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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/06/2022 in all areas

  1. To this day, maybe 4 or 5 years ? I have never had any problems with my accounts.
    1 point
  2. basically dropping item and then find the item value, then freeze it. so you can pick it up infinitely.
    1 point
  3. try this cracked vmos https://sbupload.com/120208b7c5b56635?pt=VGxsM05DODJZek5KVUVoMk1sWlVZa2xoUkVwRFFUMDlPalVISkRxQWcvTEFndy9FdTFVZ2VWdz0%3D (install rom 7.1)
    1 point
  4. run apt update apt full-upgrade termux-change-repo
    1 point
  5. Instantly kicks you to main menu and show System Message saying you being banned even in single player. That i know so far about their anti cheat system, beside locking you out from your profile (basically removes the Resume button lol) i would say (my own opinion) via crafting is the safest atm, cuz im still unsure about Drop/Pickup method, cuz alot of ppl got ban using that method earlier like around page 14, but again proceed with caution.
    1 point
  6. Hi! It's possible, haven't you tried this list of tools? - Memory-Dumper - MemDumper - MemDumper APK Try the APK one first, it's should be work accross libs. To run others, you need Termux. Make sure to run the commands using elevated Root permissions:
    1 point
  7. like i state, it probably is. we'll see in following xmas, if they decide to bring back polar fox. if not then yeah couldnt really do much beside backtracking your account to older version. more over can't do it on Online since server will check your version of the game. if outdated will ask you to update. for now get your pumpkin before it unobtainable. Hopefully we can find the pointer or somekind to retrieves these pets
    1 point
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