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  • Administrators

Another good idea - check for gg.BUILD and gg.VERSION_INT for need version of GG for run this script. Because currently your script can not work on usual GG 8.28.0 - it not have gg.sleep and other functions. They present now only in test builds.

So you can something like:

if gg.BUILD < 5511 then
	gg.alert('You need more new version of GG for run this script. At least build 5511.')


1 minute ago, Enyby said:

Another good idea - check for gg.BUILD and gg.VERSION_INT for need version of GG for run this script. Because currently your script can not work on usual GG 8.28.0 - it not have gg.sleep and other functions. They present now only in test builds.

So you can something like:

if gg.BUILD < 5511 then
	gg.alert('You need more new version of GG for run this script. At least build 5511.')


Thanks for reply, fixing the issues now.

  • Administrators
if gg.BUILD < 5511 then
	gg.alert('You need more new version of GG for run this script. At least build 5511.')
gg.toast ('Quadropus 2.0.48 Hack by Backlift')
while true do
	if gg.isVisible() then
		local d = gg.prompt({A='Number of Orbs Or Dooblins'}, {A='0'})
		if d == nil then
			gg.alert('Script canceled')
		gg.searchNumber (d.A, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE, true, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
		cnt = gg.getResultCount()
		if cnt == 0 then 
			gg.alert('Search failed')
		if cnt == 1 then 
			gg.editAll('100000000', gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
			gg.alert('Hacking Done, Enjoy')
		gg.alert ('Go to game and change the value, then click on gg icon to continue')		

Work without open gg UI at all. Need only click on icon gg for resume script,

I test it on our test app so I change regions set for java. You can comment and uncomment next line.


  • Administrators

Also you can check selected app package via "gg.getSelectedPackage() -> string || nil".


1_added some spaces, the comments are now bettter

2_fixed it's 4 or less now. 

3_i added the suggested code but it crashes, nevermind. 

4_yes, made it gg.alert

5_I thought its seconds, ok it's 100 now. 

0.1 second to ensure window pops up right after user opens game guardian again

6_well it does the job though anyway, but I changed it

7_i found goto command more convinient for myself. 

8_added version checking

added 1 minute later

Fixed version: (1.1)

--#1 lines that start with "--" are comments, they won't be run by script executer

--#2 you can execute "print(gg)" command to see a short help and available options for commands, it's also available at first post of Lua scripts by Enyby at gameguardian forum: https://gameguardian.net/forum/topic/17447-lua-scripting/

--#3 this is a simple example for lua scripts, provided by backlift at gameguardian forum: https://gameguardian.net/forum/profile/563312-backlift/

--#4 some functions of this script may conflict with gameguardian search helper function, recommend to disable it before running this script

--#5 each comment is related to the code above it

if gg.BUILD < 5511 then 	gg.alert('You need newer version of GG to run this script. At least build 5511.') 

--if gameguardian build number is below 5511, means the script will not work,so it aborts the script and exits


-- checkpoint "a" to restart the script if there are a lot of values found

d = gg.prompt 

-- "d" is a value and = means its equal to value got from "gg.prompt"

-- "gg.prompt" shows a window and requires an input from user

({A='Number of Orbs Or Dooblins'}, 

-- title of the required value, we named the value as "A" here, We could even use "Dooblins or orbs" but that makes the functional part of the code a bit long and it may bring some mistakes.


 -- default input of the value "A"


-- toasts a message, for reminding credits, helps, warnings or etc...

('Quadropus 2.0.48 Hack by Backlift') 

-- text of the toast message


-- set the search region


-- the region of the value, for comlplete list of regions, check comment #2


-- starts a search


-- searchs for value "d" that has the input of "A" from "gg.prompt"

 -- type of the value, for comlplete list of types, check comment #2


 -- encrypted (true) or NOT encrypted (false)


 -- define if it is equal, inequal, bigger or smaller than input value "A", see comment #2 for more info

 -- starting position of memory for scanning


 -- ending position of memory for scanning

if gg.getResultCount() <= 4 

-- this is an "if" command to make the script do commands based on situation.

