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    Android POCO F3;F5pro;F1 + kali Linux
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  1. Most welcome
  2. How to set Game Guardian with Apktool M for Android 14 Compatibility This guide will walk you through editing SDK target of Game Guardian (GG) using Apktool M to ensure compatibility with newer Android versions "Android 14" Hey Darklord aka OREW here again --------------------------------------- 1. Download Required Tools: Game Guardian (GG) Apktool M --- 2. Decompile the Game Guardian APK: Open Apktool M. Locate the GG APK file. Select the GG APK, then click "Decompile" and wait until the process completes. --- 3. Edit the apktool.json File: Open the decompiled GG folder. Locate and open the apktool.json file. Find lines 29 and 30: "minSdkVersion": "10", "targetSdkVersion": "22" Change both versions to: "minSdkVersion": "24", "targetSdkVersion": "24" Example of apktool.json After Editing: { "apkFileName": "GameGuardian.101.1_src.apk", "PackageInfo": { "forcedPackageId": "127", "renameManifestPackage": null }, "doNotCompress": [ "resources.arsc", "png", "res/raw/ydwsh" ], "compressionType": false, "sparseResources": true, "version": "2.4.0-241015", "sharedLibrary": false, "VersionInfo": { "versionName": "101.1", "versionCode": "16142" }, "UsesFramework": { "ids": [1], "tag": null }, "unknownFiles": {}, "apkFilePath": "/storage/emulated/0/Download/GameGuardian.101.1.apk", "compactEntries": false, "isFrameworkApk": false, "sdkInfo": { "minSdkVersion": "24", "targetSdkVersion": "24" } } Save and exit the file. --- 4. Recompile the Modified APK: In Apktool M, click the "Compile" button at the top of the folder structure. Check the box for "Use aapt" and press OK. Wait for the process to finish. --- 5. Install the Recompiled APK: After recompilation, press the "Install" button. When prompted, grant root access through Magisk Manager or KernelSU Manager (as applicable). Open GG, select the default configuration, and enable the "Install from unknown sources" permission if required. --- 6. Handle Installation Issues: If GG doesn't install directly after the package name randomizer process, follow these steps: Exit and navigate to: Android > data > com.catch_.me_.if_.you_.can_ (GG data folder) > cache > tmpe.apk This tmpe.apk file is the new GG package. In Apktool M, open it and select "Quick Edit." Set the Main SDK and Target SDK versions to 24. Press "Save", install the new package, and you're done! --- Enjoy using Game Guardian on your device! ^_^
  3. Starting with this, I will comment For any success or end point see ya
  4. Android 14 is 34 not 33, 33 for A13 ... After installed and open the gg he say's root is not available, root is already granted via kernelSU Manger
  5. I was running around in circles and then I searched and found this Thx a lot
  6. Will obviously but even if like I'm buying your or his time what is the guarantee to apply what i need Thx for responding
  7. RIP No one is responding
  8. Oh sorry i was very busy this couple days Interesting and thx but the link on the YouTube channel doesn't work
  9. Interesting comment Thx i will check it out
  10. Oh i see, let me check the network After searching.. From rexdl From Playmods From modapkok But i recommend to stay with apkaward.com for safe
  11. Thx for replying and the explanation Well about RVA, VA i will look up to it more thx for the article And for the field finder i have already did my test on the but nothing works The given value is not what is required, there is an error, or it is not modifiable
