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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/31/2023 in all areas

  1. Not sure but some functions might give ban for example Poker, Sanctuary, Invite boxes try on unlinked acc if it get ban then delete data and start again
    1 point
  2. 1 point
  3. crafting points isn't an Item I'll add it in the next update
    1 point
  4. so from the picture i can tell it's not the id, because item ID will have this value 0 Dword (0D) 0 Float (0.0F) 0 Double (0.0E) Example: with h,S,D,F filter (top right near reload button) Address xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxh; "...."; 0D;0.0F; (only certain id will have value that isnt this, most the time, usually unique item such as event item but they'll have purple Hex address) in your picture it has 323.. something millions in Dword. also the Hex address (refers to the long number that ends with h) isnt purple (if the value isn't 0) meant this is not the address you look for, and also keep in mind my phone is x64, so if yours x32 the address location might be vary. i can be further up, and also the :20 is vary from devices.
    1 point
  5. the script still work I tested on the new update (x99 stack doesnt work ill fix it asap and i'll update the script soon)
    1 point
  6. @NoFear where did you get those values? can you tell me please
    1 point
  7. Version 4.1.1


    This script supports both ArmV7 (32bit) and ArmV8 (64bit) Contact Me: dist#9151 (360883861493645312) on discord Disclaimer: This script may be bannable just depends on how you use it, If you end up being banned I am not held accountable. Features: - Unlimited amounts of anything you are able to claim. Updating: - I work 24/7 so I'll update this script as soon as updates come out. - I work alone so it may take time please do not spam me. Make sure to message dist#9151 (360883861493645312) on Discord if you encounter any problems.
    -1 points
  8. View File Pixel Gun 3D lottery keys script With this script the prizes of the lottery chests in Pixel Gun 3D will be changed to a negative number. So u can get unlimited keys and open infinite chests. Submitter SoSgAmEr7890 Submitted 12/29/2022 Category LUA scripts  
    -1 points
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