so from the picture i can tell it's not the id, because item ID will have this value
0 Dword (0D)
0 Float (0.0F)
0 Double (0.0E)
with h,S,D,F filter (top right near reload button)
Address xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxh; "...."; 0D;0.0F;
(only certain id will have value that isnt this, most the time, usually unique item such as event item but they'll have purple Hex address)
in your picture it has 323.. something millions in Dword.
also the Hex address (refers to the long number that ends with h) isnt purple (if the value isn't 0)
meant this is not the address you look for, and also keep in mind my phone is x64, so if yours x32 the address location might be vary. i can be further up, and also the :20 is vary from devices.