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Everything posted by HorridModz

  1. HorridModz

    hex converter

    I wish I would have used this - it would have saved ages! Here's my solution: function armtohex(fullarm) progressalert("Converting edit value",false) fullhex = "" --Thanks to Enyby for the original arm hex converter I used code from: -- https://gameguardian.net/forum/files/file/2004-arm-converter/ for arm in string.gmatch(fullarm,'[^\r\n]+') do progressalert("Converting edit value",false) local addr = gg.getRangesList('libc.so') for i, v in ipairs(addr) do if v.type:sub(2,2) == 'w' then addr = {{address = v.start, flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD}} end end if not addr[1].address then print("Error occured converting arm code to hex: Failed to get address ", addr) gg.setVisible(true) os.exit() end if is64bit then --Armv8 (64bit) local old = gg.getValues(addr) addr[1].value = '~A8 '..arm local ok, err = pcall(gg.setValues, addr) local out if not ok then err = err:gsub("^.* '1': ", ''):gsub('\nlevel = 1.*$', '') print("Error occured converting arm code to hex: " .. err) gg.setVisible(true) os.exit() else out = gg.getValues(addr) out = out[1].value & 0xFFFFFFFF gg.setValues(old) if not hex then out = string.unpack('>I4', string.pack('<I4', out)) end out = string.format('%08X', out) fullhex = fullhex .. out end else --Armv7 (32bit) local old = gg.getValues(addr) addr[1].value = '~A '..arm local ok, err = pcall(gg.setValues, addr) local out if not ok then err = err:gsub("^.* '1': ", ''):gsub('\nlevel = 1.*$', '') print("Error occured converting arm code to hex: " .. err) gg.setVisible(true) os.exit() else out = gg.getValues(addr) out = out[1].value & 0xFFFFFFFF gg.setValues(old) if not hex then out = string.unpack('>I4', string.pack('<I4', out)) end out = string.format('%08X', out) fullhex = fullhex .. out end end end return(fullhex) end function hextodecimal(hex) progressalert("Converting edit value",false) --Remove spaces, then reverse bytes (ex: A1 B1 -> B1A1) oldhex = string.gsub(tostring(hex)," ","") hex = "" thisbyte = "" for letterindex = 1, #oldhex do thisbyte = thisbyte .. oldhex:sub(letterindex,letterindex) if #thisbyte == 2 then hex = thisbyte .. hex thisbyte = "" end end if not(string.sub(hex,1,2) == "0x") then hex = "0x" .. hex end return(tonumber(hex)) --[[ --thanks to ItsSC for this function (found at https://gameguardian.net/forum/topic/31634-converting-decimal-to-hex/) hex = tonumber(hex) gg.alert(tostring(tonumber(hex >= 0 and string.format("%X", tonumber(hex)) or string.format("%X", (hex~ 0xffffffffffffffff <<((math.floor(math.log(math.abs(hex))/math.log(10)) + 1) *4))),16))) return(tonumber(hex >= 0 and string.format("%X", tonumber(hex)) or string.format("%X", (hex~ 0xffffffffffffffff <<((math.floor(math.log(math.abs(hex))/math.log(10)) + 1) *4))),16)) --]] end
  2. Good idea, but I have do not plan to add the feature to edit specific rewards to different things No
  3. You have a github account? Awesome, I love github. What's your username?
    Awesome script, and very useful! But there's a big problem with this script. The problem is that in the instructions, you give unclear instructions and I do not get exactly what to do and why. It would be awesome if you could more thoroughly test it and find out exsctly what to do and why. Also, it would be a lot easier to use if you used gg.alert and gg.sleep to guide the user through the process step by step.
  4. View File Pixel Gun 3D ALL UPDATE Custom Lottery + Sets Hack (32bit and 64bit) The script has been patched, but @Michael1541 went through a lot of effort to make an updated version for the community! Switch to that one instead: PG3D Lottery and Sets script updated - LUA scripts - GameGuardian @Michael1541's updated version has also been patched . Want to update the script yourself? I have created a lotto sets template! Notice: Armv7 (32bit) is not currency supported, because I grinded 18 hours to make this and I'm really burnt out. But it should be finished in a few days. Update: I said I would add Armv7 (32bit) support in a few days when this script was first released, but it never came out. I know a lot of people are upset about this. The reason is that I tried multiple times to make it work but kept encountering bugs and running into issues. Sorry to all the 32bit users! Contact Me: User123456789#6424 on discord Disclaimer: This script is bannable! Getting too much currency within a certain time frame will flag your account as suspicous and you will be banned in the next ban wave. I recommend only getting at most 10,000 gems per day, or your account will have a high risk of being banned. Even if you do play it safe, you can still be banned. Warning: Using the custom value option and setting the reward values to over 45,000 will instantly ban you! After almost 18 hours straight of work, and a completely sleepless night, I finally present: Pixel Gun 3D All Update Custom Lottery and Set Event Hack! This is not the ordinary lotto sets script. Here's what unique about it: -This script will work on all game updates (the lowest game version tested is 22.4.3, but downgrading is impossible anyway), even future updates -The script supports various values, and lets you enter a custom value if it does not have what you want. Currently, only whole numbers (no decimal values like 1.5) in the range of 0 to 65536 are supported. -This script supports devices with both armv7 (32bit) and armv8 (64bit) architectures -This script employs multiple searches, to ensure that only the correct value is edited, and as a backup in case the mIain search does not work -This script has a small antiban feature that warns you when you try to edit the reward values over 45,000 I really hope you enjoy, and that this was worth staying up until 5 AM for! Submitter HorridModz Submitted 08/20/2022 Category LUA scripts  
  5. Version 1.0.0


