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  1. @NoFear Can you tell or any tips or clues to do this once again? And I want to say thank you for all of you work including this, It help me a lot in the game thanks mate!
  2. Step 1: Search this value first 8CAE1414h;6F736572h Step 2: Now find this value -1934748652 Change 10 to 40 in codes.
  3. for further context of NumToCipher does is, take this item, amount and calculate and save to profile and return an array consist of 4 total sub-element Input: ["belaz", 1, 0] -- 1 is amount, 0 is deprecation NumToCipher(Input) -- will return [["Belaz", 1, 0], 0.06] so if the NumToCipher gets value like 999,999,999,999 it will trip the calculation and if the last value (0.06) is above 0, special key on your profile will be set to true which is this (PROFILE.****ingHacker) and when you try to connect to a server this profile will be sent and a flags in your account in their server called banned will be set to true, and resulting Rejection to allow you to interact to anyone and default error code is "no server connection" also for the drop item thing, in the pointer you'll find the value 0.06 and near that value maybe like 10 ish offset of either before/after, you'll find a value like 2 and this is a reference for the total length after . in 0.06 which 2, so if someone do quick modify the 0.06 to like idk gazillion, the 2 and 0.0xxxxxx will trip the anticheat and thats quick easy ban lol
  4. View File A Wuxia style stand-alone game, need to log in to the Internet A Wuxia style stand-alone game, need to log in to the Internet Be careful to disconnect the network when using, otherwise the number will be blocked Hope there are more masters can enhance the anti-blocking function and more functions swordsman,YanYuJiangHu.lua Submitter lbrr Submitted 03/10/2024 Category LUA scripts  
  5. Actually, I managed to install it, but now, the pop-up doesn't show up, even if i've given all required authorisations. Device: Redmi note 10S I'm running under Xiaomi hyperOS Screenrecorder-2024-03-10-11-05-11-412.mp4
  6. download vmos pro mod premium for devices that don't have root access, I recommend this... it already includes xposed root and google play

    can work for android devices 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13



  7. View File Master Royale (Auto-Win) Master Royale #2024 Work (Auto-Win) 10 second, u like auto-click install apps store! Or u can edit 10 changed to 5 second, case games get crash :I Why "Draw" if your level King's Tower has changed your level to 13 or 5! Auto-Win Only Level 14+ Good luck ^^ Submitter ReiAyanami Submitted 02/19/2024 Category LUA scripts  
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Master Royale #2024 Work (Auto-Win) 10 second, u like auto-click install apps store! Or u can edit 10 changed to 5 second, case games get crash :I Why "Draw" if your level King's Tower has changed your level to 13 or 5! Auto-Win Only Level 14+ enter to clan, type command /kinglevel set 13 Good luck ^^
  9. I recently made a script that would take some data from RAM and make it readable. It uses gg.copyText() function to copy that data in the following chunk: printRes = tostring(getTune1[1].value + 1) .. "/" .. tostring(getTune2[1].value + 1) .. "/" .. tostring(getTune3[1].value + 1) .. "/" .. tostring(getTune4[1].value + 1) .. "\n" .. strPart1 .. "-" .. tostring(getPartTune1[1].value) .. " " .. strPart2 .. "-" .. tostring(getPartTune2[1].value) .. " " .. strPart3 .. "-" .. tostring(getPartTune3[1].value) .. "\nBy :flag_" .. strFlag .. ":" .. strName .. "\nusing " .. strVehicle .. "\nIn " .. strMap .. "\non 20" .. strDate .. "\nWith a time of: " .. tostring(getTime[1].value) .. " seconds\n\n" collectTune = gg.alert(printRes, "Continue", "Copy the tune") if collectTune == 1 then return 0 else gg.copyText(printRes) end now I did assume that it was an issue with me assigning it to a variable and then copying the variable but that didn't seem to be the problem as it still didn't copy the spaces. Attached is what I got displayed in the gg.alert() function which seems to be completely fine and have all the spaces needed. Following text is what I received to my clipboard after pressing "Copy the tune" button in the alert function: 20/20/10/20 winter_tyres-15start_boost-10nitro-4 By:flag_fi:RS3113 usingsuperbike Indark_roads_cup_03_04 on2024_2_february Withatimeof:9.55695629119873seconds I couldn't find any explanation anywhere.
  10. View File Hcr2 Encoded Helper HILL CLIMB RACING 2 MOD MENU .....With Super Encryption Script By PlayerUnknown & fm-mousegg. (Script Source From Many PlayerS And All in One Script......ENJOY ) 1. Fly+Win 2. Other- 1 3. Adventure - Under Maintenance 4. Flat Road 32 Bit 5. DownForce 6. Other-2 7. Speed Hack + Flat 64 bit 8. Invisible Flag Hack 9. Fun Mod 10. Rename Your [ Name ] in Game (HCR2) ... Without Waiting for 5 days l 11. No Countdown in cup ( Not All Devices ) 12. fake Rank ( Use Your Brain While Editing It ) 13 Resources in Game (Adventure Token) Add +1 Value .. if you had 10 Token then Search 11 14 Many More...... Submitter Unknownharry Submitted 02/14/2024 Category LUA scripts  
  11. Version 1.59.3


