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Files posted by HorridModz

  1. Pixel Gun 3D Weapon Unlocker

    Unlock almost all guns in pixel gun 3d!
    Notice: This script is abandoned. I will not be updating, maintaining, or helping with it. Please do not ask me for help finding ids, report bugs with the script, or ask for help using it.
    Update: @red091753has adopted this script and is actively maintaining and updating it: PG3D all weapon unlocker - LUA scripts - GameGuardian. If you have any feedback, suggestions, or questions, ask there, not here.
    Armor unlock script is done and will be coming soon!
    Weapon spoofer script is done and will be coming soon!
    Unlock at your level instead of level 1 script is done and will be coming soon!
    Use illegal weapons like bone knife script is done and will be coming soon!
    Unlock UNCOMMON GUNS script is done and will be coming soon!
    Do you want necklace of the ice king, spirit staff, and ultimatum? How about heart of volcano, desert fighter, and iron sword? No? Maybe ice paws, activity neutralizer, and cyclops sling?
    Unlock all your dream guns with pixel gun 3d weapon unlocker, with only the click of a button!
    This hack comes with 500 of the most wanted weapons!
    4.3 is now out! And it has 5 times as many buyable weapons!
    -Some weapons do not have buy buttons. If a weapon does not have a buy button, you cannot buy it (Update: In 22.4.0, the devs unpatched it and now they all do!)
    -This mod does not get you the guns for free. You still need currency. However, I am working on a currency hack at the moment! I will post it once it is done.
    -This script takes about 10-50 minutes because it has to search and edit about 2000 values.
    -You can manually add your own ids if you have extra ids, or if you just don't want to wait for all the ids.
    Contact me:
    User123456789#6424 on discord.
    Script 100% by me (HorridModz)
    Some weapon IDs by me, but about 80% are by my friends. G_M#5963 is the only one who wants credit.


       (12 reviews)



  2. Pixel Gun 3D Speedhack PRO

    Video coming soon!
    By User123456789#6424 (discord)
    After weeks of hard work, the finished version is finally here! It has 35 options!
    Control time in pixel gun 3d!  You can use speed for many hacks, including freezing match time, rapid fire, and gadget spam! If you want to run fast, remove pullout delay, spam gadgets, rapid fire, control match time, or whatever other hack you want, this script is for you! The possibilities are limitless. No other currently working and public hack is able to do this!
    This hack comes in two versions: Lite and Pro. With lite, you can only choose from a limited number of speeds, and you can only edit the value once per game session. With pro, you can change the value to whatever you want, as much as you want. This includes setting negative time, and freezing time.
    Guide to using script:
    The script instructions are self-explanatory.
    To edit the match time, you must be the host of the match.
    I do not know exactly how to be the host. However, if you do duels, you will have a 50% chance to be the host. If you make a private duel, the person who creates it will have a 100% chance to be the host.
    Some hacks may get you kicked.
    Rapid firing or gadget spamming too quickly will get you kicked. Rapid firing is advised to be used on low fire rate weapons like melees and snipers. Using rapid fire on a automatic primary will get you instantly kicked. My recommended weapons (high capacity and low fire rate) are ultimatum, laser bow, and proud eagle. Rest assured, however: You will not get banned, no matter what.
    Suggested uses:
    -Use high speed to remove delay.
    -Use high speed, a one-shot sniper, aiming assistance, and auto-shooting to quickly kill any enemies who approach you.
    -Use high speed in duel to quickly farm wins.
    -Use low speed to easily complete difficult parkour.
    -Use high speed to rapid fire or spam gadgets.
    -Use low speed to make gadgets like denied, rocket mech, and biotic shield last longer.
    -Use low speed to make spawn protection infinite.
    -Use low speed to make boosts like damage boost from teammate's weapons and invisibility from clock of night last longer.
    -Use low speed to hover in midair - especially useful in block crash!
    Credits are in script.


       (1 review)



  3. Township Helicopter Hacker

    With this simple script, easily hack township helicopter orders! You can use this to mod gold, exp, and money!
    -Super easy to use - nothing needs to be done manually
    -Hack gold, money, and exp
    -Freezes orders so every single order you send will give you the modified rewards
    -Has an anti-ban system - it will prevent you from getting banned from modified orders 
    -Works on all versions of the game
    WARNING: Getting to over 25k dollars will usually result in a ban due to you having abnormally high currency.
    Contact Me: User123456789#6424 on discord
    Credits are in the script
    Township mega hack is coming soon!