    UPDATED 24.3.2: https://gameguardian.net/forum/files/file/3887-updated-pg3d-2432-actual-32bit-support-pixel-gun-3d-all-update-custom-lottery-rewards-hack-32bit-and-64bit/ The script has been patched, but @Michael1541 went through a lot of effort to make an updated version for the community! Switch to that one instead: PG3D Lottery and Sets script updated - LUA scripts - GameGuardian @Michael1541's updated version has also been patched . Want to update the script yourself? I have created a lotto sets template! Notice: Armv7 (32bit) is not currency supported, because I grinded 18 hours to make this and I'm really burnt out. But it should be finished in a few days. Update: I said I would add Armv7 (32bit) support in a few days when this script was first released, but it never came out. I know a lot of people are upset about this. The reason is that I tried multiple times to make it work but kept encountering bugs and running into issues. Sorry to all the 32bit users! Contact Me: User123456789#6424 on discord Disclaimer: This script is bannable! Getting too much currency within a certain time frame will flag your account as suspicous and you will be banned in the next ban wave. I recommend only getting at most 10,000 gems per day, or your account will have a high risk of being banned. Even if you do play it safe, you can still be banned. Warning: Using the custom value option and setting the reward values to over 45,000 will instantly ban you! After almost 18 hours straight of work, and a completely sleepless night, I finally present: Pixel Gun 3D All Update Custom Lottery and Set Event Hack! This is not the ordinary lotto sets script. Here's what unique about it: -This script will work on all game updates (the lowest game version tested is 22.4.3, but downgrading is impossible anyway), even future updates -The script supports various values, and lets you enter a custom value if it does not have what you want. Currently, only whole numbers (no decimal values like 1.5) in the range of 0 to 65536 are supported. -This script supports devices with both armv7 (32bit) and armv8 (64bit) architectures -This script employs multiple searches, to ensure that only the correct value is edited, and as a backup in case the mIain search does not work -This script has a small antiban feature that warns you when you try to edit the reward values over 45,000 I really hope you enjoy, and that this was worth staying up until 5 AM for!
  6. HorridModz

