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Everything posted by nok1a

  1. Yeah it's different for you. Not sure if it's because your having the no touch apk or something else. But if value changes address each time you have to use offsets. So you can search for values that don't change and restart the game a few times to see if the distance from the non changable value and the health value remains same. Will take a few tries. It's not practical for me to guess to much what values are static so a screen share or somesort is most suitable by my opinion. Perhaps on discord or something.
  2. the no touch version doesn't work for me. You can do a few dumps and see if you find a static value that has a fixed distance from your desired values but you can't search for a pointer scan by using dumps because as you said, after restart the value is on a different memory location. Unless you find a value and you already know the address at that value is a pointer. Oke can you use the old script, then go to the saved list and select all values and do offset +0x169 and type byte. which values you get?
  3. Maby not needed to send screenshot. Can you see if you get your health and life values? gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_BSS) gg.searchNumber(":spotvg", gg.TYPE_BYTE) local t = gg.getResults(1) gg.clearResults() gg.searchNumber(t[1].address -0x8, gg.TYPE_QWORD) local a = gg.getResults(60) for i, v in ipairs(a) do v.address = v.address -0x8 v.flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD end gg.loadResults(a) for i = 1, 10 do gg.searchNumber("1", gg.TYPE_DWORD) end local b = gg.getResults(1) local startAddress = b[1].address list = {{address = startAddress + 0x169, flags = gg.TYPE_BYTE, name = "inf lives"}, {address = startAddress + 0x16B, flags = gg.TYPE_BYTE, name = "inf health"}} gg.addListItems(list)
  4. Oke looking good so far. But can you send screenshot of the saved list. It's where you gave the results a name.
  5. I understand. Please save the code in a lua file and then run the script and provide than a screenshot of the saved list. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_BSS) gg.searchNumber(":spotvg", gg.TYPE_BYTE) local t = gg.getResults(1) gg.clearResults() gg.searchNumber(t[1].address -0x8, gg.TYPE_QWORD) local a = gg.getResults(60) for i, v in ipairs(a) do v.address = v.address -0x8 v.flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD end gg.addListItems(a)
  6. The nature of topic is fine but i see what you mean. Can you do a offset calculation -0x16B starting from your inf health value. And see if the value at that address is 1 dword. If so add offset of +0x08 and type qword. Check if there is a pointer. If so goto pointer and make sure UTF-8 is enabled. Then see if you see string name "spotvg"?
  7. Hi i think i misunderstood the question. You ment the values change address when you restart the application. You would need to find a static group search.
  8. We can't know. But post link of game so others can have a look.
  9. You mean you can't find the values? Or you find them but can't edit them or nothing happens? Have you already tried encrypted search?
  10. Yes. You must write script that has the pointer that is responsible for pointing to a new memory address in which your health, time...etc is stored. You could do this by using backwards pointer search. In Unity games this goes quite efficient. Then must place the pointer in a while loop so that the moment the memory address changes of your health the script will automatically find the new memory address. Also if possible provide link to the game. So others can do tests and so that one can be more easily supported.
  11. Maby need to write a script that can auto locate the method by using some pointer search? Or you could use a field value to then get the class and then do a pointer search from the class to it's methods. Which game would that be?
  12. Yeah. For now use this. Game engine alert gets ignored. Will later do more adjustment to script. Will work if game is unity and has speedvalue is 1.0 speedhack_finder_unity.lua
  13. Use the field offset finder and provide an update if it works. You game must be 64bits. mobizen_20231019_064520.mp4
  14. Can you provide an example of a new game that is Unity in which the script not know it's unity? Haven't updated anything for sometime. I will look to it when i got the free time but the work and other factors don't give me to much freedom to update speedhack script.
  15. It's just a group search. Dunno if chainer is suitable. A script can be made for it or field offset finder. It's class is JourneyProgress and field name numberOfCompleted. Has offset 18 bytes on 64bit.
  16. The game got a updated? Try this: 50;yourgamelevel -1::9 My level is 10078 so i go in match and search 50;10077::9. Enable region anonymous. Then edit the level while your in match and then leave it.
  17. value reset problem (#bot1efp1)
  18. I stopped using offsets since i have to update those each game update. I prefer to make a script and have it work independent of game updates. I use string searches in metadata. Now being using string searches in metadata and haven't had to update the script for a year or so and it still works regardless of game update. Unless i want to add or remove features the script will work. Unfortunately i do not have video tutorial on how to do it but you could inspect the script.
  19. There was a YT tutorial for it but it got deleted due to copyright. There is several ways to find the speedvalue. One of those is by trying find the timeScale value. If you have the option to pause the game you should search 0.0F if game is paused(use the pause button in the game, not the one of gameguardian) and if the game is not paused the value is increased. Other method could only work assuming the value is 1.0 float. Freeze the game at start of loading and then search 1.0 Float. Then continue the game and keep doing unchanged.
  20. If this game is Unity the only reason why autospeedhack finder doesn't work is because the speed value is something else then 1.0 Float. Could be 1.5 or 2.0 whatever Unity timescale developer put's in there or it's because you used unknown search while the game is on pause or because it is not Unity at all so the script doesn't know the default mechanics of the game to find it's speed value like for example a different gaming engine. Perhaps share game name.
  21. This usually happens because you got reported. Don't try to make it obvious that you are using cheats. For example don't make it look like your shooting behind walls all the time. Use hitheadbox low. Don't teleport all the time. Play controlled. Like that you reduce the possibility of being reported and banned.
  22. Try script: https://gameguardian.net/forum/files/file/3255-string-replacer/
  23. This game was made with Construct 2 and so HTML5. Also should have some Javascript in it. I don't think you can just change the data type from dword to double. Perhaps you have to check how data types work with Construct 2 or HTML5, javascript. Also what you try to accomplish with changing points? It doesn't give you benefit in the game i believe. Pff..browser games are the worst to cheat with GG because so little is know of it(personal opinion).
  24. Send video/screenshot of the error.
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