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  1. Coincidence. I think engine use Double for internal calculation some values. Sometimes it have same value as you search. Sometime - not. If it be game usage for store data then it must be persistent. But it not true. Then, I think, it is only coincidence. You can add found Double to Saved list for watch how that values changes on game. No. If you change game internal values it can crash. For example array have 16 elements. Index of array have values 6. You freeze it. But array changes to size 5. Your index now out of bounds. Program access to it and get invalid data. For example pointer. It try use it and get segmentation fault. It cause game crash. No. I do not have time to investigate every game. Even for GG I do not have enough time. I work only on weekend for it.
  2. I just realised i don't get a knife kill in single player mode. I tried the same thing your attached video did, couldn't find any value or maybe i did something wrong. Also, i did the group search you suggested and still I couldn't figure out anything. Here is the link to the game if you want to give it a try--https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.blayzegames.iosfps Thank you for all the help!
  3. How to crack the most games Most games are free from protection and can be hacked by changing the values in its memory. It is only necessary to find the right value in the memory. In most cases, it looks like this (1 method): You have in game a certain number, which you can change. This can be anything: money, crystals, the number of lives, the number of resources, damage and so on. Are you looking for this value in the memory. Most likely find a lot of values. Returns to game, change this number, and looking again. And so as long as there will be a small number of results. Then you change to the desired number and all done. Type of data to search - usually Dword. If nothing is found, then you try to type Auto. If in Auto has not found, then the value may be encrypted. Try Dword + "encrypted value" or Auto + "value is encrypted." (3 method) It may happen that the number found is not reduced. Change a lot of values is dangerous - you can get glitches or game crashes. Use the filling to find the desired value, among those found. This is done as follows: choose "edit all", click the "more" button, put in the increment 1. As a result, all values will be filled in ascending order. Return back to the game and check how the value has changed. If there is no change, then the hack did not work - as a result there is the desired value. Returns to the GG, roll back the changes on all the results to avoid crash, and try other methods. If the value has changed, then see the new value, and then looking at the list of found the same values. With him remove the check mark. Everything else revert to previous values and delete. The remaining change to the desired result. In principle, it is enough to break many games. If this does not work, you can use the fuzzy search. It is longer and more complicated, but allows more options to hack protections. It looks like this (method 2): You start a fuzzy search in GG. Then you go into the game and change the number to be hacking. Returns to GG, press the "value change". Then again in the game, you make it any action, but the number does not change. Back to GG and choose "value has not changed." And so on. Alternating change with his absence, you pretty quickly will eliminate all unnecessary values. We need to try to change the number of different ways - then will be fewer results. What remains - are trying to edit and look at the result. If you know exactly the amount by which the value of the game has changed, then the fuzzy search, you can click "more" and specify the exact value. If the number has decreased, then with a minus sign. Then press a button "N = O + D" (new = old + delta) and everything that does not fit, will be deleted. If the number does not change, then weed out the excess may be difficult in the game. You need to look whether there is in the game next to the number of the other numbers. If so, search for group (4 method), you can try. Typically, it looks like this: There are a few numbers that appears next in a game. Are you looking for them through the group list. Will find a lot. Then you are looking at the results of just the right number, discarding the rest. In fact that's left - filling apply, as described above. It will allow to find the right value. In general, it is all about this. A couple of tips: Often, game values are adjacent in memory. Do not be lazy to go to the memory editor and see what kind of values are close to the desired parameter. For example, the game has a silver and gold. Silver to earn and spend just as gold does not. After breaking silver you go in the memory editor at silver and below you can see the number that matches your amount of gold. Try to change it. Most likely, this is the value that you need. The game can speed up or slow down if it works speedhack. There is also a function time jump. Sometimes it may provide additional opportunities for hacking. For example, the value of the game is changing too fast - slow down the game in 1000 times and find the desired value. No need to dwell on the main game settings. You can not hack gold? Crack the number of items and then sell. Or hack the price of the object. Also, do not forget that the number may be negative. Purchase price for the negative - a typical approach is to crack. Still it is possible to break the number of received awards, bonuses and so on. Sometimes it is possible to break even that does not look like the numbers at first glance. For example, some flag. You're in the air - in memory 1, you are on the ground - in memory 0. You will find this value, and then freeze it as 1 or 0, and you can "walk" through the air. Sometimes these things can be done to make it autoaim, endless events and so on. In general, it is all about this. These approaches and techniques enough to break most games. Of course if it is possible. If the game stores data on the server, then it will not help. When you try hacking these games may be issued a message on the data out of sync with their subsequent overloading the server. If the game does not work without the Internet, there is need to enter your login / password, select the server to connect to, you can play with other players, it is likely that all of the data on the server and you will not be able to crack anything.