       (0 reviews)



  4. UPDATED PG3D 24.3.2+ + ACTUAL 32bit SUPPORT - Pixel Gun 3D ALL UPDATE Custom Lottery Rewards Hack (32bit and 64bit)

    Contact Me:
    User123456789#6424 / @horridmodz on discord
    Ahhh, it's finally here! Over a year and a half after posting the original, and many, many requests, it's back! I promised to get this done today, and here it is, just barely in time. Since it's been so long, I am posting this update as a new thread.
    I've been meaning to update this for a while; and I'm sorry for such a looong wait. But this should be the last time you have to wait - because, if my crazy WIP All Update Script Generator tool works as well as I hope, this will be made so resilient it's practically unpatchable!

    So, here we are. The script is the same as last time, but with some minor improvements - and 32bit support! Unfortunately, I couldn't get 32bit custom values to work, but I got the predetermined values working. I was finally able to figure out that the issues I've been having are actually not my fault, but a limitation with the way lua itself handles integers - to get technical, the 32bit edit values exceed lua's integer limit, but the 64bit ones do not. I tried to workaround this, but just couldn't do it. However, a big rework of the script that I have planned, which changes the way editing is done, will fix this problem.
    I finally updated this script because I have time over spring break. Shoutout to @dizzy252for sending a request to update the script that I coincidentally saw right before spring break started - if it hadn't been for him, I probably wouldn't have had the thought to do this! Alongside this script, I've in the process of developing a revolutionary tool that creates resilient all update scripts; all you have to do is input your offset or hex and it spits out the full script. If you're interested, here's a sneak peak: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVwODQcSy4A
    Want to update the script yourself? I have created a lotto sets template! 
    Disclaimer: This script is bannable! Getting too much currency within a certain time frame will flag your account as suspicious and you will be banned in the next ban wave. I recommend only getting at most a few thousand gems per day, or your account will have a high risk of being banned. Even if you do play it safe, you can still be banned.
    By the way, due to a rework of sets by the developers, sets no longer work. Only lottery rewards are modified.
    Warning: Using the custom value option and setting the reward values to over 45,000 will instantly ban you! 
    This is not an ordinary lottery script. Here's what unique about it:
    -This script will work on all game updates (the lowest game version tested is 22.4.3, but downgrading is impossible anyway), even future updates
    -The script supports various values, and lets you enter a custom value (currently custom values do not work for 32bit) if it does not have what you want. Currently, only whole numbers (no decimal values like 1.5) in the range of 0 to 65536 are supported.
    -This script supports both 32bit and 64bit devices
    -This script has a small antiban feature that warns you when you try to edit the reward values over 45,000


       (1 review)



  5. Pixel Gun 3D ALL UPDATE Custom Lottery + Sets Hack (32bit and 64bit)

    UPDATED 24.3.2: https://gameguardian.net/forum/files/file/3887-updated-pg3d-2432-actual-32bit-support-pixel-gun-3d-all-update-custom-lottery-rewards-hack-32bit-and-64bit/
    The script has been patched, but @Michael1541 went through a lot of effort to make an updated version for the community! Switch to that one instead: PG3D Lottery and Sets script updated - LUA scripts - GameGuardian
    @Michael1541's updated version has also been patched 😭.
    Want to update the script yourself? I have created a lotto sets template! 
    Notice: Armv7 (32bit) is not currency supported, because I grinded 18 hours to make this and I'm really burnt out. But it should be finished in a few days.
    Update: I said I would add Armv7 (32bit) support in a few days when this script was first released, but it never came out. I know a lot of people are upset about this. The reason is that I tried multiple times to make it work but kept encountering bugs and running into issues. Sorry to all the 32bit users!
    Contact Me:
    User123456789#6424 on discord
    Disclaimer: This script is bannable! Getting too much currency within a certain time frame will flag your account as suspicous and you will be banned in the next ban wave. I recommend only getting at most 10,000 gems per day, or your account will have a high risk of being banned. Even if you do play it safe, you can still be banned.
    Warning: Using the custom value option and setting the reward values to over 45,000 will instantly ban you! 
    After almost 18 hours straight of work, and a completely sleepless night, I finally present:
    Pixel Gun 3D All Update Custom Lottery and Set Event Hack!
    This is not the ordinary lotto sets script. Here's what unique about it:
    -This script will work on all game updates (the lowest game version tested is 22.4.3, but downgrading is impossible anyway), even future updates
    -The script supports various values, and lets you enter a custom value if it does not have what you want. Currently, only whole numbers (no decimal values like 1.5) in the range of 0 to 65536 are supported.
    -This script supports devices with both armv7 (32bit) and armv8 (64bit) architectures
    -This script employs multiple searches, to ensure that only the correct value is edited, and as a backup in case the mIain search does not work
    -This script has a small antiban feature that warns you when you try to edit the reward values over 45,000
    I really hope you enjoy, and that this was worth staying up until 5 AM for!


