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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/07/2020 in all areas

  1. View File Among Us Lua Here is my first script for among us game. Script isnt perfect. But I want you to try it cuz I use pointers in it. Super fast! In this script, -You can be crew even if you are imp. -You can be always imp if you are host. If you're not host you can only do sabotage. Kills will be only for your visions. They are not die really. (Can see other imps) -You can walk through walls. -For vision,you can see everything clearly in your range. (Even other side of walls) Please let me know errors of this script and recommend new features of hacks. Use only virtual exposed 32 bit or script wont work properly. Submitter Lover1500 Submitted 10/02/2020 Category LUA scripts  
    1 point
  2. since few people have managed to hack diamonds i decided to share a diamond apk soon .. if u look enough in google you'll find it .. expect it in few days
    1 point
    10/10 works perfectly. You did a great job.
    1 point
    It works almost perfect! SpeedHack, superEyes(vision hack), wallHack(walking through walls) and AlwaysImpostor works fine, but kill with no cd doesn't work or i dont know how to use. It is so funny to troll with this script. :))
    1 point
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