recommend to disable it before running this script

-- you may use this example for creating your own script, just hit the thanks then :)

-- "if" is a command to make whether a script to be executed or not based on condition defined 

-- "gg.BUILD" will check gameguardian build number and argument "< 5511" makes it respond true to "if" command if game guardian build number is lower than 5511 

-- "then" is a mandatory argument for "if" command to set the action for "if" command if it's condition is true 

-- "gg.alert" will show a message window with an OK button, the text of it must be inside of ('') 

-- "os.exit" will terminate the host program, it can also send a respond to parent process a code written in (), while empty, by default it send "true" if host program terminated seccussfully and "false" if script couldn't terminate the host program seccussfully, () is mandatory even if empty

-- "end" is a mandatory argument to finish an "if" statement

if gg.BUILD < 5511 then 
			gg.alert('You need a newer version of GameGuardian app to run this script. At least build 5511.') 

-- "gg.clearResults" will clear the current search results, so the script may start a new scan. ()is mandatory even if empty	


-- "::restart::" is a mark for "goto" function, a mark name can be a number or a word, selecting a meaningful mark is better, as "goto" function is not very recommended for it's confusability, so a meaningful mark may decrease possible errors 


-- "gg.isVisible" checks if gameguardian UI is open or not whether true or false is in () it responds true if statement is true and false if statement is false.

-- "gg.setVisible" will set the visibility of gameguardian UI, true shows the UI and false hides the UI.

if gg.isVisible(true) then 

-- "gg.toast" will toast a message for the user, the text is in ('')

gg.toast('simple hack script by  Backlift') 

--  "Value" is an object, "=" means it's equal to respond of "gg.prompt"

-- "gg.prompt will show a window to user and asks the  user to enter a value 

-- "INPUT" is a name for the value got from user, or simply input of user, the first bracket containing a string after "=" inside of '' is mandatory and it defines the  title for the field that asks the user for an input, and the second bracket containing a string after "=" inside of '' is optional and it defines the initial value for "INPUT"

value = gg.prompt({INPUT='Enter value'}, {INPUT='0'})

-- "nil" whose main property is to be different from any other value; it usually represents the absence of a useful value, Both "nil" and "false" make a condition false, the purpose of the function below is to cancel the script if the user has not entered any value in the field, so the script will not crash

if value == nil then
   gg.alert ('Script Canceled, No input')
   os.exit(	)

-- "gg.setRanges" is a command to set the region of the search, for the complete list of regions, check the forum.

gg.setRanges (gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)

-- "gg.searchNumber" is a function that sends the search command to the GameGuardian

-- the first string "value['INPUT']" is the data to send to the GameGuardian, in this case we are sending the "value" that it got it's value from "INPUT"

-- second string "gg.TYPE_DOUBLE" is to determine the type of the value, it's double in this case, for the complete list of value types, check the forum.

-- third string is "true" to define whether the value is encrypted or not by "true" or "false"

-- forth value "gg.SIGN_EQUAL" is to define whetherforum the value to search is equal to "INPUT" or inequal, smaller or bigger. for this case it's equal. for more info, check the forum

-- fifth value is to define the start location of search in memory, defined "0" to start from the first, and sixth value is to define the stop location of search, defined "-1" means until the end of memory. it's mostly used to search a certain area of memory.

gg.searchNumber(value['INPUT'], gg.TYPE_DOUBLE, true, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1) 

-- "gg.getResultCount" will check the counts of results, the argument "== 1" checks if the counts are exactly 1 number.if the argument is true, the code responds "true" so may the "if" statement run "then" part, if the argument is false, the code responds "false" so may the "if" statement run the "else" part or take no action.

-- "gg.editall" will modify all current values in results, the first string "100000000" is the wanted value, the second string "gg.TYPE_DOUBLE" is to define wich type of values to be modified.

if gg.getResultCount() == 1 then
   gg.editAll('100000000', gg.TYPE_DOUBLE) 
   gg.alert('Hacking Done!, Enjoy') 
   else gg.alert('Too much values found, Go to game and change the value, then open gameguardian window again')


-- "gg.sleep()" will stop the script at the current line for defined amount of time. the time is in milliseconds, each 1 second is 1000 milliseconds.


if not gg.isVisible() then	
   goto loop
   else goto restart


  • Administrators
4 minutes ago, Backlift said:

"os.exit" will terminate the host program, it can also send a respond to parent process a code written in (), while empty, by default it send "true" if host program terminated seccussfully and "false" if script couldn't terminate the host program seccussfully, () is mandatory even if empty

os.exit take integer as param. 0 is usual exit. all another - is unusual. Not boolean, but if you pass it it cast to 0 or 1.

8 minutes ago, Backlift said:

"::restart::" is a mark for "goto" function

Usually this thing named `label`.

10 minutes ago, Backlift said:

"INPUT" is a name for the value got from user

Must be single word and not one from predefined reserved words like `for` or `if`.

If this is not single word - must be used wide way for create table. In lua reference present more information.


  • Administrators
14 minutes ago, Backlift said:

I read that on Lua manual that it send true or false:



os.exit ([_code])

Calls the C function exit, with an optional code, to terminate the host program. The default value for code is the success code.

C function exit take int.




Calls the C function exit, with an optional code, to terminate the host program. The default value for code is the success code.


> os.exit(0)   -- kill the Lua shell we are in and pass 0 back to parent shell


14 minutes ago, Backlift said:

I thought, making it a word, may make it more simple to understand for others.

then newbie write something like `{my var='test'}` and get errors.


16 minutes ago, Enyby said:

All look like ok.


when i finished it, should i create a seprate post for it? and develope it further in there?


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