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Posts posted by Enyby

  1. Learn Lua and you can do stuff like this loader:

    math.random = function (m, n) return m end
    return loadfile(gg.getFile():gsub('[^/]*$', 'xHOMESCAPES_LORDKING.lua'), nil)()

    Place it in any file near xHOMESCAPES_LORDKING.lua and run. Now password always be same: 50 q chars. So you can input one time and use all other time Input history.

    Or you can go ahead and skip password at all:

    math.random = function (m, n) return m end
    local orig = gg.prompt
    gg.prompt = function (...)
    	local args = {...}
    	if args[1] then
    		for i, v in pairs(args[1]) do
    			local pass = string.rep('q', 50)
    			if v:find(pass) then
    				return {[i] = pass}
    	return orig(...)
    return loadfile(gg.getFile():gsub('[^/]*$', 'xHOMESCAPES_LORDKING.lua'), nil)()

    Learn Lua and you can do useful things.

  2. I am not shocked. I doubt in your words and think you mistakes. It is typical. You not a first with such statements.

    Only in public. Or I do it is for all community or I not do it at all.

  3. 1 hour ago, star360 said:

    and it's working fine

    Really? How you test it? Usually it is installed but you can not run anything inside it. You can run inside it Tap Counter?

  4. 55 minutes ago, star360 said:

    Do anything

    Do anything, but give me an apk signed with a test signature that will work fine.

    Until this happens, there will be no conversation.

  5. Find another difference by which you can determine which case it is. For example, a list of loaded libraries.
    Tomorrow, developers can apply the approach with 10 android, for older versions. And this will break your script if it relies on the version of android.

    You can make a lazy double search mechanism.
    The script looks for the presence of the saved search type in the config.
    If it isn’t empty, use this type. If the search is unsuccessful, it switches to another type.
    If it is empty there, it first conducts one search, and if it is unsuccessful, then the second.
    In any case, the type is saved in the config.
    This allows you to completely solve the problem.

  6. I dont understand. Or he is just kid, or he is pro level user which understand such things? What point of view I may use?

    And if just kid come to your house and make stupid things, dont be rude, ignore him. For example paint on your walls with pencil. It is just a kid. This is explain everything and allow him do anything. Right?

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