       (5 reviews)



  6. Pixel Gun 3D Lottery Sets Template

    Unlike the all updates version, this script does support Armv7 (32bit).
    Contact Me:
    User123456789#6424 on discord
    Disclaimer: This script is bannable! Getting too much currency within a certain time frame will flag your account as suspicous and you will be banned in the next ban wave. I recommend only getting at most 2,000 gems per day, or your account will have a high risk of being banned. Even if you do play it safe, you can still be banned.
    Warning: Using the custom value option and setting the reward values to over 45,000 will instantly ban you!
    While my all updates lottery sets script will work for multiple versions, the devs like to patch it manually. So, I decided to make an alternative.
    This is a template for updating lottery sets yourself!
    -Supports various values, and lets you enter a custom value if it does not have what you want. Currently, only whole numbers (no decimal values like 1.5) in the range of 0 to 65536 are supported.
    -Supports devices with both armv7 (32bit) and armv8 (64bit) architectures
    -This script has a small antiban feature that warns you when you try to edit the reward values over 45,000
    This script will only work for one update, but unlike the all updates version, it's really easy to update the script yourself. Just open up the file in a text editor, and you will be greeted with some data to fill in: The 32bit and 64bit hex values, game version, and your name (optional).
    The hard work is obtaining these hex values. While it's very easy to do yourself, you will have to be experienced with hex patching in order to update it. Here's my favorite beginner-friendly hex patching tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAK7rRhmTG4&t=41s&ab_channel=PMTDVA.
    If you have any questions about how to do this, feel free to contact me on discord!
    While it is possible to make this template work for all updates, it would require a lot of work. I may eventually make this, but don't count on it.


       (1 review)



  7. Dynamic Value Remover

    This is a simple tool that spams value unchanged search on your search results.
    It is useful when you have a bunch of results, and want to narrow them down.


       (0 reviews)



  8. Pixel Gun 3D Zoom Hack

    Contact me on discord: User123456789#6424
    Youtube demo:
    PG3D Zoom Hack Demo - YouTube
    This is a simple zoom hack for pixel gun 3d. It lets you zoom in and out. It's not very useful, but it was fun to make and hopefully will be fun to use.
    Both the script and the way I found this hack are inspired by @Platonic.
    This script was made on a 64bit device for version 22.5.0. I don't know if this will work on version 22.5.1 or on armv7 devices. Please tell me if it does or not!
    Sometimes, multiple values are found. If you want only one value to be found, try running the script when the game is around 5-60% loaded.
    I used this to make an xray hack! Download it here:


       (1 review)



  9. Pixel Gun 3D Xray Hack

    Youtube Demo:
    Made with my pixel gun 3d zoom hack (read that post before downloading this script):
    Pixel Gun 3D Zoom Hack - LUA scripts - GameGuardian
    Make sure to run this script when the game is around 5-60% loaded.
    If it doesn't work, try restarting the game and retrying.
    This script was made on a 64bit device for version 22.5.0. I don't know if this will work on version 22.5.1 or on armv7 devices. Please tell me if it does or not!


       (0 reviews)



  10. PG3D Godmode Hack (All Updates)

    Youtube demo:
    PG3D Godmode Demo - YouTube
    Contact me on discord: User123456789#6424
    This script gives you godmode in pixel gun 3d! Just activate the script while in a match and you will be immune to damage!
    Thanks to poggersbutnot (don't try to contact him, he's gone) for the godmode method. I just made it into a script.


       (0 reviews)

    1 comment


  11. PG3D Trap Value Remover

    Fear trap values no more! Edit anything without ban or crash!
    Contact me:
    User123456789#6424 on discord
    What are trap values?
    One of the many ways the developers protect their game from gameguardian hacks is having the game automatically generate 'trap values'. Trap values are values that mimic real values that store game data, but actually instantly ban you when you edit them.
    This script removes trap values, so you can edit things safely.
    What does the script do, and how does it work?

