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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/07/2022 in all areas

  1. Wait.. i think i manage to extract resource.car, i'll try to make the game load un-encrypted data, the code is barely readable, but it shows something in it, here one of the file, https://sourceb.in/ETxekeP1k4
    2 points
  2. Version 1.2.0


    please rate and comment and i update to script thanks guys • GAME https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.blayzegames.newfps •Hacks -SKINS -NO NAME -FLY HACK •KICK ALL PLAYER https://rumble.com/v1vrcig-kick-player.html •NO NAME VIDEO https://rumble.com/v1qqfvg-fwd-no-name.html •Weapons SKIN VIDEO https://rumble.com/v1u82ls-skins-hack.html • FLY HACK VIDEO https://rumble.com/v1v2gi2-fly-hack-fwd.html
    1 point
  3. Version 1.9


    Features: Player Animation speed Game speed Player object speed Double Jump Player object size Supply Pods detecting Range Dodge range Damage Enemy Teleport Note: Script detects when your in lobby or in match, so no need to restart the script your self as it will do automatically. Creator: Platonic Will more features be added? -> perhaps(when i have time) Video:
    1 point
  4. Talk to me Discord:ENDUP#2022 I want to find a solution and I want you to came with it, and help each other.
    1 point
  5. https://www.mediafire.com/file/2qi3or2z60bwflw/JeromeScriptDayR.lua/file • Duplicate Item • Weapon Control Damage • Hp Expansion • Food Expansion • Water Expansion • Energy Expansion • All Armor Modified • Carry Capacity No Limit • Fast Moments • Instant Level • Perk Hack Not working Duplicate Freeze Value I try to fix him
    1 point
  6. Day r Game Config lul https://sourceb.in/5jICNAb6sr Online Game config return { ['cooldownCommandSalute'] = 5, ['channelList'] = { [1] = 'common', [2] = 'trade', [3] = 'personal', [4] = 'premium' }, ['timeGiftFree'] = 300, ['timeSendMessage'] = 600, ['giftBanItems'] = { --ALot of Stuff }, ['giftItemQuantityLimit'] = 10000, ['levelNeedOnline'] = 20, ['giftItemLimit'] = 25, ['timeGiftPremium'] = 60, ['timeCommandSalute'] = 30, ['cooldownMessage'] = 5 }
    1 point
  7. I think, this will likely happen when we decompile a lua script, the variables and constants are replaced by simpler ones. Luckily some strings are still intact. LOL, Few days ago I did the same, managed to extract resource.car and decompile lua files inside, only to satisfy my curiosity, looking for items' ID and add them to my inventory, knowing that swapping items work. And I found at least 1083 ID for items.
    1 point
  8. Just general thumb, dont be greedy. No one seems sure about how the anti cheat works. since the game is obfuscated. The game data located on resources.car file and .car is corona game builder's archive file and this file contains alot of Lua File in it. Its one way game data. can't be reverse engineered, asfar i know, the file encrypted with a key which we don't know about. Im also unsure how those modded apk mods the game. but im inclined it's just preload saves.
    1 point
  9. you are running 32bit version of the game you should see x64
    1 point
  10. try to complete 1 or 2 races then save again
    1 point
  11. New version released! 64 bit only
    1 point
  12. New version released! 64bit only, sorry
    1 point
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