-- "gg.getResultCount()" will get the number of results found from search

-- this commands checks that "gg.getResultCount" is equal to 4 or not, if it is equal, it goes to "then" command, if Not, it goes to "else" command

then gg.editAll('100000000', 

-- edits all values and set them to '100000000'


 -- type of the values to edit, see comment #2 for more info


-- show a window with Ok button
('Hacking Done, Enjoy') 

-- text of the "gg.alert" window


-- shows a text at the script end window

('Quadropus 2.0.48 Hack by Backlift') 

-- text for the "print" function

goto c 

-- goto command will jump to the checkpoint defined

-- it jumps to checkpoint "c" to end the script if values are found and hacked successfully

else gg.setVisible(false) 

-- if value not found or too much, hide the gameguardian window


-- show the user a message, this is to inform the user there are currently too much values found, the user may go in the game and change the value then open the gameguardian window again by tapping on it's floating icon

('Too much values found, Go to game and change the value, then open gameguardian window again')


-- end of if statement, it is mandatory


-- checkpoint "b" for gameguardian to sleep untill user has changed the value


-- sleep 1 second until next command, so it will not continiously be running, or it supposed to be

if not gg.isVisible() then	goto b 

-- if gameguardian not visible, goto checkpoint b and rest 1 second then check again, user must change the value and then tap on gameguardian icon again so the code will pass this section and continue

else goto a 

-- if gameguardian is visible, means user has opened it because it changed the value, go to checkpoint "a" to start the process again


-- end of if command


-- checkpoint "c" to end the script if the value is found and seccussfully hacked

-- example made by backlift

-- you may edit this example and make it for other games.

-- hit the thanks if you used it :)


  • Administrators

You can specify type of input fields. This allow show something useful around it. For example button for select dir, path or some converter.

Also this switch internal keyboard to external if you need input text or file path.

print('prompt 1: ', gg.prompt(
	{any='ask any',num='ask num',text='ask text', path='ask path',file='ask file',set='ask set',speed='ask speed'}, 
	{any='any val',speed=123,set=-0.34}, 
print('prompt 2: ', gg.prompt(
	{[0]='ask any',[1]='ask num',[2]='ask text',[3]='ask path',[4]='ask file',[5]='ask set',[6]='ask speed'}, 
	{[0]='any val',[6]=123,[5]=-0.34}, 
	{[1]='number',[2]='text', [3]='path',[4]='file',[5]='setting',[6]='speed'}


added 2 minutes later
6 minutes ago, Backlift said:

i found goto command more convinient for myself.

You can use goto. But for big scripts it can be hell. For you or for anyone who try understand how it works. Even for you from few months.


I think if specfied by comments it won't make it that confusing. 

Well, i have read something somewhere that there are a thousand different coding ways to do the exact same job. 

It's all about how someone feels it's convinient for him/her.



2 things: 

1_What does "local" do in this line? :

local d = gg.prompt({A='Number of Orbs Or Dooblins'}, {A='0'})

2_ by implementing this code my script crashes: 


if d == nil then
			gg.alert('Script canceled')
added 4 minutes later

Looks like "break" not working well for me. 

I used this: 

if d == nil 
then    gg.alert('Script canceled')             
goto c

  • Administrators

1. Define local variable. Without it be in global scope. Read lua manual.

All things except gg.* is usual lua code. Then you if you see something unknown you need read reference manual for lua. Or type 'lua local' into google, for example.



4.2 – Local Variables and Blocks

Besides global variables, Lua supports local variables. We create local variables with the local statement:

    j = 10         -- global variable
    local i = 1    -- local variable

Unlike global variables, local variables have their scope limited to the block where they are declared. A block is the body of a control structure, the body of a function, or a chunk (the file or string with the code where the variable is declared).