    This script has two features: Useless value removal and trap value removal.                                                                                                                                                                   
    To remove useless values, it removes every dword value that is not in the range of encrypted values. This feature may not always be 100% accurate, but it should work most of the time.
    To remove trap values, it uses very simple logic which relies on bad game design (which is why almost all pg3d scripts exist xD). I found out through testing that trap values are placed multiple times in memory. However, real values should only appear once, or rarely a couple times. The script simply searches each values and removes any value that a bunch of results come up for. There may be exceptions, so this method isn't 100% accurate.
    How to use the script:
    Just run the script when you have values in your search results, and the script will put all of the values that are not trap values or useless values into the saved list. You can then use "selected as search result" to put the results back in.
    Practical uses of the script:
    -Finding weapon ids for pixel gun 3d weapon unlocker without getting banned by trap values
    -Using fuzzy search to find encrypted values, then using the script to remove useless and trap values
    -Using a value encryption disabler or value decryptor hack (if you have one) and only editing real values
    The script is coded and the method is invented 100% by me
    The UI is heavily inspired by DarkOctet#5778
    Q: What is a trap value?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            A: See the 'what are trap values' tab in the script.                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Q: Why are the time left and percent processed counters so inaccurate?                                                                                                                                                                            A: The script uses multiple optimizations to run faster. It has to do more work on some values than others. The script may progressively get faster, get stuck for a long time on some areas, or go really fast on some areas because of this. The time left counter expects all values to need to be tested, but sometimes the script already knows a value is not a trap value. The 'Remove Useless Values' option will make the script run so much faster that it may halve the time left counter each second, in some cases!
    Q: Why does the script say it is processing less results than I originally had?                                                                                                                                                                    A: When you have the 'Remove Useless Values' option enabled, the script automatically removes values that it knows aren't trap values or useful values before it checks each one by one. For some values, the script does not know until it checks one by one.
    Q: Why does the script take so long?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      A: The script has many optimizations to speed it up, and a progress monitor to try to make it easier to sit through. Still, though, it may take a while - because it has to do tests on each value, one by one. The script is designed for you only having at most a few thousand values.                                                                                                                           Q: Is this script 100% safe?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     A: No. The script uses all the methods I know of to remove trap values, but that doesn't mean there won't be mistakes. I don't know how effective this script is for removing trap values, but I know it works.to some degree. If you have under 100 results after running the script, it should be safe to edit, but I can't guarantee it.                                        Q: How does this script work?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              A: See the 'How Script Works' section in the script.                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Q: What is considered a useless value?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  A: Any value that is not in the range of encrypted values is a useless value, because generally all useful values are encrypted. If a value isn't encrypted, don't use this script!    Q: How long did this script take?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              A: A week, about 12 hours of combined work, and 3 very late nights. I put in a lot of effort to make these free script, thanks for asking!
    Still have questions, comments, or concerns? Contact User123456789#6424 on discord!


       (1 review)



  12. PG3D Armor Unlocker

    Finally! After months of promising to upload it, I finally am!
    With PG3D Armor Unlocker, unlock your dream armors in seconds!
    -Compatible with all game versions
    -Supported on all devices, regardless of android version or arm.
    -Comes with 5 mythical armors
    -Has a custom unlock feature where you can unlock your own, just by the name!
    -Has an unlock all option
    -Easy to use
    Tips and tricks:
    -As of 22.4.0, you sadly cannot buy armor that is unlocked by parts
    -Armor price varies by level. If an armor is too expensive, try using a lower level account.
    -Having armor such as dev armor at a low level or with a recent id can be bannable in rare cases, if someone reports you
    -This script goes hand-in-hand with PG3D Weapon Unlocker!


       (8 reviews)



  13. Pixel Gun 3D Ammo Hack 22.4.0

    Youtube video is out!
    Pixel Gun 3D Ammo Hack!
    Just run the script and your ammo will NEVER run out!
    This script does not visually effect ammo. It just makes it so shooting does not use ammo.
    Only compatible with 64-bit (armv8) devices.
    Only works on game version 22.4.0.
    Abusing this script may be bannable if you are reported! To prevent bans, use high capacity weapons so people cannot tell you are hacking! If you are spam firing a gun with a low capacity, such as debts collector, solar flare, or signal pistol, people will easily know you are hacking.


       (0 reviews)



  14. Pixel Gun 3D Godmode Hack

    Enable and disable godmode in pixel gun 3d!
    This script will make you 100% invincible! You can still die from going off the map though.
    This hack will only work on 64bit android devices. To see if your device is 64bit, download a simple 64bit checker app from the app store.
    I am sorry for not uploading anything for a long time. I have been busy working on many scripts - especially pixel gun weapon unlocker! I had this script sitting around, so I figured I'd post it!
    Contact me: User123456789#6424 on discord.


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