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  1. I got v0.4.0.0 and I'm not able to make it working. If I try to connect the game gonna restart the whole time in a loop but my Console(server) displays that I'm connecting - every time. Do I have to open any ports or something else? //EDIT: Btw. I'm running it on Win7 x64 and got the latest .Net-Framework. //Re-EDIT: Got it working - it was because the Patch I created. Is there any way to modify the database to change the Gems of a specific player?
  2. Very simple - I just did it as everytime but now It just wont count the success. If I mod a hero like 8 Star Thundergod - It works that they're modded but you wont get the reward because it say you're failing. (For example if you finish a dungeon - You killed everything and there comes failure instead of success) With more than just the english version. I also used it on multible devices and none of em' are working anymore with this method.
  3. Well - the hack stopped working
  4. I always get failure if I use it. I cant beat the Boss Event - it wont count. After HT & Dungon I get a failure instead of a win. Whats wrong?
  5. It got fixed. Wont work anymore
  6. Senseless post you made because I gave a good solution and you wasn't able to. Btw the older version solution is dumb because the new version fixed a few bugs which were very irritating. So cry me a river if you cant accept that.
  7. Dumb solution to take any old version. Wasn't a good tip for you so here's the real solution.. Just open SBGameHacker & click on the Button right next to the Text field (where you put the numbers in). Than click on 'More' and click on 'Showing Result List Under' and pick '200'. Thats all! More results you dont need for CC.
  8. True. But it should enough to just stop the service and than close it complete with task manager. (Settings > Apps ..) [Remove it from Cache too].
  9. Yes it works with Phones.
  10. It is stil closing on my Phone.
  11. Okay than the clients got different Codes for now. DE CC is 47.
  12. Minotaur Skill Code: 47 This should help you.
  13. Simply - no. But there're other ways to dont do it all the time again. - You can create a Bot which makes everything for you. (with 'HiroMacro' or any other for your Devices) (On my PC for bluestacks I'm using Pulover's Macro Creator - it's simple and based on AHK script) - You can let the Modifikated CC run/stay in background. (Just press the Home-key and dont close it fully. If you start it again than it will be still modded.) Hope this can help you a bit. Cya
  14. Yes - you can Mod Mov.& Atk. Spd and Damage and Health, Hero from Legendary to Elite or something else.. But if you change the Hero Attributes (just might works as we know) the Game gonna crash. DIdn't found a way to solve this. :/
  15. You can't do it anymore because the Game would drop you out. But there're new methods how to do this - just look in VIP+ Android Cheats.
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