2. You need remove break. Break is exit from loop. You do not have loop. So you need jump to exit or call os.exit() for stop script execution.

  • Administrators

4 - Libraries

Standard Libraries

Libraries are coded to closely match the behavior specified in See standard lua documentation for details on the library API's

The following libraries are loaded by both JsePlatform.standardGlobals() and JmePlatform.standardGlobals():



Most of them exists in gg scripts. Except coroutine and some calls in os (popen, execute) for security reasons.

You can use print for describe their content:

print('base =', base)
print('bit32 =', bit32)
print('coroutine =', coroutine)
print('io =', io)
print('os =', os)
print('package =', package)
print('string =', string)
print('table =', table)
base = nil
bit32 =        table(537f0fa4): {
       [arshift] = arshift
       [band] = band
       [bnot] = bnot
       [bor] = bor
       [btest] = btest
       [bxor] = bxor
       [extract] = extract
       [lrotate] = lrotate
       [lshift] = lshift
       [replace] = replace
       [rrotate] = rrotate
       [rshift] = rshift
coroutine =    nil
io =   table(537f85ac): {
       [close] = close
       [flush] = flush
       [input] = input
       [lines] = lines
       [open] = open
       [output] = output
       [read] = read
       [tmpfile] = tmpfile
       [type] = type
       [write] = write
os =   table(537f9ae4): {
       [clock] = clock
       [date] = date
       [difftime] = difftime
       [exit] = function: exit
       [getenv] = getenv
       [remove] = remove
       [rename] = rename
       [setlocale] = setlocale
       [time] = time
       [tmpname] = tmpname
package =      table(537f043c): {
       [loaded] = table(537f044c): {
       [bit32] = table(537f0fa4): {
       [arshift] = arshift
       [band] = band
       [bnot] = bnot
       [bor] = bor
       [btest] = btest
       [bxor] = bxor
       [extract] = extract
       [lrotate] = lrotate
       [lshift] = lshift
       [replace] = replace
       [rrotate] = rrotate
       [rshift] = rshift
       [gg] = table(537fa8a8): {
       [BUILD] = 5523
       [CACHE_DIR] = /data/data/catch_.me_.if_.you_.can_/cache
       [EXT_CACHE_DIR] = /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/catch_.me_.if_.you_.can_/cache
       [EXT_FILES_DIR] = /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/catch_.me_.if_.you_.can_/files
       [FILES_DIR] = /data/data/catch_.me_.if_.you_.can_/files
       [PACKAGE] = catch_.me_.if_.you_.can_
       [REGION_ANONYMOUS] = 32
       [REGION_ASHMEM] = 524288
       [REGION_BAD] = 131072
       [REGION_CODE_APP] = 16384
       [REGION_CODE_SYS] = 32768
       [REGION_C_ALLOC] = 4
       [REGION_C_BSS] = 16
       [REGION_C_DATA] = 8
       [REGION_C_HEAP] = 1
       [REGION_JAVA] = 65536
       [REGION_JAVA_HEAP] = 2
       [REGION_OTHER] = -1032320
       [REGION_PPSSPP] = 262144
       [REGION_STACK] = 64
       [SIGN_EQUAL] = 536870912
       [SIGN_INEQUAL] = 268435456
       [SIGN_LARGER] = 67108864
       [SIGN_SMALLER] = 134217728
       [TYPE_AUTO] = 127
       [TYPE_BYTE] = 1
       [TYPE_DOUBLE] = 64
       [TYPE_DWORD] = 4
       [TYPE_FLOAT] = 16
       [TYPE_QWORD] = 32
       [TYPE_WORD] = 2
       [TYPE_XOR] = 8
       [VERSION] = 8.28.0
       [VERSION_INT] = 82800
       [alert] = function: alert /* gg.alert(string text[, string positive[, string negative[, string neutral]]]) -> int: 0 = cancel, 1 = positive, 2 = negative, 3 = neutral */
       [clearResults] = function: clearResults /* gg.clearResults() -> nil */
       [copyMemory] = function: copyMemory /* gg.copyMemory(long from, long to, int bytes) -> true || string with error */
       [dumpMemory] = function: dumpMemory /* gg.dumpMemory(long from, long to, string dir) -> true || string with error */
       [editAll] = function: editAll /* gg.editAll(string value, int type) -> count of changed || string with error */
       [getRanges] = function: getRanges /* gg.getRanges() -> int */
       [getResultCount] = function: getResultCount /* gg.getResultCount() -> long */
       [getResults] = function: getResults /* gg.getResults(int count) -> array || string with error */
       [getSelectedPackage] = function: getSelectedPackage /* gg.getSelectedPackage() -> string || nil */
       [getSpeed] = function: getSpeed /* gg.getSpeed() -> double */
       [getValues] = function: getValues /* gg.getValues(table values) -> table || string with error */
       [gotoAddress] = function: gotoAddress /* gg.gotoAddress(long address) -> nil */
       [isPackageInstalled] = function: isPackageInstalled /* gg.isPackageInstalled(string pkg) -> bool */
       [isProcessPaused] = function: isProcessPaused /* gg.isProcessPaused() -> bool */
       [isVisible] = function: isVisible /* gg.isVisible() -> bool */
       [processKill] = function: processKill /* gg.processKill() -> bool */
       [processPause] = function: processPause /* gg.processPause() -> bool */
