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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/04/2023 in all areas

  1. Some example that i think can work but you have to adjust it here and there so it works for your game. Main thing to adjust is to separate your coords and that of enemy. I could not really test it so it can have some faults in syntax's or design. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS | gg.REGION_C_ALLOC | gg.REGION_OTHER) gg.searchNumber('-0.082', gg.TYPE_FLOAT) t = gg.getResults(7) local check = {} for i, v in ipairs(t) do check[i] = {address = v.address + 0x10, flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD} end check = gg.getValues(check) local xCoordMe = {} local yCoordMe = {} local zCoordMe = {} local xCoordEnemy = {} local yCoordEnemy = {} local zCoordEnemy = {} for i, v in ipairs(check) do if v.value == 1 then -- the random value at the given offset to see if its enemy or you coordinates(1 result) xCoord_Me[#xCoord_Me + 1] = {address = v.address + 0x38, flags = gg.TYPE_FLOAT} yCoord_Me[#xCoord_Me + 1] = {address = v.address + 0x3C, flags = gg.TYPE_FLOAT} zCoord_Me[#xCoord_Me + 1] = {address = v.address + 0x40, flags = gg.TYPE_FLOAT} end if v.value == 2 then -- (6 results) xCoord_Enemy[#xCoord_Enemy + 1] = {address = v.address + 0x38, flags = gg.TYPE_FLOAT} yCoord_Enemy[#xCoord_Enemy + 1] = {address = v.address + 0x3C, flags = gg.TYPE_FLOAT} zCoord_Enemy[#xCoord_Enemy + 1] = {address = v.address + 0x40, flags = gg.TYPE_FLOAT} end end xCoordMe = gg.getValues(xCoordMe) yCoordMe = gg.getValues(yCoordMe) zCoordMe = gg.getValues(zCoordMe) xCoordEnemy = gg.getValues(xCoordEnemy) yCoordEnemy = gg.getValues(yCoordEnemy) zCoordEnemy = gg.getValues(zCoordEnemy) local final = {} local getCoordsEnemy = {} for i = 1, #xCoordEnemy do final[#final+1] = string.format("Your Player: x = %.15f, y= %.15f, z = %.15f", xCoordMe[i].value, yCoordMe[i].value, zCoordMe[i].value) final[#final+1] = string.format("Enemy Player: x = %.15f, y= %.15f, z = %.15f", xCoordEnemy[i].value, yCoordEnemy[i].value, zCoordEnemy[i].value) getCoordsEnemy[#getCoordsEnemy+1] = {[1] = xCoordEnemy[i].value, [2] = yCoordEnemy[i].value, [3] = zCoordEnemy[i].value} -- edited(wrong variable name) end menu = gg.choice(final) if menu == nil then gg.toast("nothing selected") else xCoordMe[1].value = getCoordsEnemy[menu][1] yCoordMe[1].value = getCoordsEnemy[menu][2] zCoordMe[1].value = getCoordsEnemy[menu][3] gg.setValues(xCoordMe) gg.setValues(yCoordMe) gg.setValues(zCoordMe) end Did some corrected in script.
    2 points
  2. i found ... - on how to change reputation output when finished a quest - exp after battle
    2 points
  3. Version 1.14.6


    Arm v8 / 64 bit only Package: Playstore [ CHEAT MENU ] 1. Free Boat Upgrade 2. Free Robot Level Upgrade 3. Robot Level Up 4. Skin Unlocked 5. Instant Unlock Season Pass 6. Ignore Battle 7. Free Shopping 8. Achievement Complete 9. Bussines Point Upgrade *[ set gg to anonymous ]* Work on virtual, i recommended for root devices my telegram: @kabutxhitam grup telegram: t.me/kabuthit my facebook: Kabut Hitamm
    1 point
  4. its not just you. pretty much everyone got that bad gateway problem. @Sysadmin please take note.
    1 point
  5. The script make every purchase free of charge, then use auto clicker to buy the upgrades quickly. Tested on 64bit, if you are on 32bit and have issues feel free to ask for a fix Demo: com.ovivo.idlefurryfishing.lua
    1 point
  6. actually Hacking online games is **not** illegal, its only illegal if ypu hack the server
    -1 points
  7. Sql injection **is** legal btw(By the way)
    -1 points
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