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n3kitOzz last won the day on June 7 2021

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    Oppo A52; Redmi 5 Plus; Samsung Grand Duos
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  1. I'm giving you a template. You - will edit it to your need.
  2. n3kitOzz

    block account sharing

    I have a difficult part of life when I need extra pennies for me
  3. n3kitOzz

    block account sharing

    You will want to get paid for it when you've played enough with it
  4. n3kitOzz

    block account sharing

    Open Source is good - but who wants to pay for your time...
  5. n3kitOzz

    block account sharing

    Anything cant be safe. No one cancel DMA access, for example. But - you can do headache for decryptors.
  6. n3kitOzz

    block account sharing

    gg mods is prohibited here(i have one warn from Enyby), so: try to read build.prop file (root only) What i do in my scripts: First auth in server, get uuid from server, create some hidden files in storage, save uuid inside, encrypted with xor, for example. Thats called "fingerprinting". Then you can do comparing uuid, do server checks, etc. And, you can mess with gg.getTargetInfo(), collect some data from this method.
  7. n3kitOzz

    block account sharing

    2 ways to do it: 1. Share only with only trusted people 2. Write webserver, get hardware id, send to server, do server checks, and return a result. If you want to do 2nd thing - you will learn any programming language, for example - im using python + flask. Forgot to say - you need good obfuscation for script, becouse anyone can just see theese logins in source
  8. function gun_func(state) if state then --do staff for enable else --do staff for disable end end cmd = gg.prompt({"Message text:"}, nil, {[1] = "text"}) if cmd ~= nil then if cmd[1] == "/gun on" then gun_func(true) elseif cmd[2] == "/gun off" then gun_func(false) end else --do staff, for example - return to menu, etc end
  9. Help! I change the value but it always return to his real value (#4idv9fwk) Read my last message in this thread. This can help you
  10. Enyby one love! Thanks for this great tool!
  11. try gg.searchNumber(..F[9]..;1;..F[1]..;2; etc...
  12. n3kitOzz

    Homescapes Stars

    Pm me to telegram - @n3kitOzz
  13. n3kitOzz

    Homescapes Stars

    Ohh, ur seriously? Try to do N*4, where is N - offset.
  14. n3kitOzz

    Homescapes Stars

    Calculate offset without Hex
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