you TG star 6 or lv6? star 6 mean lv 101-120, if lv6 mean star 1,
TG star 6 should be line 61, not 60. Notice that maybe your machine and mine is different, specially between bluestack and phone, my blustack and phone is not same, so you need find your number first, i tried Bluestack in 3 computers and the number is same, after hack HP, you will not see HP change, but your hero immortal already, you can go Dun for test, Notice that: if you hack 1 hero star 6, all that hero star 6 in game also hacked (include Dun, HBM) so that carefully choose hero, Dun, HBM to do, it is easy ^^, the best choice is hacking rarely heroes in game (TG, snow, pumkin, immo, death..), for HBM, if you hack at least 3 heroes in you hero base, your towers also are very powerfull, 1 hit 1 kill ^^