  4. Range. Region. Group size. Written after colon. Described in internal help. Specified maximal distance between first bytes of searched items. Default 512.
  5. You didnot specify range for group search. It auto assumed in 512 bytes. It is too big for this target. Because of that you find trash. You wrong use group search and it produce bad results. Of course. No. Specify size in 9 and you get one result.
  6. Ok here i provide you a good example. BTW it is game code in memory. I search for BD8131EBr and it gave me this result. you can see it is a single result. But when i did the group search for the same offset with memory address next to it. it gave me this. Which i already mention, the precision is not there. 9 addresses. Now the thing is AOB scan is different. With unique data it provides the unique accurate result. But Group search is not working good here. Tough the search does include the memory address but it is providing extra results which makes it not feasible for modding game code fast. I hope this makes it clear.
  7. Yes the problem remains, the precision of grouped search. Even if its a qword + dword search its displays any number of bytes those are somewhere near each other. So we can't get what we want. So its my humble request to developers that please consider adding AOB search. Thanks
  8. Currently you can search 8 bytes as qword. GG support hex input for numbers and reverse-hex for big-endian. For example you can search BAADBEEFr as Dword. It is mean search {BA AD BE EF} byte array. It is 4 bytes. If you choice qword - you can search sequence of 8 bytes. You can use group search for find up to 8*8 = 64 bytes. Group search do not respect order of numbers, but if do not use common values then give needed results. You can combine different data type for search need amount of data. For example search 12 bytes can be done with qword + dword in group search. _______________________________________________ added 0 minutes later You can try describe its here.
  9. Hi, i wanted to ask that if game guardian support AOB Scan. I know that it supports Group scan which is different but i wanted to know if there is AOB scan functionality. If there is how can it be done can you provide details anything can help. If this functionality is not present i would like to ask the developer kindly consider adding this to Game Guardian because it will help us alot. Instead of modding game, signing it and installing it again is a long process, we can simply scan AOB and find the function and mod it directly into the memory and check to see if it works or not. I will be really really grateful if this is added to the game. Also if there is possibility and only if developers want. i can provide more ideas that i have and want which will make it really easy for people to do game moddifications with game guardian..
  10. How to shoot yourself in the leg This list is not exhaustive. When fantasy stock almost anything can cause a shot in the leg. Here they are listed only the most common methods. 1. Turn on speedhack with 1,000,000 or higher speed, and then complain about game data is damaged. 2. Make time jump for a few months or years in advance, and then complain about game data is damaged. 3. Change the values of several thousand in memory of the game, and then complain about game data is damaged. 4. Install the new version of GG, make horrible changes it in the settings, and then complain that the new version is not worked like the old, in which the default settings. 5. Select the settings English, use "," as the decimal separator, and then complain that it not used. 6. Use hide from the application, and freezing the values at the same time, and then complain that the game slows down. 7. Change the value in an online game like Clash of Clans, and then complain that the hack does not work. 8. Enter in the search for negative values, and then complain that finds the positive values (old version). 9. Enter in the search for positive values, and then complain that is a negative value (the new version). 10. Enable the auto pause in GG, and then complain that the system reports that the game does not respond. 11. Try to use speedhack in the game without x86 libraries on emulators, and then complain about speedhack not work. 12. Set count of output values of the first results near a million, and then complain that the GG force closes. 13. Watch the video with another application (GameHacker, iGG and so on.), press similar buttons in the GG, and then complain that the hack does not work. 14. Open the memory editor to see there another output format, and then complain that there is not so in the video / manual. 15. Fill in all the fields, that is, at least something, and then complain that the hack does not work. 16. In the temporary path enter numbers for search, and then complain that not work. 17. When we rename any label, or make any changes, then complain about the fact that it worked before, but now everything is broken. 18. Use the memory regions that are marked as dangerous, changing them in random data, and then complain that the game has crashed. 19. Freeze value, try to edit it, and then complain that the value does not change. 20. Trying to enter the type of data more than it can be in this type, and then complain that generates an error. 21. Try to perform the group search, using as separator ",".
  11. OMG... For the size thing I am lost... I don't get the logic : (3 - 1)*4 + 1 = 9 If you search for 3 dword values, it's stored on 3*4 bytes, correct ? so 12 bytes length. no ? how can you search in the range of 9 for a total length of 12 ? Or it take away the length of the first value ? still it's not 9 so...
