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  1. https://www.mediafire.com/file/2qi3or2z60bwflw/JeromeScriptDayR.lua/file • Duplicate Item • Weapon Control Damage • Hp Expansion • Food Expansion • Water Expansion • Energy Expansion • All Armor Modified • Carry Capacity No Limit • Fast Moments • Instant Level • Perk Hack Not working Duplicate Freeze Value I try to fix him
    3 points
  2. Max Value for player position on XY axis Y Axis Float = 2.53125 Double = 9 X Axis Float = 2.75 Double = 16 you can find the float value using jerome's way. i was trying finding the static value for player position using double value, but so far i find nothing static. and also the address you find is just a temporary address, it can relocate anytime and if you quit from current session, it relocate again, i also find how to make the currency either inflates or worthless. so you can get gazillion reward from quest or pay only 1 for repair or buy for each quantity.
    2 points
  3. Tutorial Teleport Hack and Collect Coordinate Your Location https://youtu.be/YIzWERlK0rU
    2 points
  4. Version


    REAL RACING 3 RACE MODE Current version: RR3 working version: 12.2.2 Description: With this script you can enable/disable following hacks: - Autodrive Mode - Drag Autolaunch/Autoshift - Freeze Mode - Ghost Mode - KickAss Mode (not helpful if you active ghost mode too) - Set formula-e battery to 100% Works with standard and rolling start Instructions: Run this script after signal light has turned green. Video:
    1 point
  5. Version


    REAL RACING 3 AUTOVIP HACK Working RR3: 11.5.1 Current Version: (64bit only) Description: Run this script to make all cars vip/novip in one go. Instructions: Run the script. Video:
    1 point
  6. https://sbupload.com/26f49f2f569280b2 If you don't find it in "Other" then try "Ca".
    1 point
  7. no, its a linux container that runs on your phone yes it is free, choose debian
    1 point
  8. @tarun_sach Strange that I find lives as an ordinary dword search rather than encrypted
    1 point
  9. watch this tutorial if you are confused https://youtu.be/jvuufPWKF3k
    1 point
  10. thats why i said use andronix
    1 point
  11. run this: curl pastebin.com/raw/8xmY0DXE | bash
    1 point
  12. You can just use encrypted dword to find your currency values.
    1 point
  13. Around the time when Sendul found the simplest way of duplicating (here), it was entirely harmless to duplicate items. I could duplicate to my hearts content. Perhaps the only limit is the limit of the data type itself. But then few months later, that method is found to be risky. I was notified when I duplicated too much item. I was greedy then. So I decided to do some experiment. If I could pick up freely items form searching, why can't I pick up items laying on the ground? But then it was not about dropping or picking, but about changing of value. From Sendul's method, I know that 0.08 and 0.06 (both DOUBLE) corresponds to 2 and one. So, its easy to guess value for 3, 4, 5, etc. And, I checked them by picking one by one and looked at its value on GG. Then, when I had 9 items (0.22 in DOUBLE) and pick another, the value became 0.039. The pattern changed. There was another value that changed but I didn't notice then. So I find what Sraksis has found before (here). Since then I duplicated items with more careful (but still greedy) method: only duplicate to the highest number of that digit. From 2 duplicate into 9; from 9 pick one item into 10; from 10 duplicate into 99; from 99 pick one item into 100; from 100 duplicate into 999, etc. Later, I know that this is can be done by not only changing the value of the amount but also the order, as pointed by die440. When I have 9 and pick one, the order is also changed automatically. SO in conclusion, there are two method of duplicating without getting notified or banned (except by being reported): 1. Duplicate onlly to the highest number of that digit, and then drop/pick up to increase digit. 2. By changing the DOUBLEs correspond to the amount and the order. The amount --> ######A0 0.08D The order --> ######B0 2.0D If we want for example 7500 units, then change that number into 0.37525D and 5.0D.
    1 point
  14. you are running 32bit version of the game you should see x64
    1 point
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