       [processResume] = function: processResume /* gg.processResume() -> bool */
       [processToggle] = function: processToggle /* gg.processToggle() -> bool */
       [prompt] = function: prompt /* gg.prompt(table prompts[, table defaults[, table types]]) -> nil || table with keys from prompts and values from inputs */
       [removeResults] = function: removeResults /* gg.removeResults(table results) -> true || string with error */
       [searchAddress] = function: searchAddress /* gg.searchAddress(string text, long mask, int type, int sign, long memoryFrom, long memoryTo) -> true || string with error */
       [searchFuzzy] = function: searchFuzzy /* gg.searchFuzzy(string difference, int type, int sign, long memoryFrom, long memoryTo) -> true || string with error */
       [searchNumber] = function: searchNumber /* gg.searchNumber(string text, int type, bool encrypted, int sign, long memoryFrom, long memoryTo) -> true || string with error */
       [setRanges] = function: setRanges /* gg.setRanges(int ranges) -> nil */
       [setSpeed] = function: setSpeed /* gg.setSpeed(double speed) -> true || string with error */
       [setValues] = function: setValues /* gg.setValues(table values) -> true || string with error */
       [setVisible] = function: setVisible /* gg.setVisible(bool visible) -> nil */
       [sleep] = function: sleep /* gg.sleep(int milliseconds) -> nil */
       [startFuzzy] = function: startFuzzy /* gg.startFuzzy(int type, long memoryFrom, long memoryTo) -> true || string with error */
       [timeJump] = function: timeJump /* gg.timeJump(string time) -> true || string with error */
       [toast] = function: toast /* gg.toast(string text[, bool fast]) -> nil */
       [io] = table(537f85ac): {
       [close] = close
       [flush] = flush
       [input] = input
       [lines] = lines
       [open] = open
       [output] = output
       [read] = read
       [tmpfile] = tmpfile
       [type] = type
       [write] = write
       [math] = table(537f473c): {
       [abs] = function: abs
       [acos] = function: acos
       [asin] = function: asin
       [atan2] = function: atan2
       [atan] = function: atan
       [ceil] = function: ceil
       [cos] = function: cos
       [cosh] = function: cosh
       [deg] = function: deg
       [exp] = function: exp
       [floor] = function: floor
       [fmod] = function: fmod
       [frexp] = function: frexp
       [huge] = inf
       [ldexp] = function: ldexp
       [log] = function: log
       [max] = function: max
       [min] = function: min
       [modf] = function: modf
       [pi] = 3.1415927
       [pow] = function: pow
       [rad] = function: rad
       [random] = function: random
       [randomseed] = function: randomseed
       [sin] = function: sin
       [sinh] = function: sinh
       [sqrt] = function: sqrt
       [tan] = function: tan
       [tanh] = function: tanh
       [os] = table(537f9ae4): {
       [clock] = clock
       [date] = date
       [difftime] = difftime
       [exit] = function: exit
       [getenv] = getenv
       [remove] = remove
       [rename] = rename
       [setlocale] = setlocale
       [time] = time
       [tmpname] = tmpname
       [package] = table(537f043c): *** RECURSION ***
       [string] = table(537f2b4c): {
       [byte] = function: byte_
       [char] = function: char_
       [dump] = function: dump
       [find] = function: find
       [format] = function: format
       [gmatch] = function: gmatch
       [gsub] = function: gsub
       [len] = function: len
       [lower] = function: lower
       [match] = function: match
       [rep] = function: rep
       [reverse] = function: reverse
       [sub] = function: sub
       [upper] = function: upper
       [table] = table(537f1ad0): {
       [concat] = function: concat
       [insert] = function: insert
       [pack] = function: pack
       [remove] = function: remove
       [sort] = function: sort
       [unpack] = function: unpack
       [loadlib] = function: loadlib
       [path] = ?.lua
       [preload] = table(537f04bc): {
       [searchers] = table(537f08b8): {
       [1] = function: preload_searcher
       [2] = function: lua_searcher
       [3] = function: java_searcher
       [searchpath] = function: searchpath
string =       table(537f2b4c): {
       [byte] = function: byte_
       [char] = function: char_
       [dump] = function: dump
       [find] = function: find
       [format] = function: format
       [gmatch] = function: gmatch
       [gsub] = function: gsub
       [len] = function: len
       [lower] = function: lower
       [match] = function: match
       [rep] = function: rep
       [reverse] = function: reverse
       [sub] = function: sub
       [upper] = function: upper
table =        table(537f1ad0): {
       [concat] = function: concat
       [insert] = function: insert
       [pack] = function: pack
       [remove] = function: remove
       [sort] = function: sort
       [unpack] = function: unpack




