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Everything posted by absolutenothing

  1. correction when i typed here at site, it should be this d = gg.prompt({A='A'}, {A='0'}) gg.searchNumber (d.A,'123;456;789::2000', gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0) gg.searchNumber('d.A',gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0) gg.getResults(1) gg.editAll('99999999',gg.TYPE_DWORD) thats why the error popped up on above codes.. when typed the below codes gg.searchNumber ('d.A;123;456;789::2000', gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0) theres no error on gg and does compiled and run like you said--- but heres what i found on search history. the d = gg.prompt({A='A'}, {A='0'}) do the search on the value "d.A" first, then the gg.searchNumber('d.A;123;456;789::2000', gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0) is not shown on the search history. now i tried putting the prompt like this. d = gg.prompt({A='A',B='B',C='C',E='E'}, {A='0',B='123',C='456',E='789'}) gg.searchNumber ('d.A;123;456;789::2000', gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0) so the script started searching again,when i looked the search history again, now it do search them individually d.A,789,456,123 respectively. heres also my whole test code to see __________________________________________________
  2. hi guys, do we have a function for group search for prompt and exact value like on the 2nd line on my script example: d = gg.prompt({A='A'}, {A='0'}) gg.searchNumber ('d.A;123;456;789::2000', gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0) gg.searchNumber('d.A',gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0) gg.getResults(1) gg.editAll('99999999',gg.TYPE_DWORD) i always have problem on that 2nd line, heres the error. Script error: org.luaj.vm2.LuaError: @/storage/emulated/0/Download/lua tests/File.txt:54 `gg.searchNumber('d.A;123;456;789::2000', gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0)` gg.searchNumber: bad argument #2 (string): number expected, got nil stack traceback: /storage/emulated/0/Download/lua tests/File.txt:54: in main chunk [Java]: in ? at org.luaj.vm2.Varargs.argerr(Varargs.java:280) at org.luaj.vm2.Varargs.optint(Varargs.java:202) at android.ext.Script$searchNumber.invokeUi(Script.java:1871) at android.ext.Script$ApiFunction.run(Script.java:737) at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:733) at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95) at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:136) at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5120) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:515) at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:818) at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:634) at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method) or is there any method to search the offset from the exact values after this gg.searchNumber('123;456;789::2000',gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0) gg.searchNumber('123',gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0) gg.getResults(1) now after the result i want it going into the address value of that single result then search its offset then edit that address value from the offset of that single result. example from the address: 7C40DE78 = d.A 7C40DE7C = 123 7C40DE80 = 456 7C40DE84 = 789 so offset of 7C40DE7C going to 7C40DE78 is -8 while 123;456;789 are constant values i hope i explained right to what i want to happen on my script thanks.
  3. is free shop on v1.8.1 do work on v1.8.2 for buying resources like titanium,furnitures,etc? 2-7-3 pointing dont work on v1.8.2, i tried 4-4 pointing like buying free on shop, it makes my game crash tho or unable to click the gasoline purchases for gold. can anyone assist me? can pm or reply to this tnx in advance.
  4. are game files server saving already? i tried overwriting my newest edit on same uid with my old edited same uid. the newest files/edit are kept.
  5. moves are in reverse pattern and always 2 address of the same value must be edited to apply changes. example if you have 28 as max moves then = 0, use one move 27 = 1, use another move 26 = 2, ... etc... you also need to search the moves every level. found the rocket(1), bomb(2) and disco(3) they'r on (3);(2);(1): format on group search. maybe some pointers might do the change of value. didn't try it yet. somebody might help here. or i'm wrong ill try and add more edits if i'm not busy and or found more.
  6. same search i did 10400&12200 and went to address 829ae438 then goes to a very similar address location with the 10400's address for pointers. both goes to 801d4c10. idk what to change there so itried to search address 829ae438h and replace with the address similar with 10400's. nothing was change again with the purchase or with the gold value. looked also and scroll down below values 801d4c10, all same values. then i tried going to pointers of 801d4c10 and im lost there.
  7. therefore the entire thing is wrong until the 3rd pic? sorry im confused with the location your saying. and im trying to interchange first the output of what 10400&12200 items atm. but for the format your saying the paid should be on diff one like in ldoe.
  8. i think im lost but heres my testing. i searched for the 2 gold item, 10400;12200 went to 12200's address and then go to pointers of address 82924440 copied the address 82922700 for search 2values showed then i went to the other items address to do the same sequence copied the address to replace the other but after replacing nothing chanced, same item was bought i also tried doing it on address 82924438 on 2nd pic altho both items 10400;12200's addresses where pointing on same pointers address.
