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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/10/2019 in all areas

  1. You can download the open source version of his script and update the code for yourself, or you wait till he fix the script lel
    1 point
  2. Hello! First of all thank you for providing the script to us in the first place Secondly I've just tested the newest version of (the script that you have just uploaded) (SBF 2.1.0) on the same version of bullet force 1.63.1 (641) still it's not working at all nothing seem to be working I've tested everything and I have a rooted device I tried all different hacks nothing seem to be working
    1 point
  3. Version 1.0.0


    This is for beginners.All type of script menus at one place.Script has inbuilt all types of basic menu templates.Just run the script and select your choice , the template will be copied to your clipboard , just paste in new file and make your changes.It makes writing scripts very easy , just small changes and your script is ready.
    1 point
    Keep it up! Nice work. Would like to help in other field like basic offset scripting, inbox me if you need :).
    1 point
    Hello bro the script isn't working on the latest version of the game since it has been updated to 64bit Please do something about it Thank you !
    1 point
  4. Hi guys. After 4 days trying all the methods of how to modify the notebooks, I never thought it was so easy and simple. The only thing they have to do is to obtain notebooks is to raise a creature of level and do diffuse search with DWord and when raising levels the magical creatures (if possible with the hack that Helskrim offered I think it was called I leave you link better of the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAKLXuMQ19E well once you do the hack before collecting the rewards in which they give you notebooks you make the fuzzy search and add the number of notebooks that you collect with N = 0 + D until you match the number of the corresponding color boxes and go to the address and change the value you want and value 4 lower than would be the (value) X8 code XOR. and when I collect Magic, it will take me 4 days to obtain the results, but here I share the achievement. Enjoy it. NoFear I still await your response hahahaha good vibes. Peace.
    1 point
  5. Version 4.5


    V3 Released. Some features removed, some fixed. Features Free weapons in bomb defuse Magic bullets Big hitboxes Aimbot Jump 1-4 Speed x2-x10 FoV No Clip Wall Climb Spin Bot (purely for laughs hard to move.) Chams (white & black) Big mini map No recoil Fire Rate Burst Mode Invisible One hit kill Weapon Spawner Crouch Jump ________________ Here's a video of the script Credits to- Me, & the rest of the FA cheating community for pub cheats, for that reason this cheat is open source.
    -1 points
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