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    Android Samsung obsolete

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Community Answers

  1. Switch selinux work mode
  2. it works for me, returns null(false)
  3. A8 ret
  4. Rs92ks

    Arm64x To Arm32x

    Sudo, magisk's su for only 1 command. It's tsu extension on termux Android terminal.
  5. Rs92ks

    Arm64x To Arm32x

    You can if you have root access( that's why sudo command before pm). Tested on Android 12.
  6. Rs92ks

    Arm64x To Arm32x

    Install app with terminal command. sudo pm install --abi armeabi-v7a <path to apk> Try this or type pm and read output. Try am if you phone is running on old Android.
  7. If search is already on progress, then no, you can only do something after search end.
  8. It's absolutely not what you wanted. GG icon can't be hidden by script.
  9. Try with hardware acceleration in GG startup and GG inside. Maybe help? In my A12 device it's way faster than software acceleration.
  10. Rs92ks


    Give full script. This script is not work.
  11. Just edit it if vaue not recreated on other side. Already setted on h1=gg.getResults. You can edit h without searching again. Search only if values recreated.
  12. zxc is linked for search,clear and get results. We searching 3 numbers and saving to h1,2,3. You can edit it. No more searches if your numbers not changes. Else u can search and set h1,2,3 again.
  13. z=gg.searchNumber x=gg.getResults c=gg.clearResults z('1000;2000;3000::9',4) z('1000',4) h1=x(3) c() z('1000;2000;3000::9',4) z('2000',4) h2=x(3) c() z('1000;2000;3000::9',4) z('3000',4) h3=x(3)
  14. Rs92ks

    Score! Match

    Game maybe server-side or if u cheat u will ban.
  15. Rs92ks

    Score! Match

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