So I believe this game already has all your dice rolls calculated for your account. Server already knows where you'll land on your next roll.
I believe minigames, outcomes are already determined before you even land on them (pre determined like all your dice rolls).
Wouldn't it be nice to know how much your next roll would've won, then you would've done multiplier to maximize.......
Well, that's just what this is going to be about.
To see your future rolls/minigames, you'll have game open and switch to offline mode.
Using a root file explorer navigate to here: /data/data/com.scopely.monopolygo/files/
Each turn you take a file is generated, something like this:
When you reconnect, it'll send these and get your account synced. If you get prompted no connection, you can click back to remove message and tap roll really quick.
So you can roll indefinitely and write down/log all your rolls. Even if you stay on one board logging it all. When you switch to a new board, your dice roll continues. Not like a new board, new roll pattern.
When you land on a spot that gives a good size reward. You can delete those .ca files, close, restart game online and use max multiplier to really bonus up those wins.
Bank Heist, don't think you had a chance of picking the right combination.... No matter where you selected, what flips over, will always be same when you play it again. So if I flipped coin, ring, cash, cash, ring, cash. When I go to play again, it's going to be that exact order.
See attached video.
I'm honestly really disappointed in my findings with this developer. It feels like a scam of a game and you're not really "playing". It's basically scripted and if you do x1, x5, x10 at ideal times, that's about the only user "input" that seems to have a chance on the outcome.