Version 1.0
This script consists of a module (Lua code organized in certain way) for finding addresses of native libraries that are loaded directly from apk (which is the case when android:extractNativeLibs manifest attribute is set to "false") and several examples of how to use the module. The script works only for 64-bit processes.
Finding name of libraries in the script is implemented by checking soname of memory regions that are loaded from apk (including splits), contents of which resemble library in ELF format. Libraries that don't have soname specified won't be found by the script. Though, typically, main libraries of interest in games have soname specified, so the script should be applicable in most cases when libraries are loaded directly from apk. If a library has soname specified, but the script doesn't find it, generate debug log (example 3 from the file) from attempt to find the library and include it in the comment with report of the issue.