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Fast search









function split(szFullString, szSeparator) local nFindStartIndex = 1 local nSplitIndex = 1 local nSplitArray = {} while true do local nFindLastIndex = string.find(szFullString, szSeparator, nFindStartIndex) if not nFindLastIndex then nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub(szFullString, nFindStartIndex, string.len(szFullString)) break end nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub(szFullString, nFindStartIndex, nFindLastIndex - 1) nFindStartIndex = nFindLastIndex + string.len(szSeparator) nSplitIndex = nSplitIndex + 1 end return nSplitArray end function xgxc(szpy, qmxg) for x = 1, #(qmxg) do xgpy = szpy + qmxg[x]["offset"] xglx = qmxg[x]["type"] xgsz = qmxg[x]["value"] xgdj = qmxg[x]["freeze"] if xgdj == nil or xgdj == "" then gg.setValues({[1] = {address = xgpy, flags = xglx, value = xgsz}}) else gg.addListItems({[1] = {address = xgpy, flags = xglx, freeze = xgdj, value = xgsz}}) end xgsl = xgsl + 1 xgjg = true end end function xqmnb(qmnb) gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(qmnb[1]["memory"]) gg.searchNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "开启失败") else gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "开启失败") else sl = gg.getResults(999999) sz = gg.getResultCount() xgsl = 0 if sz > 999999 then sz = 999999 end for i = 1, sz do pdsz = true for v = 4, #(qmnb) do if pdsz == true then pysz = {} pysz[1] = {} pysz[1].address = sl.address + qmnb[v]["offset"] pysz[1].flags = qmnb[v]["type"] szpy = gg.getValues(pysz) pdpd = qmnb[v]["lv"] .. ";" .. szpy[1].value szpd = split(pdpd, ";") tzszpd = szpd[1] pyszpd = szpd[2] if tzszpd == pyszpd then pdjg = true pdsz = true else pdjg = false pdsz = false end end end if pdjg == true then szpy = sl.address xgxc(szpy, qmxg) end end if xgjg == true then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "开启成功,共修改" .. xgsl .. "条数据") else gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "开启失败") end end end end

--配置↑↑↑勿修改,调用方法   xqmnb(qmnb)




function Main()

SN = gg.multiChoice({



}, nil, "这里可以填写你的QQ")

if SN == nil then else

if SN[1] == true then a() end

if SN[2] == true then Exit() end

end XGCK = -1 end




function a()

      qmnb = {

        {["memory"] = gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS},

{["name"] = "Remove Fog"},

{["value"] = 100000, ["type"] = gg.TYPE_FLOAT},

{["antilogger"] = 1000, ["offset"] = 4, ["type"] = gg.TYPE_FLOAT},

{["antilogger"] = 10000, ["offset"] = -28, ["type"] = gg.TYPE_FLOAT},


      qmxg = {

        {["value"] = 1000088888888, ["offset"] = -60, ["type"] = gg.TYPE_FLOAT},







function Exit()



while true do

  if gg.isVisible(true) then

    XGCK = 1




  if XGCK == 1 then





That values script loading less then 30 micro seconds how is that possible can anyone explain please

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A single search is faster than group search.

But editing those in one search is dangerous which could cause game crashing. So function xqmnb comes to work to make a checking for those result. If they meet the requirements you set , they will be edited else won't. 

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-- Hmmm searching single value is better than group search so I give idea like search   single value and search second single value like and adding more results to save list may cause gg to crash so pls save value that has low results savelist should not go more than100k so this will be fast with no crash for game


k = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount(),nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil) gg.addListItems(k) k =nil


k = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount(),nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil) gg.addListItems(k) k =nil



gg.refineNumber("200;205::1000") -- correct refine value





gg.alert("hack done")

Fixing mistakes
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