  9. thank you so much @NoFear ill see what i can do later
  10. heres what i found, ikeep searching both for dword, dont mind the 220000value on 1st pic couz that seems the shield value of kingsword instead of price value of raptor, now the gold purchase looks like the 2nd pic this 3rd pic shows that i actually edited the gold value. then if i search the address 8182cb40h on dword it gives 2values when edited affects the actual price of gold purchase. now this 4th pic shows the values on my country based price. i searched also in dword for both discounted ships price. 34199;68549:512. when search done only 1 of each values are found. but the when going to the address of the paid purchase it shows differently from this 5th pic to the 2nd pic. i also tried the $ value of paid purchase 5599;9999:2000 nothing shows on me. i thought that would make a match to the non iap if i found some values.
  11. i can change the gold value of non iap on shop, ill try more to find and change it into the paid one, tnx @NoFear
  12. isnt it the price of the iap i should search? the values of mine are 34199;68549.and when i goto the value 68549 the top picture shows. when i point the address of 81CA57BC the bottom pic shows indicating the item..
  13. <3 i group search value of 2 iap the discounted amount in dword. then goto the value of the wanted iap. idk why i cant find the value of ship gold purchase.
  14. i tried pointers copied the address of paid item into the gold purchase item. it made it unclickable first, on 2nd try it crashed the app. any tips?
  15. Name of Game: Play Store Link (If it's a paid app, the apk):https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.CubeSoftware.SpaceConflictGame&hl=en&referrer=utm_source%3Dgoogle%26utm_medium%3Dorganic%26utm_term%3Dplanet+commander+playstore&pcampaignid=APPU_1_JnfNWvzPG8S18QXatqCADw Version:1.16 What cheat? Health, xp, gold...:iap,gold,gem,exp,keys Have you tried cheating this game? What happened?:yes, gold gem exp keys seems to work with dword. Comments: anyone can assist how to buy iap using pointers? tnx in advance
  16. visual change on gold regular add to value while at freeze game on search. its server sided game too couz return on change. ihope somebody can help with pointers here or a good moder.
  17. whats playstore link? found it... lolz ill try, if no reply, cant play because of image or cant find any changes.
  18. confirmed able to transfer old v1.6.+++ plus modified acc into 1.7.+++ steps: 1) modify your acc in v1.6.+++ through methods of @NoFear 2) when satisfied download v1.7.+++ and obb of that version uploaded by @NoFear here on thread. 3) delete the file inside the folder android/obb/com.my.hawk.air.shooter 4) overwrite/install apk over the new version on old version. 5) extract and paste the downloaded obb file to path android/obb/com.my.hawk.air.shooter. now your old saved acc that is on your phone and connected to fb are still intact to the new version you installed enjoy playing :3 note and tips: this is the most basic manual installation, most games follow this, some affect android/data or even root path. goodluck
  19. still 1.6.x for me. im curious to 1.7 hehehe whats new with the update?
  20. it is possible with changing 100 into 50. but if no luck for you. if you found all 20adresses for ships shards near those values are values of brobots. though if you find all of the shards for brobots u have very less to do ingame
  21. is it updated already? I dont see any update on playstore
  22. gladly like that @NoFear and guys the key to do all of the steps, is if you follow the important steps or reverse (stepALPHA with step1a) ofcourse u need crystal, next u need to see actual values of what u need to search so u need to refresh the crystal contraband shop. tutorials by @NoFear's previews posts(needed to know/watch first before doing permanent ss plane method) 300;15470;9100::2000 is search for overdrive and crystal purchases (300value is always the same for overdrive like @NoFear have said ) 257;8750::41 is search for 12000exp on contraband by gold purchase(needed to see on contraband before search)(same with stepALPHA on buying permanent planes) good luck guys :3
  23. it still works start a campaign. 1)pause and search 0x4 2)resume use 1booster pause and search 1x4 3)resume use 1booster again pause and search 2x4 4)resume use 1booster again pause and search 3x4, if still max of 3booster exit the campaign. if u have morethan then continue the use1booster and search for 4x4 and/or so on until u find the address u want. 5)now if u exit couz of 3booster only play a campaign again pause and search for 0x4 repeat step 1-4 until your satisfied lolz. now do edit the above value to 0 edit the present value to 500. u will get -4e626 something and you can still use tons of overdrive booster lolz. or just freeze the 2values.
  24. owwwwww @NoFear I have a problem, I tried saving it for magic rebase but values is not the same when reset game tried trice, different values shown. maybe they're just the same with ending of +++++++C. though I learned that function can be useful to other games maybe :3 @Zaidos I failed using saved magic rebase, values differ each reset. follow my long method as of now xd.
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