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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/21/2024 in all areas

  1. For hooking void you need to call the void method by modifying another method to call it. This might be confusing for new gg users so i created an script template which allows you to hook void in gg with parameters (basic data types). With inbuild switch off code and ability to choose how many times you want to call the void method. These are the steps to use the template : 1. Download this code which i like to call method patching library , then paste it at the very top of your script 2. Now copy code for voidHook and then paste this anywhere, you can paste this in your script menu or how you would like to make your cheat active 3. Find the offset from dump.cs file or anywhere, and use those offsets to apply patches Below you can see an example of usage of this code : -- RVA: 0x1000 Offset: 0x1000 -- public static void Update() { } -- RVA: 0x2000 Offset: 0x2000 -- public void AddHealth(float health) { } HackersHouse.voidHook({ { ['libName'] = "libil2cpp", ['targetOffset'] = 0x1000, ['destinationOffset'] = 0x2000, ['parameters'] ={ { "float", 999999} }, ['repeat'] = 1, ['libIndex'] = 'auto' } }) HackersHouse.voidHookOff({ { ['libName'] = "libil2cpp", ['targetOffset'] = 0x1000, ['destinationOffset'] = 0x2000, } }) This probably has some bugs you can either report in the comments or you can come to telegram.
    1 point
  2. Version 3.51


    This is one of the few scripts for the game king of thieves. This script has the following functions: 1. Rage 1.1 Instant win (The character instantly appears at the chest, works everywhere, even in the labyrinth, does not get banned, but crashes) 1.2 Catacombs 100% (the best cheat for the catacombs, allows you to collect all the skulls on the map and go through the catacombs in 2 minutes) 1.3 Change character speed 1.4 Change jump force 1.5 Disable all saws 2. Legit 2.1 Collect exp (The character instantly collects all the exp, flasks and skulls on the map, does not ban) 2.2 Opening the door on the first attempt 2.3 Anti AFK 2.4 Immortality in the catacombs 2.5 Install a timer in the mystic realm for 2 seconds 2.6 slow motion effect (doesn't work on 32 bit system) Operation on emulators is not guaranteed. if you know any cheats that are not in my script, write to me in telegram If something doesn’t work for you, write to me in telegram
    1 point
  3. Unfortunately my windows pc had officially dead for its 10 years of services. I couldn't make any update and testing without the pc. I will share the source code here, use it for your own use if you are interested. If not mistaken, there is a configuration object in the script, maybe tweaking it could help it works on other device architecture. FurySurvivor.lua
    1 point
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