    HILL CLIMB RACING 2 MOD MENU .....With Super Encryption Script By PlayerUnknown & fm-mousegg. (Script Source From Many PlayerS And All in One Script......ENJOY ) 1. Fly+Win 2. Other- 1 3. Adventure - Under Maintenance 4. Flat Road 32 Bit 5. DownForce 6. Other-2 7. Speed Hack + Flat 64 bit 8. Invisible Flag Hack 9. Fun Mod 10. Rename Your [ Name ] in Game (HCR2) ... Without Waiting for 5 days l 11. No Countdown in cup ( Not All Devices ) 12. fake Rank ( Use Your Brain While Editing It ) 13 Resources in Game (Adventure Token) Add +1 Value .. if you had 10 Token then Search 11 14 Many More......
  12. I getting error while i loading script like Script berakhir: Kesalahan skrip: luaj.o: /storage/emulated/0/Download/TEST_UnlockJob32bit.lua:31 ` {address = t[1].address - 0x8, flags = 4, value = 1},` attempt to index ? (a nil value) with key 'address' (field '1') level = 1, const = 31, proto = 0, upval = 1, vars = 10, code = 142 GETTABLE v8 v8 "address" ; PC 120 CODE 04428207 OP 7 A 8 B 8 C 266 Bx 4362 sBx -126709 stack traceback: /storage/emulated/0/Download/TEST_UnlockJob32bit.lua:31 in main chunk [Java]: in ? at luaj.LuaValue.f(src:989) at luaj.LuaValue.c(src:2864) at luaj.LuaValue.i(src:2767) at luaj.LuaValue.w(src:1094) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:363) at luaj.LuaClosure.l(src:160) at android.ext.Script.d(src:6056) at android.ext.Script$ScriptThread.run(src:5785)
  13. XEKEX

