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Everything posted by MonkeySAN

  1. MonkeySAN

    The Battle Cats

    you meant value to unlock all cat?
  2. MonkeySAN

    The Battle Cats

    when you select the game process in GG it will display [x64] next to the name if game is 64bit. if none then its 32bit.
  3. MonkeySAN

    The Battle Cats

    great. yup..its not as easy as with Cb but its still hackable with much of the usual hacks can be done like before only this time in different memory ranges.
  4. MonkeySAN

    The Battle Cats

    ok..i just checked and found that.. the 64bit game use Other region but for 32bit the game use Anonymous. try search something in Anonymous region and see if you get any result.
  5. MonkeySAN

    The Battle Cats

    latest game version? 32bit or 64bit ? what are you try to search?
  6. MonkeySAN

    The Battle Cats

    the game got major overhaul update that shifted all its memory to Other region. not very sure what you are searching in Anonymous region as the game mostly use Cb before the lastest update. XP and Cat Food still and can be found by unknown/fuzzy search in Other region.
  7. so..it got something to do with Pointers ?? i removed them and now both are working great without interfering with each other.
  8. hi @Platonic using your script method..it seem that Jump Height and Movement Speed hack conflict with each other as shown in the video : Screenrecorder-2022-11-13-05-22-27-205.mp4 but with script method by @RealWanteD all is fine : Screenrecorder-2022-11-13-05-24-37-20.mp4 any thoughts as to why this happen in yours but not to the other. both script use the same field offset for the hacks. even though..there is another field offset for Movement Speed that can be use..putting that in your script..the problem still persist.
  9. here is the script with Jump Height and Movement Speed hack added. com.theand.minimal[EDITED].lua All credit goes to @Platonic
  10. any idea where can i add gg.prompt for setvalue in here? function class_CharacterJump() if loop_CharacterJump == false then filter_class(CharacterJump) -- only call function once loop_CharacterJump = true end CharacterJumpClass_address = class_pointers gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS) gg.searchNumber(CharacterJumpClass_address[1].address, gg.TYPE_QWORD) local pointers_to_class = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) gg.clearResults() local field_JumpHeight = {} for i, v in ipairs(pointers_to_class) do field_JumpHeight[i] = {address = v.address + 0xB8, flags = gg.TYPE_FLOAT, value = "3"}--wanna use prompt instead of fixed value end gg.setValues(field_JumpHeight) gg.toast("Jump Height DONE") end
  11. @Platonic well thanks for the script. still lots in it but much neater looking. i was able to add Jump hack for it. just made/added a few changes here and there...without so much scratching my head. Screenrecorder-2022-11-11-17-14-38-518.mp4
  12. Thank you. but i already done that. way before you post your first script.(my apologize) though...it work perfectly everytime..it just i dont quite like it as the script had too many things going on in it. and it took me quite sometime to understand it. the first one of yours are much simpler.
  13. in my game the search value is 23636 that value will stay the same after you completely exit the game and enter again. while in the game.. the already turned on God Mode hack will not work anymore when you entered a new stage. need to search again but that value had changed.
  14. many thanks. but its not working. that search value is not static between gameplay and app restart.
  15. this is much better..i think. Screenrecorder-2022-11-10-01-59-54-723.mp4 found through dump.cs hope someone can make a script for it. im too lazy nowadays.
  16. Homescapes Golden Ticket (Item Swap) (#1s8hnpmo) Homescapes Golden Ticket (Item Swap) (#40mwvzbw)
  17. i use start/first address from Cb region. you can search value 0 and take the first address as the base address and apply offset to it. in the script you would write : gg.getRangesList("libnative-lib.so:bss")[1].start :bss = indicate that you take Cb region from the lib file [1].start = indicate the first address in Cb region without the ":bss" you will use Xa region
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