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    Galaxy Note 3
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  1. 1.2.42 and work well on phone now
  2. SB gamehacker is working at phone already??
  3. yah im intel core i3-2350m CPU but i must wait until it fits well on intel, bookmarked!
  4. i cant open castle clash is it required to sign up for gennemotion cloud or when you install gennemotion thats it the only need to open after is the jennehmotion 2.0 right?
  5. this one works! but how the 2.0 update do you have google link too?
  6. yah i click it already but after click next mega site is not prompting, site says connecting...
  7. i stuck in adfly cant go to mega site to download, is it only me?
  8. thank you, its my first time to get them and install gonna backread first
  9. should i downwload both? version 2.0 and version 2.0 update?
  10. hey pierre32 can you give this a try http://eshmor.com/framaroot-apk-app-android/ its an apk install it and read instruction thats a little hustle for me.
  11. if someone is hurry and cant wait for anon's mod, the guy name niceearl release a new mod 1.2.2 in public section but you can get the mod by pm your gmail to him. he's the one will be choosing if he wants to give it to you.
  12. Hi, it seems you having a hart time to there, i suggest you search only on google on how to root your phone. Android need to root first before you can use sbgh. If you have friend or neighbor know how to root android he can help you. But promise search google "how to root phone unit" follow every single instruction and you can do it all along. If flashing is your problem search it too on how to go on recovery mode ofyour phone.
  13. is there a way to increase our movement in cc? is someone knows kindly help me. i learned a lot in this forum for all those who received my thanks button your awesome i know now how to hack hp/damage and changing skills.
  14. if you like korean dramas here dramago.com Fighting! currently watching cunning single lady and hotel king
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