    pointer search bug

    local results = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS) gg.searchPointer(0) local results_pointers = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) -- this will have the all the pointers of all the searched values. --[[ Note: gg.searchPointer() mixed searchPointer ( int maxOffset, long memoryFrom = 0, long memoryTo = -1, long limit = 0 ) Searches for values that may be pointers to elements of the current search result. Parameters maxOffset Maximum offset for pointers. Valid values: 0 - 65535. memoryFrom Start memory address for the search. memoryTo End memory address for the search. limit Stopping the search after finding the specified number of results. 0 means to search all results. **Returns** true or string with error. Examples: gg.searchNumber('10', gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1, 5) -- search some values gg.searchPointer(512) -- search for possible pointers to values finded before gg.searchNumber('10', gg.TYPE_DWORD) -- search some values gg.loadResults(gg.getResults(5)) gg.searchPointer(512) -- search for possible pointers to values loaded before local t = {} t[1] = {} t[1].address = 0x18004030 -- some desired address t[1].flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD t[2] = {} t[2].address = 0x18004040 -- another desired address t[2].flags = gg.TYPE_BYTE gg.loadResults(t) gg.searchPointer(512) -- search for possible pointers to values loaded before
  14. App: Disney Magic Kingdom Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gameloft.android.ANMP.GloftDYHM&pcampaignid=web_share I have seen this game being requested a few times, seems the only hack we have is for the level up rewards. I want to be able to get items that are no longer available. Possibly a way to change the content that is inside of the chests in the shop? Game can be played just fine without an internet connection so there's gotta be a way. Some smart people out there, help please! Alright so some data I got through looking at string data + using fiddler (which displayed some stuff) {"payload":"{\"e\":\"{\\\"content_id\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"hard_currency_earned\\\":\\\"2\\\",\\\"income_source\\\":\\\"226202\\\",\\\"income_step\\\":\\\"0\\\",\\\"item_amount01\\\":\\\"0\\\",\\\"item_level\\\":\\\"5\\\",\\\"item_name01\\\":\\\"264535\\\",\\\"item_source\\\":\\\"264535\\\",\\\"progress_index\\\":\\\"17\\\",\\\"purchased_hard_currency_earned\\\":\\\"0\\\", This is presumably the data for the character "Anna" this is data that I got while levelling her up. Therefore I am assuming that "264535" is the character ID for this particular character Other similar character ID's i've found : 264544, 247315 "payload": "{\"e\":\"{\\\"currency\\\":\\\"121384\\\",\\\"currency_paid\\\":\\\"35500\\\",\\\"hard_currency_balance\\\":\\\"2876578\\\",\\\"item_level\\\":\\\"1\\\",\\\"item_name\\\":\\\"225346\\\",\\\"item_number\\\":\\\"1\\\",\\\"item_number_discount_percentage\\\":\\\"0\\\",\\\"price\\\":\\\"35500\\\",\\\"price_discount_percentage\\\":\\\"0\\\",\\\"purchased_currency\\\":\\\"0\\\",\\\"purchased_currency_paid\\\":\\\"0\\\",\\\"quest_name\\\":\\\"0\\\",\\\"soft_currency1_balance\\\":\\\"4417024\\\",\\\"soft_currency2_balance\\\":\\\"0\\\",\\\"spend_action\\\":\\\"123014\\\",\\\"streak\\\":\\\"0\\\",\\\"task\\\":\\\"0\\\",\\\"tle_event_id\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"token_spent\\\":\\\"0\\\",\\\"token_spent_amount\\\":\\\"0\\\",\\\"is_revenue_event\\\":false}\"}", here's another ^ "Elsa_Epilogue" : 0 "Elsa_Epilogue":0 This seems to be how the character list is stored, 0 if you don't own it, 1 if you do. If it's a character, the number can be from 1 to 10 (depending on the level) but yeah can't figure out how to edit that - tried string editing but obviously there's some data that is hidden somewhere that I need help finding. So basically, I'd like to either be able to modify the CONTENT of the chests in order to get items that are not available anymore, or a way to modify the character list successfully.
  15. Hi @MooExplosion, you're handling it incorrectly, the 'for'-loop is only enumerating 'specify' table and not 'specifytwo' gg.searchNumber("1620;728;1620;728::13", gg.TYPE_DWORD) results = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) if results ~= nil then specify = {results[1], results[3], results[5], results[7], results[9], results[11]} specifytwo = {results[2], results[4], results[6], results[8], results[10]} --Notice the bracket: (specify) for k, v in ipairs(specify) do specify[k].value = '2400' specifytwo[k].value = '1080' end for k, v in ipairs(specifytwo) do specifytwo[k].value = '1080' end gg.setValues(specify) gg.setValues(specifytwo) end /*********\ Since this is group searches, You can just refine the value first to specific value then change it all Example 1: --'d' suffix is for DWORD gg.searchNumber('1620d;728d::5') results = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) --Refining '1620' from result then change it to '2400' gg.refineNumber('1620', gg.TYPE_DWORD) gg.editAll('2400', gg.TYPE_DWORD) --Reload results -> refine '728' -> Change it to '1080' gg.loadResults(results) gg.refineNumber('728', gg.TYPE_DWORD) gg.editAll('1080', gg.TYPE_DWORD) gg.clearResults() Example 2: --'d' suffix is for DWORD gg.searchNumber('1620d;728d::5') results = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) --Changing specific value from results for k, v in ipairs(results) do if tonumber(v.value) == 1620 then results[k].value = 2400 elseif tonumber(v.value) == 728 then results[k].value = 1080 end end gg.setValues(results) /*********\
  16. Hello, @MC874. Thanks for the help. Sorry for the late reply. When I asked my previous question, I mistook refine for something else. Also, my values are DWORDs if that's important to mention. I decided to check the gg class reference page but I wasn't able to tell what I needed. I got your provided code working somewhat however. gg.searchNumber("1620;728;1620;728::13", gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0x7801000000, 0x9014b5ffff, 0) --Get the 2nd and 9th position from the results results = gg.getResults(100) if results ~= nil then --Notice results[2] & results[9] specify = {results[1], results[3], results[5], results[7], results[9], results[11]} specifytwo = {results[2], results[4], results[6], results[8], results[10]} for k, v in ipairs(specify) do specify[k].value = '2400' specifytwo[k].value = '1080' end gg.setValues(specify) gg.setValues(specifytwo) end Sadly, I start getting an error after the first 5-6 times I exit, enter a dungeon and run the code from my testing. This is the error: Script ended: Script error: luaj.o: /storage/emulated/0/Notes/gamescript.lua:55 ` specifytwo[k].value = '1080'` table expected for set index ('value') value, got nil (field '?') level = 1, const = 60, proto = 0, upval = 1, vars = 22, code = 144 SETTABLE v15 "value" "1080" ; PC 132 CODE 9C4E83CA OP 10 A 15 B 312 C 314 Bx 160058 sBx 28987 stack traceback: /storage/emulated/0/Notes/gamescript.lua:55 in main chunk [Java]: in ? at luaj.LuaValue.d(src:2795) at luaj.LuaValue.b(src:1123) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:383) at luaj.LuaClosure.l(src:160) at android.ext.Script.d(src:6056) at android.ext.Script$ScriptThread.run(src:5785) Can I do anything about this? Also, anyway to clean up what I'm currently using? I feel like adding multiple results might not be good because I don't always have the same amount of results. The width of that game's resolution is always even numbers and the height is always odd numbers in results when I use this script so I was wondering if I could take advantage of that.
  17. Thanks for the help MarioRossi. Your comment was helpful. I still have extra addresses sometimes but the amount is manageable enough now and even if I edit the wrong one by accident, nothing seems to happen now. The extra ones are same values with same differences. I feel like they don't serve any purpose in the game? The recorded script is now runnable now. I can now adjust the game resolution even in dungeons where I don't have access to native game settings which I previously needed to help me find the addresses originally. I don't know how to set a while loop up yet. A loop would be very neat but I have to go to specific menus before adjusting the resolution values and then go back to the game because the game glitches if you change it while gameplay is running. I think this makes running loops unfavourable? I think I'll try more to get rid of extra addresses and change the resolution settings in a one click script too. My script currently just gathers the required addresses(and sometimes a few extra addresses). For anyone who might see this, what I'm currently trying to do is make it convert the 728 value to 1080 and 1620 value to 2400 automatically after finding the addresses but I can't find a way to do this myself manually without selecting the addresses and changing the values myself. So far, what I do is, run the script to find the addresses> select one type of value all myself> convert it to what I want> inverse select to grab the other type of value in one click and change that as well. The script recorder can't seem to record specific selection the way I tried. I'm guessing I'll need to edit the script file manually? I found this post How to loop? to edit and repeat the automatic edit many times? (#5glj94sj) I think what I need is gg.getResults and gg.refineNumber? Can I somehow specify the values gg.getResults will get? Is the last comment there specifying 10 random search values? Could I specify which values to grab?
  18. I mean another account, in the same game, that I have had before. When I try the script on that account where there are a lot of characters, some with lvl 60, the script does not add features to them nor does it add max equipment level. I have a couple of characters, with level 10, they are also not affected by the script. The script works only when I started a new game through another account
  19. Hi @Allah123, could you please be more specific about 'it always failed'? Samsung Galaxy S20 is based on Android 10 - 13, I suggest to use downgrade your Android version to 10 (stock version) as newer Android is NOT compatible with most VM apps. After that, use: VPhoneGaGa.
  20. Hi,I recently try to hack a game.I install gg on vphone gaga and the game too.As usual,I find value and change the value.But the game went black sometime and stopped and exit.Any advice for this problem?I use android 10 in vphone gaga but gg does not compatible with android 10.I mean it slow and lag.I think it is the source of problem,isn't it?I use root in vphone gaga.I am looking forward you guys answer.
  21. Can anyone tell me what is the best dual space app for Redmi note 10, I tried everything but couldn't find anything that works , please help
  22. Count_Nosferatu

