- Rooted device or Emulator.
- A powerful Android device: 1 GB RAM, 4 cores, 1.5 - 2.x GHz. If you have a low-end device, your device may freeze during dumping.
- Available free space of Internal storage or Sdcard: 2+ GB
- Requires Android 4.0.0+ and up. Works on Marshmallow 6.0.1 and Nougat 7.0.0
Files: GameGuardian get_dll_from_bin Instructions:
- Run GameGuardian
- Press Start
- Run App
- Select App
- Press buttoms like in image
- Press Dump memory
- If you use BlueStacks select Path /sdcard/windows/BstSharedFolder
- Press Save and w8 1 min until you see Dump ended
- Open in Windows folder C:\ProgramData\BlueStacks\UserData\SharedFolder
- Put file get_dll_from_bin.exe in same folder and run it
- W8 30 sec and in the same folder you will see many .dll files
- Now you can put it on .NET Reflector and edit