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Everything posted by MonkeySAN

  1. hmm..there is no fun in that. you guys gave us the ability to hide but not unhide. shouldnt it be better we too can unhide it. we can hide but not unhide..to me it sound a bit like deleting it. why not just give us(Contributor) delete option anyway? i feel better that way
  2. MonkeySAN

    Days Bygone Mod

    you can get Rubies from any Achievements. example: see that title "Days Gone By 1" once you claimed it that value 1 will increase. first search that value 1 in Dword. after that claim and value will change to 2. refine to 2. if results still many..claim once again(if you can) and then refine to the new value. once found..edit to 0 and freeze it. now you can claim it(Rubies) over and over again until you satisfied. once you done..unfreeze it(with value 0) and claim once more and leave as it is(value 1)..so that you hack that again in future.
  3. @Sysadmin i forgot to ask. when we hide our post/comment.. will it remain hidden forever and we cant access it anymore? or we can undo the hide somehow?
  4. MonkeySAN

    Days Bygone Mod

    see that 74 Mana 30.0s Cooldown? search = 74;30::9 type = Float while in battle only.
  5. MonkeySAN

    Days Bygone Mod

    Magic spamming..? Screenrecorder-2022-06-03-00-56-49-374.mp4
  6. that constant value already been given in previous page. Please do some reading.
  7. MonkeySAN

    Days Bygone Mod

    apparently you can but it give you this look all over the screen those 2 Floats values in the video..change the first one to 999999999 and the second below it to 0 instead of freeze it both for Mana just freeze the other 2 Float values below HP Float values. for Damage : you can do this. but you need to work a little to find it. search = 1;1.875F::5 type = Double refine to 1 Double. once got refine results..it just a matter to find the correct one. select a group of 10 or more results then edit. open and close another screen like Shop or Wall and see if anything change. if not..delete the selected results and select another set of 10 more results and edit. repeat whole process again and again until you found the correct one. if you do it properly..you will find 4 address with value 1 Double that change the Damage exactly like in the picture.
  8. MonkeySAN

    Days Bygone Mod

    search = HP in Float; HP in Dword ; Mana in Dword ::9 Follow the video. Screenrecorder-2022-05-30-20-21-51-61.mp4 as you can see..i just only started the game. dont know it will work for you but you can try it.
  9. same here..i did manage to do it in Survival Mode once only.. couple of dozen times later..no good.
  10. hmm. i dont think so. i never had that problem before. also im not using vmos. i may had nearly as same as yours one time.. but all i do is restart game,restart GG and all is fine after that..never to happen again. if you had tried that too and problem still persist..then maybe it was something else that i had no knowledge about it.
  11. yup that same as mine but at group size of 5. also same like you..sometime it work..sometime it doesnt. the game is weird a bit(or rather had little protection maybe?)sometime as when manually search the coins values..some refine results change to memory Other. and there was also a time when correct value was found and edited..when look for <Changed as search result>..no result appear at all like nothing ever been changed before.
  12. and i dont know what went wrong.. in my game..it always froze at 43th or 44th wave.
  13. Great. now i got it..with success everytime. also notice there is a static value in Dword above it..maybe it can be use in the search also.
  14. i did tried it myself and it can be very very tricky somehow. Out of 10 tries..i maybe can get it right only 2 times. after refining..i got around 4 to 5 results but number with big decimal points. example : 20.012345... which i know was not the right one. it should be just 20.0
  15. hmm.. i never hack the Gem but i do get stuck(not sure what i did wrong) at loading screen at 100% before. what i did was i cleared the game data then open the game again..and it open normally after that..right at where i left it last time played. really got scare if it somehow delete all my progress and stuffs but it did not. already done it twice by now. hope this really help you somehow.
  16. are you by any chance using a virtual app to run GG?
  17. hmm.. i would prefer if we have the option to delete it like forever. but for now...that will do.
  18. hmm..ok. how about this hide option..is that new too? i cant seem to remember i ever see it before.
  19. Hmm..any new perks for us Contributor? one i discovered that i can now edit my post from last week. its that a feature for all users or what? anyway many big THANKS. @Sysadmin
  20. for Invisibility gadget..uses and duration. search = 1.0F;1D;-1D;1D;5.0F::17 if you get it right..there will be only 10 results. refine to Float values. first set of Float 1 and 5 is the one you need to edit. the other set are only for visual change. values will stay edited as long as you in the game. once restart..need to search the original value again.
  21. yup... cant imagined how that someone found that Float value to begin with. less than 1..results could be hundred of thousand..if not millions.
  22. goto the address of that you found one and look at the value(Dword) above and below it. you will see a patern. then scroll up or down to see if there is any others similar or close to it. someone gave me that script and i was told not to share it. so i cant tell the exact codes. sorry.
  23. there are values to change it to another item but that change everytime upon restart and it way too random. i still cant figure it. im believe its the values above item quantity value if im not mistaken. some pretty big values..sometime in negative too.
  24. i know that one. lock it and it will come back in Shop. but will it change to another item once we purchased it? normally when buying with Coins/Gems..item will change.
  25. hmm..i dont have answer for that. i had been banned a long time ago and i dont mind it at all since i dont play the game that much. just from time to time to let go some stress and what not.
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