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Everything posted by Enyby

  1. Bengali added into translation center. Read first post in this topic for details.
  2. Enyby

    Known problems

    I am not owner. Need logcat and video from issue: https://gameguardian.net/forum/topic/7398-gathering-information-about-gg-errors/
  3. https://gameguardian.net/forum/topic/18172-need-help-finding-xor-key/?tab=comments#comment-64960&searchlight=1
  4. Muste be -1908683212 - 650 -1,908,683,209 - 649
  5. unsigned y = 2386283710 xor x signed y = 2386283710 xor x - 4294967296 or y = -1908683586 xor x
  6. Watch on Youtube: Improve search speed - GameGuardian You can subscribe to our new videos.
  7. Watch on YouTube: Replace text for only the first few results - GameGuardian You can subscribe to our new videos.
  8. Enyby


    What's New in Version 8.48.0 Improved search speed. Added input of the number of text replacements. Updated translations.
  9. https://gameguardian.net/forum/topic/7398-gathering-information-about-gg-errors/ Need logcat and video from issue.
  10. Enyby


    Accepted. Usually if present "lib" folder inside apk then this app have C code. If no, then this is Java-only app. Most of the 3D app is written on C. Any red checkboxes is unused. Green is used. You can check any checkboxes for any app. Depends on realization. If random data calculated locally and on stanard random generator then unrandomizer can spoil this actions. But it can be generated by server or by own implementation for random generator. This can further confuse users. There are two fields. I can make it so that when you enter the first field with stars, the second field is considered automatic, and the value you entered is ignored. But this only confuses, because this is not an obvious behavior. This option is not for beginners at all. You can write script for that. This is a very special case. It will be difficult to explain to users why it is needed, how and where to apply it. There's no difference. Just on some firmware, some variant does not work. Need logcat from issue if it is present for now.
  11. You can find more information about rooting your device at XDA Developers.
  12. Need replace "charge_spent" to "charga_spent" and all elite car stay in good condition forever until reload game. You can subscribe to our new videos.
  13. Watch on Youtube: How to replace only one text - GameGuardian You can subscribe to our new videos.
  14. I do not see any force close in this log. The fact that the game hangs up is your problem, because you change too many values and touch something important. Logcat makes sense to send if GG itself is closed and you do not have any process killer.
  15. Enyby


  16. Need logcat from issue. https://gameguardian.net/forum/topic/7398-gathering-information-about-gg-errors/
  17. You can get ban. Without matter how to get many knocks - with glitch or with hack.
  18. If you get this car illegaly and use in tle or mp then you get cb or ban.
  19. Coins enough for buy anything. Include boosts. With boosts you can pass any level.
  20. Enyby

    LUA scripting

    No one app can not be run from the root. GG too. From root can be run native app like GG daemon. Client side is just usual Android app. Script run on client side, so it not run from the root user.
  21. Enyby

    LUA scripting

    Script not work as root. Only as user for gg app. Ok, i understand you need relative path to folder of script. I think about that. But from gg.getFile() you can get all of this. Maybe need write your some helper funcs. Split path by / and use last part - this get you filename. Or unset last part - it is get you path. http://lua-users.org/wiki/SplitJoin _______________________________________________ added 1 minute later Do not think about gg as bunch of ready for use funcs. If you need some funcs - write it on lua.
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