First, thanks Jenneh for her special version of Jenneh motion.
Besides, this tutorial will show you how to create many account of CC on a phone without Gmail. This topic will introduce you step by step, with a caption picture after each step. You can make this by your seft on your phone or emulator.
#1: Needed app:
- Your phone must be rooted first.
- Xposed installer: link.
- Xprivacy: link.
- Titanium backup: link.
- New version of Jenneh motion have all you need, i suggest using this.
#2: How to install:
Step 1:
- Install Xposed first, open it. Grant super user if a pop-up appear.
- Click on Framework then click on Install/Update.
- Reboot your phone by click on Soft reboot.
- After reboot your phone, open Xposed, click on framework. You should see this when success (active column change from Red dash to green number like bundled).
Step 2:
- Install Xprivacy, agree all pop-up appear, grant super user if needed.
- Open Xposed, click on Module, tick on Xprivacy.
- Reboot your phone again.
Step 3:
- Install Titanium Backup.
- Grand super user when a pop-up appear.
- Finish all installation step.
* You need to learn how to use basic function of Titanium backup: back up and restore an app.
#3: Using Xprivacy to fake phone data:
- Close Castle Clash or apps you are going to fake data then open Xprivacy.
- Tick on what program you want to fake data.
- Click on setting on top right corner.
- Click on Randomize now, then press OK.
- Go to app manager, find Castle clash, click on it, click on force stop then clear data.
- Bingo, you've successful create new CC account on your phone.
#4: Back up and restore app for later use
- Use Titanium backup to back up your CC data and store it on your phone.
- Repeat #3 to make a new one, back up it. Each back up file will be one smurf account.
- When you restore your acc, choose back up file you need, then restore data only. Finally, your account return to your phone without using gmail.
- I beleave you will get many errors while setup and using Xprivacy and Xposed, so after this post i will support you go over your problem.
- On #4: using Titanium backup i will explain more later with picture and some tips.