    Change Price

    Thanks for trying to help, but he is also trying to help. Maybe you think your method is better, but we should all be allowed to contribute our methods. Do not try to denounce someone else's advice. This is also quite hypocritical of you because your method also involves editing a large number of values. I have another method. Another way to find the value you want is by group search. If there are multiple items in the shop, try searching multiple of these items with ";" in between (ex: if there is an offer 50 coins for item a and an offset 100 coins for item b, search 50;100 instead of just 50). A group search will only return values that are close together. In something like a shop, the different offers are usually close together in memory because they belong to the same elements of the game.
  7. Don't take things for granted. If you can't find a currency script, you can: -Learn modding and create your own -Buy currency through in-app purchases -Grind the game for currency
  8. Please do not comment something completely unrelated to the script. If you have a question, comment on the script the question is for or direct message me.
  9. I don't Sorry I currently have no anti-cheat bypass That's what this script is for, I'm confused...
  10. Thanks so much for the awesome tutorial, you made ida pro (a very overwhelming tool) seem easy to use and helped me mod a function with ida pro. I do have one question: I was confused on this line: I am using arm64 (armv8), and my target function has four lines of code. For lines should be very comfortable for returning whatever value I want. However, I am kind of stuck on how. The Mul command looks like it doesn't exist in arm64.
  11. HorridModz


    I don't fully understand it, but it is a tool, not a standalone script. You call the functions when you need them. Edit the code to call and print the functions you want to try out. You can also read the github.
  12. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  13. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  14. Ha! We are almighty hackers! We should have every gun in the game just because we can xD 1. It will come out when it comes out. You should try to do other things while you wait for public mods to use in a game - there is more to life. 2. No. If I did, I would put it here.
  15. I thanked you in the review you made, but thanks again for the kind words. No, clan items are not lost if you leave a clan. However, clan armor cannot be uaed if you are not in a clan with that league or higher (ie golden division armor cannot be used in wooden division clan). Luckoly I was able to answer this question. But these are game mechanics, so consulting the pixel gun fandom wiki or asking fellow pg3d players is a better way to get answers to questions like this. It does work. I am just curios - If you can't test / use it, why does it affect you whether it works or not? No offense!
  16. Can you say the issue you are experiencing? The script should still work on 22.5.4. 1. It will come out when it comes out. You should try to do other things while you wait for public mods to use in a game - there is more to life. 2. No. If I did, I would put it here.
  17. I just gave you a general guide. If you do not understand, you are on the perfect website to learn modding It works decent enough for 22.5.1. I just gave you a general guide. If you do not understand, you are on the perfect website to learn modding Weapon unlocker works on all versions, but when a new script update comes out, it is still best to update to get the improvements It works decent enough for 22.5.1. I just gave you a general guide. If you do not understand, you are on the perfect website to learn modding
  18. It is possible, but price is server sided and will kick you. If you can someone bypass the kick, you can change the price not by modifying the unlocking, but modifying the price itself. The easiest way to do this is to hex patch the price of everything (can found in the ItemPrice class) Mentioning gameguardian mods is against the website's rules. I don't know why it is, but it is. I would delete that comment before your account gets banned.
  19. Thanks for helping! My code does the same thing, but now @XkPPhas options! They can choose whichever one they understand the most.
  20. You update it for 22.5.1, I don't feel like it. Don't rely on free modders for weapons in a block game.
  21. Weapons that you unlock at level 65 (see here: https://pixelgun.fandom.com/wiki/Veteran_Chest) These weapons are risky because if you are not level 65, it is impossible to legitimately have them - meaning you can be reported by other players.
  22. Ah ok. Here's code for that: The code may have some errors. It works by building an array of all the values you selected, and removing any results that do not have any of those values. local function contains(item,array) local index local value for index, value in ipairs(array) do if value == item then return true end end return false end local menu = gg.multiChoice(val,nil,"") if menu == nil then os.exit() -- user clicked 'cancel' end valid = {} local index = 0 while index < #menu do index = index + 1 if menu[index] then valid[#valid + 1] = val[index] end end results = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) for result in results do if not(contains(result.value,results)) then gg.removeResults(result) end end
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