Sqrestreno can I get v3 please and anyone still having trouble pm me, p.s if 20:20:20:0 only some hero id's work any otger numbers and you make the difference and all heroes can be eddited including imortep, towers and troops also change to 1 shotbut have normal hp when you change heroes
It can be donr and if you have access to swedish servers your fine, or you can be a smary a** like myself and re route it through multiple hosts in multiple countries, nearly impossible to trace, if someone gets the source code/ files for castle clash I could do it, but without those files we better start sniffing for packets
Now thats a saying I like, were all smart enough to act stupid and therefore a giant communtiy of self proclamed whack jobs with too much inteligence for our own good were going to get aslong just fine, welcome
Thought I would formerly introduce myself, im a programming student currently in my second year, do a bit of modding on ios systems and develop/run mmorpg private servers in my spare time, been looking around the forums and hope my knowledge can help
Best bet for free gems is modding the ammount you get from free offers, they are rarely monitored so alot less chance of being banned, butIit requires alot of experience and time so it would be vip+
CoC is server sided, unless you can exploit a glitch via trainer or somebody wants to host a separate server so CoC and castle clash can behacked (untill relogging) gem, mana and gold values stay the same
All damage information ect and the calculations are all on the apk to save time on uneeded packets being sent but anything of value is server sided and unless you can decrypt the packets, edit and recrypt them before they hit the server its next to impossible to change these values
You can also use your direct debit as your primary catd which only requires you to be 16 where as all functioning credit cards require a minimum age of 18
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