  12. Brah you didn't click on the didn't you ?!
  13. Hi Guardians! Dark lord here aka OREW Im not good with offset and pointers at this moment so i need someone to make a script or pull up the addresses and thx in advance _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Game: Kingdom two crowns State: pre paid (none free) Sources: Google play, Free source Lib: il2cpp (I have already dumb it download it from here Dumb.cs "il2cpp" What i need? 1. Free coins (add, freeze) 2. Free gems (add, freeze) 3. Unlimited stamina 4. Speed hack 5. Instant build 6. crown does not fall off 7. Spawn beggars (Spawn or Reduce the time it takes in order to Spawn) 8. Increase the damege of the Archer 9. Speed hack for NPC _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Thx in advance
  14. Hi Guardians! Dark lord here aka "OREW" I was trying to hack a specific game and I succeeded with dumping il2cpp.so And after searching for offset and so on i fiend these value's or whatever this $hit is // Fields private IUnitController _unitController; // 0xC [CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // RVA: 0x3BBE24 Offset: 0x3BBE24 VA: 0x3BBE24 private int <PlayerId>k__BackingField; // 0x10 [CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // RVA: 0x3BBE34 Offset: 0x3BBE34 VA: 0x3BBE34 private bool <DespawnOnLoad>k__BackingField; // 0x14 private static RaycastHit2D[] rayhit; // 0x0 private Collider2D[] _sharedHitColliders; // 0x18 private static int _sharedEnemiesLayer; // 0x4 private static int _sharedWildlifeLayer; // 0x8 private static int _sharedObstaclesLayer; // 0xC private static readonly int APPrepare; // 0x10 private static readonly int APShoot; // 0x14 private static readonly int APShootPerfect; // 0x18 private static readonly int APStand; // 0x1C private static readonly int APAttack; // 0x20 private static readonly int APUseSpear; // 0x24 private static readonly int APUseShield; // 0x28 private static readonly int APIdleness; // 0x2C private static readonly int APSpeed; // 0x30 [HeaderAttribute] // RVA: 0x3BBE44 Offset: 0x3BBE44 VA: 0x3BBE44 public float maxForce; // 0x1C public float maxError; // 0x20 public int minAttempts; // 0x24 public int maxAttempts; // 0x28 public float shootPrepTime; // 0x2C public float shootIntervalTime; // 0x30 public float shootCooldownTime; // 0x34 public float playerShootCooldownTime; // 0x38 public float playerAttackCooldownTime; // 0x3C public float shootCooldownWithKnightTime; // 0x40 public float shootRange; // 0x44 public float fleeRange; // 0x48 public float towerShootRange; // 0x4C [RangeAttribute] // RVA: 0x3BBE78 Offset: 0x3BBE78 VA: 0x3BBE78 public float perfectArrowProbability; // 0x50 [RangeAttribute] // RVA: 0x3BBE90 Offset: 0x3BBE90 VA: 0x3BBE90 public float dropInWaterProbability; // 0x54 [SerializeField] // RVA: 0x3BBEA8 Offset: 0x3BBEA8 VA: 0x3BBEA8 private GameObject pseudoTarget; // 0x58 private float _nextPlayerShootTime; // 0x5C private float _nextPlayerAttackTime; // 0x60 [HeaderAttribute] // RVA: 0x3BBEB8 Offset: 0x3BBEB8 VA: 0x3BBEB8 public float walkSpeed; // 0x64 public float runSpeed; // 0x68 public float coinPickupRange; // 0x6C public float maxPursueDistance; // 0x70 public float maxLead; // 0x74 public FloatRange borderHuntRange; // 0x78 [SerializeField] // RVA: 0x3BBEEC Offset: 0x3BBEEC VA: 0x3BBEEC [TimeOfDayAttribute] // RVA: 0x3BBEEC Offset: 0x3BBEEC VA: 0x3BBEEC private float returnToWallTime; // 0x80 public bool harmless; // 0x84 public Arrow arrowPrefab; // 0x88 public RuntimeAnimatorController hunterAnimator; // 0x8C public RuntimeAnimatorController soldierAnimator; // 0x90 [HeaderAttribute] // RVA: 0x3BBF1C Offset: 0x3BBF1C VA: 0x3BBF1C public AudioEmitter climbTowerSound; // 0x94 public AudioEmitter shootSound; // 0x98 public AudioEmitter buffedShootSound; // 0x9C public AudioEmitter meleeSound; // 0xA0 [HeaderAttribute] // RVA: 0x3BBF50 Offset: 0x3BBF50 VA: 0x3BBF50 public FloatRange distanceFromWall; // 0xA4 private FloatRange _distanceFromWallModified; // 0xAC private float _guardPos; // 0xB4 public FloatRange distanceFromKnight; // 0xB8 [HideInInspector] // RVA: 0x3BBF84 Offset: 0x3BBF84 VA: 0x3BBF84 public float knightFollowDistance; // 0xC0 protected CRPCHeader parentHeaderRef; // 0xC4 protected int _setGuardRPCIndex; // 0xC8 protected int _handleGuardSlotIndex; // 0xCC protected int _requestGuardSlotIndex; // 0xD0 protected int _embarkIndex; // 0xD4 protected int _absoluteFaceIndex; // 0xD8 protected int _archerBuffedIndex; // 0xDC protected int _hideStatusIndex; // 0xE0 protected int _sendCameraFocusRequest; // 0xE4 protected int _sendControllerIndex; // 0xE8 private Animator _animator; // 0xEC private Mover _mover; // 0xF0 private Rigidbody2D _rigidbody; // 0xF4 private SpriteRenderer _spriteRenderer; // 0xF8 private Wallet _wallet; // 0xFC private Wallet _originalWallet; // 0x100 private FixedTransform _fixedTransform; // 0x104 private Character _character; // 0x108 private Damageable _damageable; // 0x10C private PushablePusher _pusher; // 0x110 private Scanner _enemyScanner; // 0x114 private Scanner _wildlifeScanner; // 0x118 private Scanner _coinScanner; // 0x11C private float _cooldown; // 0x120 private float _lastGlobalScan; // 0x124 private AnimationSync _animSyncRef; // 0x128 private float _cooldownReduction; // 0x12C private float _avoidPortalRange; // 0x130 private Coin _targetCoin; // 0x134 private Formation _currentFormation; // 0x138 private GameObject _shootingTarget; // 0x13C private GameObject _huntingTarget; // 0x140 private GuardSlot _guardSlot; // 0x144 [CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // RVA: 0x3BBF94 Offset: 0x3BBF94 VA: 0x3BBF94 private bool <inGuardSlot>k__BackingField; // 0x148 [SerializeField] // RVA: 0x3BBFA4 Offset: 0x3BBFA4 VA: 0x3BBFA4 private Side _guardSide; // 0x14C private int _guardDepth; // 0x150 private Knight _knight; // 0x154 private bool _isWearingBannerColor; // 0x158 private bool _controllableSprinting; // 0x159 private IHaglet behaviour; // 0x15C private IHaglet shoot; // 0x160 private IHaglet attack; // 0x164 private PositionSync cachedPosSync; // 0x168 private Persistent persistent; // 0x16C [CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // RVA: 0x3BBFB4 Offset: 0x3BBFB4 VA: 0x3BBFB4 private bool <IsBuffed>k__BackingField; // 0x170 [CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // RVA: 0x3BBFC4 Offset: 0x3BBFC4 VA: 0x3BBFC4 private UnlockNewRulerStatue <newRulerStatue>k__BackingField; // 0x174 [CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // RVA: 0x3BBFD4 Offset: 0x3BBFD4 VA: 0x3BBFD4 private HelPuzzlePillar <helPuzzlePillar>k__BackingField; // 0x178 private Boat _boat; // 0x17C [HeaderAttribute] // RVA: 0x3BBFE4 Offset: 0x3BBFE4 VA: 0x3BBFE4 [SerializeField] // RVA: 0x3BBFE4 Offset: 0x3BBFE4 VA: 0x3BBFE4 private float shieldSpotRange; // 0x180 [SerializeField] // RVA: 0x3BC02C Offset: 0x3BC02C VA: 0x3BC02C private float shieldScanInterval; // 0x184 private NpcShieldUser _npcShieldUser; // 0x188 private Droppable targetShield; // 0x18C private Archer.AttackMode _desiredAttackMode; // 0x190 private Archer.AttackMode _attackMode; // 0x194 [SerializeField] // RVA: 0x3BC03C Offset: 0x3BC03C VA: 0x3BC03C private float _meleeAttackRange; // 0x198 [SerializeField] // RVA: 0x3BC04C Offset: 0x3BC04C VA: 0x3BC04C private float _meleeAttackPredictAheadTime; // 0x19C [SerializeField] // RVA: 0x3BC05C Offset: 0x3BC05C VA: 0x3BC05C private float _meleeCooldown; // 0x1A0 [SerializeField] // RVA: 0x3BC06C Offset: 0x3BC06C VA: 0x3BC06C private int _meleeDamage; // 0x1A4 [SerializeField] // RVA: 0x3BC07C Offset: 0x3BC07C VA: 0x3BC07C private int _meleeMaxHitsPerAttack; // 0x1A8 private Damageable _meleeTarget; // 0x1AC private bool _meleeAttackPlaying; // 0x1B0 [SerializeField] // RVA: 0x3BC08C Offset: 0x3BC08C VA: 0x3BC08C private Rect _hitBox; // 0x1B4 [HeaderAttribute] // RVA: 0x3BC09C Offset: 0x3BC09C VA: 0x3BC09C [SerializeField] // RVA: 0x3BC09C