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Everything posted by Zxrio

  1. It worked! thanks
  2. This does not help because what if people cant read Russian .
  3. Cooperb can you make a modded apk for trial extreme 3? Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
  4. When the play store opens no connection is all i see on it i have tried clearing the data and the cache.
  5. Only VIP can get it because you worked hard to make it right Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
  6. So when i says upgrade should you upgrade it or every thing would reset?
  7. So will this be able to hack online server games?
  8. ...
  9. So will this be only avaliable to the game guardian members? Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
  10. This is the easiest rooting methed for the Samgung Galaxy S3 & S2 S3: http://galaxys3root.com/ S2: http://galaxys2root.com/
  11. You can use freedom on Heroes of Order and Chaos i have tried it before.
  12. Yes i have rooted my phone.
  13. Can you give me the apk too?
  14. For the ZENONIA 5 can you do an exp hack?
  15. that is true.
  16. Hello, my username is zxrio and i am a new member here .
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