    Game lib

    Tablet Android 10 x64 with VirtualXposed, script returned this: Script ended: { -- table(8e7fafb) [1] = { -- table(2608718) ['arch'] = 'AArch64', ['end'] = 522830204928, ['internalName'] = '/data/data/io.va.exposed/virtual/data/app/com.ea.games.r3_row/base.apk', ['name'] = '/data/data/io.va.exposed/virtual/data/app/com.ea.games.r3_row/base.apk', ['start'] = 522830127104, ['state'] = 'O', ['type'] = 'rw-p', }, } It's normal ? print(gg.getTargetInfo()) --> --- ['nativeLibraryDir'] = '/data/user/0/io.va.exposed/virtual/data/app/com.ea.games.r3_row/lib', ---
  23. View File Slime Castle - Idle TD Silver (Activate in battle. Only if you have more than 10 silver coins). Gold, Gems (Activate in the game menu. Only if you have more than 10 gold coins and gems). Shard Exp, Resources (Activate in the game menu. The number of resources must be greater than 0). Complete the training before activating all the functions. arm64_v8a Submitter Artem_Nikiforov Submitted 01/19/2024 Category LUA scripts  
  24. 414 downloads

    Silver (Activate in battle. Only if you have more than 10 silver coins). Gold, Gems (Activate in the game menu. Only if you have more than 10 gold coins and gems). Shard Exp, Resources (Activate in the game menu. The number of resources must be greater than 0). Complete the training before activating all the functions. arm64_v8a
  25. Hello mate! Trying to find same method ("GetTripleDESCryptoServiceProvider") in game https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.superplanet.airship&hl=en&gl=US. One tool show me that method in global-metada.dat, but with jadx cant find any KEY. Meybe you remember wher do you locate that method? Thanks anyway.
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