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  1. p4T

    Simcity buildit

    some hacks still available...those that not imply the security keys
  2. For sure EA/TT are reading this forum so is dificult rigth now.... Just for notice to @NoFear any hack on simcity are working
  3. ok,thank you!!!
  4. Would it be possible to see more data in the value format 's: representation string'? So as it looks in a virtual space, but on the device?
  5. This is the reason why you don't have to ask for videos without explanation. @NoFear makes things in '"GOD mode", impossible for most mortals to understand ..... at least not without spending hours reviewing the video and even having some experience with the GG
  6. Same problem, simcity crash. They change the place of the strings to.
  7. Ok thank you!! @zetagrim Oh!! Last cuestión... can i unlock the green task with X;65540 ::5?? May the .::5 change to 7 or 8?? @NoFear @BigBadGunner
  8. Edith: is not category. ?
  9. @zetagrim Yeah! I have the buildings that come too!!! but I can not relate them..... What is 65540??? Or the others Are they related to the categories? (ex: landmarks, parks, education etc ??)
  10. I read the whole post. the 4 pages. The only thing I could not understand is this. (The cuote) @zetagrim Thanx for your response!
  11. Someone tried this without being banned?
  12. We have the same problem! Now, after 1 day we get one.
  13. Are you having problems to fit into battle?
  14. Just for gods. Not for the mortals. @bobonut you need have 10 almost
  15. The game Crash wen i change the code. Edit. Work Fine!!! This metod is the best!!!
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