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[DISCUSSION] Castle Clash Hack


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HAhaha that was the point of my reply lol

I'm wondering if the game is now fully server-sided ..


100% not, things are same as before. 

after the maint before the forced update, mod worked perfectly.


basically means both 1.2.34 modded and 1.2.35 work at the same time.

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Yea just compare files for differences. Use notepad++ to do this easy. Grab a modded .34 and an unmodified .35 and compare everything that you can then change the differences, recompile and sign the apk then try it out

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i don't think you can, address changes every update. 

Going through them manually, you'd probably be looking at couple weeks or more without sleep xD


already tried patchdiff and some other plugins, even if the lines are off by one, it become impossible to compare

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when i get the time this weekend, gonna try apktool instead of VTS, it could be the reason we get the error.

maybe VTS doesn't sign the apk?

 no! i sign the apk another method. and with original files signed apk work fine/


sign or not sign >>> install or not install the app.... nothing more

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Why not compare with VTS the original 1.2.34 and the original 1.2.35 ?

because the differences are many. a lot of them because all other addresses different.

 watch IMG  http://s23.postimg.org/eztsfwb97/snap140006.jpg



Yeah I went down that path too to try to identify where the new check system has come in. Found some differences in functions, but I'm still learning how to read ARM instructions. Kinda difficult to reverse engineer, but I'm sure the answer is in there.



30% of code i comapre manually. I was a bit tired and want to sleep

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I found some interesting pieces of code (new) which was not in version 1.2.34

		MOVS	R0, R4		; void *
		BLX	_ZdlPv		; operator delete(void *)


; Player::_reFlashCanPromotion(void)
		EXPORT _ZN6Player20_reFlashCanPromotionEv
_ZN6Player20_reFlashCanPromotionEv	; CODE XREF: Player::Server_RespFinishBattle(MSG_RESP_FINISHBATTLE *)


		BL	_ZN4Hero14IsCanPromotionEv ; Hero::IsCanPromotion(void)


		BL	_ZN6Player20_reFlashCanPromotionEv ; Player::_reFlashCanPromotion(void)
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