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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/13/2025 in all areas

  1. Version 1.3


    -- Remove Ads -- Add Elite Pass Point -- Elite Pass Unlock -- Crystal Hack Go Hack Game Show Hack Video Play Store Link; Click Here !
    1 point
  2. well. like i said will never ever join Telegram..so i will not install it just to get the file. Anyway thanks again. Have a nice day.
    1 point
  3. join Telegram? not in million billion trillion years. thanks anyway. about Vmos can you point me to the right direction or a link maybe?
    1 point
  4. You are already ranked 13th on this forum. That's pretty amazing. Have you tried vmos... it will help you... I see this post has a lot of replies and it's very deserved that you won them all. I don't mind if you join my telegram group. Definitely not a fake account.
    1 point
  5. View File Online Mega Script v04 (100% Free & Not Encrypted) New Scripts Added Daily/Weekly. APEX[GG]v2 TEMPORARILY OUT OF SERVICE. DO NOT DOWNLOAD. Am currently working on resolvong problem with webhost. Submitter APEXggV2 Submitted 09/24/2024 Category LUA scripts  
    1 point
  6. Apex script is not connection to internet after I have executed the script. It gives an error. Anyone experience with the same issue?
    1 point
  7. Run the log entry. Operating problematic actions. Stop recording log. Receive log here.
    1 point
  8. Need logcat shot during the problem, and not just during start-up.
    1 point
  9. Logcat need collect on problem not just of run. In your case - on slow search.
    1 point
  10. hope admin help 2015-11-16-19-48-59.txt
    1 point
  11. Need logcat shot during the problem. How to collect Logcat: https://gameguardian.net/forum/topic/7419-how-to-collect-logcat/
    1 point
  12. its slow scan. may not find results... version game guardian 8.0.0.. my smartphone: honor 4c android 5.1.1. forward error fix version from admin.
    1 point
  13. If you have problems with the GG - create topic on help forum: https://gameguardian.net/forum/forum/14-help/, do not forget to add the necessary data: 1. Logcat shot during the problem. How to collect Logcat: https://gameguardian.net/forum/topic/7419-how-to-collect-logcat/ 2. File /sdcard/Android/data/com.wood.table/files/last_run.log - copyed after exit from GG. 3. File /sdcard/Android/data/com.wood.table/files/crash.log - if exists. 4. The version of Android. 5. Screens with a problem. 6. Screens with the last tab GG after the problem occurred. Speed of solution your problem depends on availability of these data!
    1 point
  14. Due to the fact that erroneous appeals of the form have become frequent: "My new version does not work, and the old version worked. In the new version there is an error." The following is a list of steps you must follow, otherwise your message will be ignored: 1. Try to give root rights to other applications (not GG). Root rights must be issued and operated. How to check for root in the terminal emulator If there is no root So you have problems with the root. Try to rearrange it, change its settings, or roll back to the previous version. Solve these questions in the topic of your root. 2. Install the old version of GG. It must work. If it doesn't work 3. Delete all the versions of GG, and then install the new version of GG clean. It should not work. If it works This problem was temporary, or was related to settings transferred from the old version. 4. Write logcat and video for the old version, and then for the new one. The actions there must be the same. It is desirable in general on the same process. For the old version of the error should not be. For the new - it should be. That's just after all this, you can write here with logs and videos from both versions.
    1 point
  15. unfortunately, i cant do it at the moment. i need the 32bit version of the game(apk) for testing which i dont have and cant find a working one on my Android 15 device.
    0 points
  16. Except for 2-3 games out of 175, all the games are just subpar. You don't have modern games, and you don't even have a single Nekki game
    -1 points
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