Offset: 0x3BC09C VA: 0x3BC09C private float _switchWeaponsButtonDuration; // 0x1C4 private bool _downKeyPressed; // 0x1C8 private bool _playerAttackModeChanged; // 0x1C9 private float _switchWeaponsTimer; // 0x1CC private float _arrowLength; // 0x1D0 private const int Stand = 1; private const int FollowKnight = 2; private const int GoToTower = 4; private const int GoToWall = 8; private const int Hunt = 16; private const int GrabCoin = 32; private const int Flee = 64; private const int Held = 128; private const int Grabbed = 256; private const int Inert = 512; private const int InFormation = 1024; private const int FreeRuler = 2048; private const int GrabShield = 4096; private const int SwitchWeapons = 8192; private const int GoToOfferingPillar = 16384; private const int PlayerControl = 32768; private static readonly Formation.UnitTypes[] FormationUnitType; // 0x34 And THIS one // Fields public int hitDamage; // 0xC public int perfectDamageMultiplier; // 0x10 public bool shouldOrientate; // 0x14 public bool canBounce; // 0x15 [HeaderAttribute] // RVA: 0x3BC0E4 Offset: 0x3BC0E4 VA: 0x3BC0E4 public bool isFireArrow; // 0x16 public int damagePerTick; // 0x18 public int damageTicks; // 0x1C public float damageDelayOffset; // 0x20 public float damageDelayTime; // 0x24 [HeaderAttribute] // RVA: 0x3BC118 Offset: 0x3BC118 VA: 0x3BC118 public AudioEmitter wallHitSound; // 0x28 public AudioEmitter groundHitSound; // 0x2C public AudioEmitter waterHitSound; // 0x30 [HeaderAttribute] // RVA: 0x3BC14C Offset: 0x3BC14C VA: 0x3BC14C public GameObject archer; // 0x34 private bool _orientToVelocity; // 0x38 private bool _has***; // 0x39 private Rigidbody2D _rigidbody; // 0x3C private Collider2D _collider; // 0x40 private TrailRenderer _trail; // 0x44 private bool _perfect; // 0x48 private NetworkSoftSimulator _softSim; // 0x4C private bool authorityActive; // 0x50 // Methods // RVA: 0xCB69A0 Offset: 0xCB69A0 VA: 0xCB69A0 private void Awake() { } // RVA: 0xCB6B0C Offset: 0xCB6B0C VA: 0xCB6B0C private void OnEnable() { } // RVA: 0xCB6BF0 Offset: 0xCB6BF0 VA: 0xCB6BF0 public void DropInWater() { } // RVA: 0xCB6CA0 Offset: 0xCB6CA0 VA: 0xCB6CA0 public void PerfectShot() { } // RVA: 0xCB6BA4 Offset: 0xCB6BA4 VA: 0xCB6BA4 private void EnableTrail() { } [IteratorStateMachineAttribute] // RVA: 0x3D1404 Offset: 0x3D1404 VA: 0x3D1404 // RVA: 0xCB6C28 Offset: 0xCB6C28 VA: 0xCB6C28 private IEnumerator DropInWaterInternal() { } // RVA: 0xCB6CAC Offset: 0xCB6CAC VA: 0xCB6CAC private void OnDestroy() { } // RVA: 0xCB6D28 Offset: 0xCB6D28 VA: 0xCB6D28 private void LateUpdate() { } // RVA: 0xCB6DF8 Offset: 0xCB6DF8 VA: 0xCB6DF8 private void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision) { } // RVA: 0xCB7630 Offset: 0xCB7630 VA: 0xCB7630 private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collider) { } // RVA: 0xCB6E34 Offset: 0xCB6E34 VA: 0xCB6E34 private void HitObject(GameObject target, bool physicalHit) { } // RVA: 0xCB766C Offset: 0xCB766C VA: 0xCB766C Slot: 4 public void HandleAuthorityChange(bool newAuthorityState) { } // RVA: 0xCB6A94 Offset: 0xCB6A94 VA: 0xCB6A94 Slot: 5 public void RegisterWithNetworkBoss() { } // RVA: 0xCB6CB0 Offset: 0xCB6CB0 VA: 0xCB6CB0 Slot: 6 public void DeregisterWithNetworkBoss() { } // RVA: 0xCB7674 Offset: 0xCB7674 VA: 0xCB7674 Slot: 7 public void ReceiveInitialise() { } // RVA: 0xCB7868 Offset: 0xCB7868 VA: 0xCB7868 Slot: 8 public void PostRecvStop() { } // RVA: 0xCB7874 Offset: 0xCB7874 VA: 0xCB7874 public void .ctor() { } } As you see the Walkspeed showing 0x64 .. Attack speed something like it to Wtf should i do with this?! And should someone explain to me what is the difference between RVA, VA, offset..? Aren't all them offset?! And i know how to search for the offset Xa>il2cpp> offset calculator, 0CB6CAC Thx in advance
  15. I'm speechless !, idk way use another device and check if it's work that means you os is not supported
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