  12. Wrong. (3 - 1)*4 + 1 = 9 - minimal possible length for this group if all dword (size 4). You need distance between first bytes. 1XXX 2XXX 3XXX Then you need: 4 bytes + 4 bytes + 1 bytes of last type. For dword you can search even 12 not 9 and it is does not matter. But if you mixed types then can be important. For example: Word + Dword. Minimal size is dependent of what you want find. if Only word + dword then 3. If dword + word too - then 5. Word - size 2: WW Dword size 4: DDDD WW + DDDD - size = 3 because all from word + first byte of dword. DDDD + WW - size = 5 because all from dword + first byte from word.
  13. If I understand, group search is just like searching for X value in the order, correct ? Like, you know that in memory A B C and D will be stored in a row. But in the example we don't see where does the value come from : 215;180;155;120:16 Ok I get that, but how do you know the 4 values ? Just by luck searching for all the possibilities according to rewards in game ? So if a game has 100 rewards, you will try to search thousands of possibilities to see if it store in a row ? I got an example : castle td, it as a kind of reward system (like first kill, build 50 towers, etc.) but they are not linked together, so it's pure luck if it worked for Asphalt ?
  14. He uses Group Search to search for the Credits you get for Winning the Race. He could also use Known Search but that would return too many results. Not all ingame is encrypted. Quote Search rewards for first race in first season and modify to need amount. After that win race.
  15. Your video without any explanation is quite hard to reuse. In the video you don't use encrypted value but group search ? Do you have a real tutorial with explanation on groupsearch for example ?
  16. It should be a little better if you explained why you search group for these specific values as only one seems to be usefull in the game (one reward apparently ?). Thanks.
  17. Technically how does "group search" work ? Because when I look the memory at the address found there is one value an nothing interesting around it. I never used this way of search...
  18. Name of Game: Dungeon Hunter 5 Play Store Link (If it's a paid app, the apk):https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gameloft.android.ANMP.Gloft5DHM&hl=it Version: 2.3.0k What cheat? Gold, Gems (if possible) and inventory Have you tried cheating this game? What happened?: I try to search the values (group, haking mode, auto and Dword) but when I change the value and buy something return like before, so I freez the value but it's the same thing not change Comments: I think is impossible to change money values but other use gg for change the sell value in the inventory but I'm not able to do this, if I can change this value money is not a problem. Anyone can try to change mission value (like the video on Asphalt 8) or sell value ? maybe if you can also number of elements in the inventory. thanks in advance.
  19. You can change params of any event: Season, Mastery, R&D, EDD and so on. For search event I use numbers from DB: 152;180;23000 - first 3 numbers. If you use subgoals for this search you must increase group search range. From 50 to some bigger number like 500 because subgoals numbers placed far from event id. In this event 180 mean count seconds in drift race. 23000 - count drift points for 1 place.
  20. Made again the video showing the button "more" with increase field and adding revert value task after the editing. I also cropped the size and time of the video. http://sendvid.com/esml4pbj Honestly I didn't understand so well how to use the feature offset, is there any video tutorial showing how to use it?
  21. "Non-endian" just only big-endian and "endian" = little-endian. On android used little-endian byte order. In gg you can use both. LE with h letter at the end and BE with r letter at the end. See example in internal help about group search.
  22. Wolph


    Fair enough, I suppose mapping values would be overkill for those cases. Of course the calculation is easy, that's not the issue. The question is why should it be harder than it needs to be? If a game always uses a constant multiplier for all values than why not save people the trouble of manually converting it every time by setting a configurable multiplier? Instead of using megabytes we could express all sizes in bytes as well, just as valid just a lot less convenient
  23. If you want to help us, you can record video how to hack some game. Videos should be as short as possible, clearer and more understandable. We prefer video without audio, because audio can unnecessary increase size of video. And text from audio can not be used by users who do not understand language. Text can be translated, audio - no. Video resolution must be no more 480p (854x480), better - 360p (640x360). But you can send to us 1280*720 and I reencode it to (640x360). Some tips: avoid not necessary intro, game videos and so on; use pause or auto-pause game if UI of GG is open - it make image static and lead to less size of video; avoid unnecessary effects like change slide or slow disappear of text. We prefer for videos 10 mb of size or smaller. The popular games is better. However, it is not necessary to make a video on the games that are already presented in our video gallery. But you can make new video for outdated videos from gallery. List of the most popular games can be found here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/top/category/GAME Recorded videos you upload to http://sendvid.com/ and leave a link to it in this thread, or create a separate topic. If the video suits us, it will be uploaded to our gallery: https://gameguardian.net/forum/gallery/category/2-video-tutorials/ Some examples: https://gameguardian.net/forum/topic/15228-tutorial-radiant-defense-video/ https://gameguardian.net/forum/gallery/image/163-tutorial-radiant-defense-video/
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