You guys are really working fast! 

A lot of commands are added, tommorow I will learn them through manual and make good examples of them :)

I'm really loving this.. ? 


My example v1.3:

-Fixed some typos 

-removed goto c and checkpoint c to. "os. Exit()" to make it less confusing 

-removed unneccesary code line for hiding GameGuardian UI after searching 

-better explanation of "gg. Sleep()" code 

-fixed script made the game a crash (only 1 value may be changed)


--#1 lines that start with "--" are comments, they won't be executed by script executer

--#2 you can execute "print(gg)" command to see a short help and available options for commands, it's also available at first post of Lua scripts by Enyby at gameguardian forum: https://gameguardian.net/forum/topic/17447-lua-scripting/

--#3 this is a simple example for lua scripts, provided by backlift at gameguardian forum: https://gameguardian.net/forum/profile/563312-backlift/

--#4 some functions of this script may conflict with gameguardian search helper function, recommend to disable it before running this script

--#5 each comment is related to the code above it

--#6 this is an example of an effective and functional lua script with nearly full descriptional comments

if gg.BUILD < 5511 then 	gg.alert('You need a newer version of GameGuardian to run this script. At least build 5511.') 

--if gameguardian build number is below 5511, means the script will not work,so it aborts the script and exits


-- this function clears the current search results so the script starts a new scan


-- checkpoint "a" to restart the script if there are a lot of values found

if gg.isVisible() then 		gg.setVisible(false) end

-- hides the gameguardian UI after script started

d = gg.prompt 

-- "d" is a value and = means its equal to value got from "gg.prompt"

-- "gg.prompt" shows a window and requires an input from user

({A='Number of Orbs Or Dooblins'}, 

-- title of the required value, we named the value as "A" here, We could even use "Dooblins or orbs" but that makes the functional part of the code a bit long and it may bring some mistakes.


