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Everything posted by MonkeySAN

  1. the address changes everytime between restart but those values before(above) and after(below) ammo value didnt as far i know so... you can use ordered group search like this dwords = 20;10;130;680;30;1,049,414,861::25 then refine to ammo value = 130 the range use is Java_heap so it may take a while to get results or maybe it depend on the device...fast device = fast search...slow device = slow search(like mine) on my part i found that it much faster to find the ammo value itself then refine and edit as shown in video below : ZA2_ammo.mp4 <no video speed>
  2. one way is use gg.prompt to ask user to input the values for searching. then give alert to them to change the values before the next prompt appear to input the change values for refining. lastly edit.
  3. View File ZOMBIE IDLE DEFENSE [Weapon Upgrade][Hero Package][CashCoinsScrap][HeroMaxLevel][32bit] A simple script for Zombie Idle Defense - Free Weapon upgrades to Max Level and Rank - Crates hack in Armory - Cash, Coins and Scrap hack - Heroes level hack NOTE: SCRIPT IS FOR 32BIT DEVICE ONLY Submitter MonkeySAN Submitted 09/21/2020 Category LUA scripts  
  4. 2,770 downloads

    A simple script for Zombie Idle Defense - Free Weapon upgrades to Max Level and Rank - Crates hack in Armory - Cash, Coins and Scrap hack - Heroes level hack NOTE: SCRIPT IS FOR 32BIT DEVICE ONLY
  5. i did a quick try of your script... really hope you write the how to use properly. for someone out there that not quite good in English...it may a bit confusing to understand. me on other hand no problem. Visually the cues did had full upgrade but while play i found sometime it not so. Aiming line not a problem because it just visual. Spin...work great did the job. Time ...didnt focus on that so cant say about it. Power..notice that sometime the ball already pocketed but the game refresh and the ball came short..not pocketed.
  6. the file size is about right and script execute properly except for the invalid binary script header error since i use the latest GG but if press OK it will run normally... but again... try multiple times too.
  7. me too had some problem sometime whenever im try to upload a script here but after a few tries it did upload. maybe you can ask someone to upload it on your behalf to see if the problem really is your script.
  8. yes..please do. in mean time..check out the new video im uploaded. script tested with Premium v2.3.8
  9. MonkeySAN

    Game guardian is fake

    bia3....Brothers In Arms 3 maybe???
  10. something like this...?? SoulKnight.mp4
  11. the script was made with the game version 2.3.7 just tested with new version 2.3.8 and all is work just fine. im also uninstall and reinstall the game multiple times to test the script. still it work just fine.
  12. yup.. i made it with my phone which is 32bit device..and tested only with the free version of the game. 64bit device may have different codes arrangement but dont know sure. dont have 64bit phone.
  13. you the same guy @Unnamed1 what exactly you want to do is.. prompt(search value) --> hide(to do some refine) --> prompt(search refine value)--> then Edit. im already gave the example.
  14. what do you mean by next prompt will go when press the gg?? prompt need to appear to input something for next hack to run based on that input. i really dont undertstand you.
  15. View File EMPIRE WARRIORS TD [Free/Premium version][32bit] Script to get... - Towers Unlock (for Tower not unlocked yet) - Power Ups - Gems - Crystals - Keys - Ancient Coins - VIP Points ...for FREE in the SHOP. Video link How to use the script : https://streamable.com/wnsg5j Script TESTED on Premium v2.3.8 https://streamable.com/tbpp8w PLEASE TAKE NOTE THIS SCRIPT IS FOR 32bit DEVICES ONLY Submitter MonkeySAN Submitted 08/25/2020 Category LUA scripts  
  16. 5,253 downloads

    Script to get... - Towers Unlock (for Tower not unlocked yet) - Power Ups - Gems - Crystals - Keys - Ancient Coins - VIP Points ...for FREE in the SHOP. Video link How to use the script : https://streamable.com/wnsg5j Script TESTED on Premium v2.3.8 https://streamable.com/tbpp8w PLEASE TAKE NOTE THIS SCRIPT IS FOR 32bit DEVICES ONLY
  17. one way is.. you can do group search..refine to 1 address with fixed value and add offset to get to desire item address then edit(fixed or prompt) Stamps.mp4
  18. using your script...coins and keys..i was able to find other things to hack as well. etc : stamps, level maybe you can look into that.
  19. can you describe the condition how its not working? the OPPONENT start...sometime work and sometime didnt. the ME start..worked everytime when i tried it. be mindful..its not like the auto win before...in fact its not auto win at all.
  20. well...you already got THEM. you dont really NEED me. seem they the EXPERT one..compare to me just making script for FUN and to SHARE it so everybody can learn something from it.
  21. provide me with some proofs....and i may look it into this matter.
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