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Everything posted by nok1a

  1. Encrypted search: -- encrypted search gg.searchNumber('-10', gg.TYPE_DWORD, true) https://gameguardian.net/help/classgg.html#a14685d871e664a2f8ea74dc3293e428e
  2. Yeah its not unknown that if you download the app straight from the play store it may not work while installing it as an APK could work. Have you tried downloading your game on which the speedhack doesn't work as an APK from the browser?
  3. I had a tutorial video but it was taken down by the company of the game i used as an sample. Which game are we talking about?
  4. Are you using in build GG speedhack?
  5. nok1a

    Tower of Fantasy

    I have not tested it. But you could give it a try and come back with results. If negative, will have a look.
  6. Sounds to me like Ruber banding. Means the speed on your client is not in sync with the speed given on the server. If your speed hacking on online game it´s quite common. The fact that you even have to leave the map or worst, restart the game means that the server somehow isn´t able to sync the position and speed on the server with that of your client. I recall experiencing something like that on Tower Of Fantasy. It was mainly because i edited the wrong speed value and tried GG´s inbuild speedhack. You have different speed values. And if your changing the speed value that the server uses to do some math on for sync with the client then your issue could make sense. If you change another speed value your speed hack could perhaps work without any problems.
  7. nok1a

    Brain Puzzle

    Oke, how does it work to edit that method?
  8. Hmm, the money/gold hack doesn't work for me. It worked few months ago though. I'm using x8sandbox. And the game is 64bit. Have you double checked if you can still do the money/gold hack?
  9. It should still work. Or you found other method?
  10. nok1a

    Improve script

    My math very little. Thanks for the link, but i think i need to pay.
  11. nok1a

    Improve script

    I don't think i changed anything here except for the parts mentioned by CmP. Also i lost this script with all other scripts posted here due to loss of device, so i don't remember which changes i made personally. Also the script is not made for work on all devices. It was made based on the device i was working with.
  12. Hey, sorry for late reply. I just checked and tried using gameguardians speedhack to speed up the daily timer and it added the 5 crystals to it when i switched menus and even after restarting the game the crystals remained. So im not sure what i need to understand from that.
  13. nok1a

    Brain Puzzle

    tried encrypted search?
  14. I had that issue happening sometimes in a old game i was playing. Turned out depending on the instruction set architecture the game installs a different game version. So the value may differ. So if you have already checked all memory regions as Kiynox instructed make sure to check the game versions. Here an example of different game versions on different instruction set architecture: Combat magic stats change? (#o1uhthk) If that´s not the issue you could use pointers to "try" locate the value in your phone but for that you have to understand the pointer structure in Nox. What you also can do is check the behaviour of the value in Nox. Seeing if the value increases or dicreases when doing sercent actions and replicate that behaviour using unknown search in mobile. I mean it´s what i usually do.
  15. Often in online games the bullet speed is server sided. But which game is it? Edit: I mean, the bullet speed may be sever sided or it could be the timing of amount of bullets that hit the target in a sercent time that could be server sided. But sometimes you can make it work.
  16. Welcome, There are lots beginners friendly tutorials https://gameguardian.net/forum/gallery/category/2-video-tutorials/
  17. Dump 64bit: https://mega.nz/folder/HVkHlKzJ#eLLBQbnyMzeHJWJzL6ypDQ Aside from that i also received same error as you when using the script. For fix the issue you have to contact the owner of the script: libil2cpp.so and metadata.dat dumping script (#rpaaz4p) Game had some protection on mobile when i selected the process. I was using F1 in VM. Dunno why. On Bluestacks did not get a message that game is protected. So dumped it there. Works fine: There are 2 libil2cpp.so files: so i dumped both of them, i am not sure if they are the same, but the sizes differ between dumps..so i guess not. This is the other dump.
  18. How you found the key? I can´t find that. Well, could not find anything mentioned actually due lack of understanding, but i see you explain it as clear as possible. I was assuming you found it somewhere here: namespace System.Security.Cryptography { // Token: 0x02000303 RID: 771 [Token(Token = "0x2000303")] internal class TripleDESTransform : SymmetricTransform { // Token: 0x0600190B RID: 6411 RVA: 0x00002053 File Offset: 0x00000253 [Token(Token = "0x600190B")] [Address(RVA = "0xEC3CCC", Offset = "0xEC3CCC", VA = "0xEC3CCC")] public TripleDESTransform(TripleDES algo, bool encryption, byte[] key, byte[] iv) { } // Token: 0x0600190C RID: 6412 RVA: 0x00002053 File Offset: 0x00000253 [Token(Token = "0x600190C")] [Address(RVA = "0xED0E18", Offset = "0xED0E18", VA = "0xED0E18", Slot = "15")] protected override void ECB(byte[] input, byte[] output) { } // Token: 0x0600190D RID: 6413 RVA: 0x00002050 File Offset: 0x00000250 [Token(Token = "0x600190D")] [Address(RVA = "0xED0D54", Offset = "0xED0D54", VA = "0xED0D54")] internal static byte[] GetStrongKey() { return null; } // Token: 0x04000CF9 RID: 3321 [Token(Token = "0x4000CF9")] [FieldOffset(Offset = "0x34")] private DESTransform E1; // Token: 0x04000CFA RID: 3322 [Token(Token = "0x4000CFA")] [FieldOffset(Offset = "0x38")] private DESTransform D2; // Token: 0x04000CFB RID: 3323 [Token(Token = "0x4000CFB")] [FieldOffset(Offset = "0x3C")] private DESTransform E3; // Token: 0x04000CFC RID: 3324 [Token(Token = "0x4000CFC")] [FieldOffset(Offset = "0x40")] private DESTransform D1; // Token: 0x04000CFD RID: 3325 [Token(Token = "0x4000CFD")] [FieldOffset(Offset = "0x44")] private DESTransform E2; // Token: 0x04000CFE RID: 3326 [Token(Token = "0x4000CFE")] [FieldOffset(Offset = "0x48")] private DESTransform D3; } } Then first result i got after searching destransform E1 brought me to this github that follows something similair as the above and the encryption method you mentioned: https://github.com/mono/mono/blob/main/mcs/class/corlib/System.Security.Cryptography/TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider.cs I guess to decode the result in base64 i need another key? Because i tried decoding in base64 with some basic base64 decoder...without any key and then use a gzip decompresser but i got an error that im using invalid characters.
  19. It does but sure, there are exceptions.
  20. If its not that one specific game try it manually with GG and Hex editor using one of the two tutorials. You need a PC though. Because some mobile dumpers don't support some metadata versions while on PC it does. Dunno why.
  21. I just changed the language. This crystal value,try changing it before the timer finishes. Then when game collects the crystal daily rewards you may get it cheated. Will try testing it.
  22. In that case it may make sense to cheat the reward value and wait till the timer is finished to get the reward. The game is in foreign language but do we get crystal rewards from this? I also just noticed that on the full version to buy something with crystals the game is online or some sort. So maby we have to cheat the crystals on the uncomplete version? (Just theorizing)
  23. My bad regarding background sound. Did not pay attention.
  24. Could not find anything to buy with the crystals. So not 100% sure if works. But if you buy sometimes and it works, the crystals should remain after restarting the game. mobizen_20231117_083925.mp4
  25. nok1a


    Im not sure you cloned it correctly. Did you first download and installed GG from the web then cloned it?
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