 -- default input of the value "A"

if d == nil 

-- if no value defined for "d"

then gg.alert('Script canceled') 			

-- show message that script is canceled 


-- exit the script 


-- mandatory argument to end the "if" command above


-- toasts a message, for reminding credits, helps, warnings or etc...

('Quadropus 2.0.48 Hack by Backlift') 

-- text of the toast message


-- set the search region


-- the region of the value, for comlplete list of regions, check comment #2


-- starts a search


-- searchs for value "d" that has the input of "A" from "gg.prompt"

 -- type of the value, for comlplete list of types, check comment #2


 -- define wether the value is encrypted (true), or NOT encrypted (false)


 -- define if it is equal, inequal, bigger or smaller than input value "A", see comment #2 for more info

 -- starting position of memory for scanning


 -- ending position of memory for scanning

if gg.getResultCount() == 1

-- this is an "if" command to make the script do commands based on situation.

-- "gg.getResultCount()" will get the number of results found from search

-- this commands checks that "gg.getResultCount" is equal to 4 or less, or not, if it is equal or less, it goes to "then" command, if Not, it goes to "else" command

then gg.editAll('100000000', 

-- edits all values and set them to '100000000'


 -- type of the values to edit, see comment #2 for more info


-- show a window with Ok button
('Hacking Done, Enjoy') 

-- text of the "gg.alert" window


-- shows a text at the script end window

('Quadropus 2.0.48 Hack by Backlift') 

-- text for the "print" function


-- ends the script because hacking is done


-- show the user a message, this is to inform the user there are currently too much values found, the user may go in the game and change the value then open the gameguardian window again by tapping on it's floating icon

('Too much values found, Go to game and change the value, then open gameguardian window again')


-- end of if statement, it is mandatory


-- checkpoint "b" for gameguardian to sleep untill user has changed the value


-- sets code ro halt or sleep at current state for a certain ammount of time in milliseconds brfore continuing to next line

-- sleep 0.1 second until next command, so it will not continiously be running, or it supposed to be

if not gg.isVisible() then	goto b 

-- if gameguardian not visible, goto checkpoint "b" and rest 0.1 second then check again, user must change the value and then tap on gameguardian icon again so the code will pass this section and continue

else goto a 

-- if gameguardian is visible, means user has opened it because it changed the value, go to checkpoint "a" to start the process again


-- end of if command, its mandatory

-- example made by backlift with extreme help of enyby for fixing many issues around it

-- you may edit this example and make it for other games.

-- hit the thanks if you used it :)


  • Administrators

Few tips for code style:

1. better use indentation.

2. Do not break single command with comments.

3. Single command better place on one line.

But you can code in any style. Even if anyone else hard to read it.

Now for me very hard read your script.


Also on paste code on forum you can select type of code for highlight. lua present in this list. By default selected Html. I think select lua produce better results.

Posted (edited)
12 minutes ago, Enyby said:

Few tips for code style:

1. better use indentation.

Mmm... Didn't understanded, can give an example? 


2. Do not break single command with comments.

I did it to tell what ever piece of code does so others would understand better


3. Single command better place on one line.

Ok I will do that tommorow, seems better, yeah


But you can code in any style. Even if anyone else hard to read it.

Now for me very hard read your script.

Why very hard? 

I have an idea. 

How about this: 

First put all codes, no comments, then after code ends, describe what happened with comments. 

This nice? 


Also on paste code on forum you can select type of code for highlight. lua present in this list. By default selected Html. I think select lua produce better results.

I selected lua evertime. It is lua now. 

Edited by Backlift

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