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kiynox last won the day on October 8

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    Xiaomi Redmi Note 3; OPPO F7; Realme C55; Samsung Galaxy J5
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  1. [ @moh4mmed ] --- Since you're mentioning "system", you're definitely need your own server/vps to create such authentication. There's a lot of tutorial for it already on Youtube on how to do it on server but on zygisk-imgui part, you need to do it yourself. The easiest approach is to include internet checking when the modules are being loaded, if you want using ui then I don't really know.
  2. [ @moh4mmed ] --- Find R1 from a couple of first instruction inside the method/function. Then you can use immediate float: example: mov r8, r1 change to: VMOV.F32 s0,#2.00000000 & VMOV R8, S0 --float 2 --- If you need more precision float, the instruction might be long, that's why you can allocate memory -> mimic the same instruction on allocated memory -> add the modified instruction -> jump into allocated memory from inside original method/function. Read more about here: ARM Patching
  3. [ @carlapiyo ] --- Have you download the modded apk from this thread? Game Guardian: Android 14 ---
  4. [ @qeon ] --- gg.searchNumber("233;5;100::9", gg.TYPE_DWORD) gg.refineNumber('233', gg.TYPE_DWORD) results = gg.getResults() gg.editAll('45000', gg.TYPE_DWORD) gg.clearResults() while(true) if gg.getValues({{address=results[1].address, flags=results[1].flags}}).value == '233' then gg.getValues(results) gg.editAll('45000', gg.TYPE_DWORD) gg.clearResults() gg.sleep(5000) --in milisecond (5 second) end It uses infinite loop to check the value every 5 second, if the value is '233' then it will change it again to '45000'. Adjust accordingly, this is just a concept. ---
  5. [ @Denver3D ] --- If you can't rewrite any values from the memory, it is probably because your value is on Read-Only memory region. You can probably record some footage and attach it here for us to see. ---
  6. [ @DoDevil ] --- You surely cant do that with classname or even method. It depends on how the game stored it's string. But the concept is like this: Search for string -> pointer -> may lead to method --- You need surely try with: IDA Pro. Or find anything that starts with: "PUSH" (Mostly PLT Function) or "ADD", it most likely the start of the function. ---
  7. [ @DaviMustang ] --- The problem is on "input". There's no variable / function named "input". As you know: input[1] Means you're getting the first result of an dictionary, where "input" must have been declared as dictionary variable: input = {1,2,3,4,5} gg.alert(tostring(input[1])) --- I've seen that you're using ";" which means it will be treated as grouped search. Probably you're looking something this: gg.searchNumber(1;2;2;2;2;123, gg.TYPE_DWORD) --- So then what is "input"?
  8. [ @JessePin2345 ] --- You can try to run the game on virtual machine, it offers more stable experience: 1) VPhoneGaGa 2) VMos Pro --- Or you can try switch into more lightweight emulator: 1) MuMuPlayer 2) GTArcade 3) Wakuoo And try to use these to rip your asset: 1) Ninja Ripper 2) SpecialK
  9. [ @AngelWolf ] --- So... we're in the same term then. ---
  10. [ @Yelay12 ] --- First of all, what you want is modulo (%). t = 43.0 gg.alert(tostring(t % 2)) --- You need to understand that "DOUBLE" is floating-point number, thus you might need to convert it first into integer/non-precision number using "tonumber()" t = 43.2 gg.alert(tostring(tonumber(t) % 2)) --- Using "tonumber()" isn't really necessary, you can directly calculate it. Mine works: gg.searchNumber(43, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE) t = gg.getResults(1) if t ~= nil then gg.alert(tostring(t[1].value % 2)) end ---
  11. [ @Anto2938 ] --- Read: Game Guardian: Android 14 ---
  12. [ @AngelWolf ] --- Bruh, the point from all of that is: The user didn't know wether the emulator is x32/x64 -> then try to force with x64 lib -> if fail, then it is x32. And you're partially correct, but some x64 do support x32. That's why you can either force it to x64 or x32. ---
  13. [ @FOTE ] --- Literally anywhere you want. In Game Guardian -> section -> button -> "..." button -> then locate where the file is yourself. --- If your Game Guardian unable to access Internal Storage, then execute this command on: Termux su setenforce 0 Game Guardian -> "Fix It" Button -> Switch to work with SELinux ---
  14. [ @_core ] --- It is intentional and not because of Android, but because GG itself prevent you to execute system command. This is to protect user privacy, imagine someone stole all of your datas inside your phone because you run encrypted lua script that you downlod from the internet. And yes, this include io, coroutine, etc. Read more about it here: LUA GG ---
  15. [ @PolloSancocho90 ] --- Yes, you can purely doing it on Android. To compile your custom hook use: AIDE but off course you need to put your hook directly inside the game apk. Doing it through OpenGL directly sounds complicated, you can also try the way you did (by editing video memory). You can refer to my answer #1 and #3 above. ---
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