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Everything posted by NoFear

  1. NoFear

    need help with GG

    Try this... Unknown search. Right when you goto submit the request, have GG auto pause the game and unknown change. Then search the values then edit. This method worked for a LINE game for me.
  2. NoFear

    need help with GG

    What is the action that is occurring when those "items" are sent to server? Edit: Which game?
  3. Youtube Channel is "the genius hacker" She just added credits in description. Still, didn't add credits until called out on it. And funny channel name considering couldn't hack it on their own
  4. @Skullboyq @reed265 Don't help @Samiishi Will steal your work and claim as there own.
  5. Gold Gems What I do with the rewards Dword search how many 'stars' claimed and how many total. So I had 0 and max is 5. So 0;5::5 Then claim 1,and search 1;5::5 This will allow you to claim gems MULTIPLE times to help do your search. Encrypted float search. Find 1 value. Copy value. Search value, edit all (for simplicity reasons).
  6. Correct. You're welcome.
  7. Prices hack XP and career hack to follow
  8. You find 1 result? If so, save that value in saved list. Do unknown search. Have gems change. Unknown changed. Then known value, searching what your save value = Edit results.
  9. Gold is just a double value search. Encrypted float or dword should find gems.
  10. NoFear

    Deathrun Portable

    It does get old and annoying.. Just a simple credit in video or video description. And as for helping "anyone"... It depends on how respectful the person is to myself and others here. Simply joining and demanding HOW, won't get you far. I've had a developer contact me and was very polite so I explained how I hacked his game. Show SOME effort that you are trying. Not going to spoon feed people that want to plagiarize and boost their youtube channel off my work. Ask for permission and give some credit, I have no problem at all with it.
  11. NoFear

    Deathrun Portable

    1st GG isn't finding "Codes", it is finding values stored in memory that you edit. 2nd In probably not going to share much that will destroy the gameplay, if you figure it out, props to you. Be honest, have you even made an attempt to find any values yourself?
  12. NoFear

    Injustice 2

    Game like this, the more you can hack during a fight, the better. Because that's the data that isn't "constant". So you have better luck manipulating that and it syncing. I'll have to play the game myself a little too. As for mod vs GG. I prefer GG over any mod. 1 reason, game updates, no need to wait for new mod The only anti ban I utilized was by Stewe against Gameloft. He found a great method that even with original version, no ban. Granted, Gameloft learned and no longer works.
  13. NoFear

    Injustice 2

    Not true... Some mods can offer anti-ban. But with memory hacking you can potentially draw more attention than a mod. My reasoning for not hacking games that have a mod, is someone already hacked it, I don't need to spend time in doing what someone already achieved.
  14. The error island user did negative to give himself the items. The user below did only 10... I don't get the point of what you are trying to accomplish... Why sell higher qty? What is it you are trying to gain? That's my question, not what you are trying to hack, but the end result of what you gain from this hack you want to do. Reason being is you could be trying something difficult and there is a better method than this to achieve same gain...
  15. No use in Anon range, correct? I don't know what triggered the Other range. I keep opening and closing game... Not putting values in other range (yet).... Ugh.
  16. The end result is you want more of the item?
  17. NoFear

    Injustice 2

    Most likely. I might try to find some hacks. I typically avoid hacking games where mods exist.
  18. The reason you are trying is to give yourself more of the item?
  19. I think you can buy ANYTHING... @Enyby This game has values in Anonymous range. Then on another launch they are in "Other" range. I know you wanted to know if values ever were in Other. This is a game that does.
  20. You check nearby values? Good chance you will find a 1 and a 3. Min/max allowed. Edit the max to large negative to allow you to sell negative amount. This is a guess... But worth looking.
  21. NoFear

    Injustice 2

    You logged into Google with the playstore version? And made your backup after? Restoring data shouldn't have you log back in. Launching game it should be logged/logging in on launch.... I'll check myself too. Edit : Interesting... First time this hasn't worked...
  22. I do plan on creating one. The price search is a huge hack all by itself... What else you looking to have for a hack? I have xp, every currency and max career/hobbies.
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